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Chapter 24


My whole body felt like I was being tossed around like a rag doll. I have a terrible headache and I can't even breath properly because of my chest. The horrific thing I just went through keep replaying in my mind. 

I felt someone fingertips run through my hair, making me squirm. I smelt the same scent that my mommy alway's wear. She has that Vanilla mix with Honey. I inhaled the smell wishing that it could be true.

"Baby open your eyes," The voice said to me. She sounds exactly like her too. Maybe I'm hearing things. "Come on you can do it" The voice encourages me.

I finally open my eye's to be greeted by the intense light. I turn my head to face a figure in front of me. My vision finally came making it more explicit to see.

My eyes greeted by my mommy who was crying in front of me. I think I died and went to heaven. "Mommy?" I croaked, thinking this isnt true that she is in front of me.

She nodded having tears coming down her pale cheek. "Yes, baby it's me."

I started to cry with her

She wraps her arms over my body, making sure she doesn't hurt me. "You don't know how long I wanted to do this. I'm so sorry about what happened but I promise you for now on I'm going to be here for you and I won't let anyone take you away for me." She said rubbing my cheeks.

"It's okay mommy I forgive you I'm just happy that you are here right now."

"Oh my god, your hair has gotten longer!" She squeals running her fingers through my hair. It has been like a month since I last seen my mom. It was a breath of fresh air to hear her voice again. "Yeah, I have meant to get it cut for a long time."

The door opens to be greeted by my two brothers Ashor and Victor. "Keylan!" They both said at the same time. "How are you doing buddy?" Victor asked while ruffling my hair.

"It looks like you have been working out a little," Ashor said smirking.

I snorted believing that I would go to a gym and work out. "As if you know I can't even pick up a couch still."

I looked around the room to look for my father, but he wasn't in sight. "Where is Dad?" I ask them and they all went silent.

"We will talk about it when you fully healed," My mom said breaking the silence and I frown at her response.

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