Chapter Five

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Chapter Five
A Date

~ Y/N P.O.V ~


I admitted defeat to Kurumi as I sat on one side of the coffee table.

We were looking down at our menus until I decided what I wanted and put it down.

"Do you know what you want to order?" I asked Kurumi.

She placed her menu down and nodded slowly.

"Okay," I replied.

I held my hand up, signalling for a waiter to come by.

"Hello! What would you two like to order today?"

I looked up at the waiter. "Could I have the lemon cheesecake?"

The waiter nodded. "What about you ma'am?"

Kurumi smiled as she pointed at something on her menu. "The same, please."

The waiter nodded again as he wrote on his notepad. "Is that all?"

I looked to Kurumi as she nodded. "Yes."

As the waiter left, the both of us were in silence.

"Kurumi," I spoke up. I think I startled her.

"Yes?" She replied in a soft voice.

"Are you okay? You sounded disturbed back when you were at your house."

Kurumi nodded. "I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. It was something small," she smiled.

"Oh okay," Y/N smiled. "Your family is fine, right?"

Kurumi nodded. "They were visiting my grandparents so they weren't injured."

"Really?" My eyes widened. "How come you never told me?"

Kurumi tilted her head. "Didn't I tell you a few weeks ago?"

I thought about it but I couldn't remember. I shook my head.

"Maybe your memory is playing up, Y/N."

I scratched my chin. "I guess so..."

Kurumi smiled as she placed her hands on mine. "I'm just happy that you're safe, Y/N."

"I'm happy nothing too bad happened," I told her.

"Is your sister okay?" Kurumi asked. "I heard there was a girl who was really badly injured and she ended up having to be treated by DEM Industries."

"Oh," my voice lowered. "That was my sister."

Kurumi covered her mouth as she gasped. "That's terrible! How?"

I looked to the side. "I'm not sure. I wasn't given enough information..."

"Shucks," Kurumi said. "DEM really likes to keep their secrets, don't you think?"

I looked at her blankly. "What do you mean?"

Kurumi formed an unsettling smile as she wiped the dust off the table, not answering me.


Kurumi stopped as she blew the dust away.


I looked at her with a frown. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Kurumi turned her attention to me. Our eyes meeting as she nodded slowly.

"I answered that before, didn't I?" Kurumi implied. "You don't need to worry about me. Those dangers won't affect me."

I nodded as I chuckled. "I'm so sorry Kurumi. I'm a little paranoid."

[2] Date a Live: Strolling Through Secrets (Kurumi Tokisaki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now