(5) teaming up

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The day flew by. No one got expelled, Seiko was thrown off guard by the Izuku-boy, and she spilled all the tea to Ku-kun and Tomu-kun. The next school day was filled to the brim with student introductions and strangely mundane classes. She did her best to tune into English lessons and History lectures, but Seiko found herself zoning out of most of the classes. It was assured she would do fine, grade wise, but the teachers would rat her out for not paying attention sooner or later. What a shame.

By lunch, Seiko found herself seated with a unique group: Shoji, Ojiro, and her new aquantances Koji Koda (Quirk: Anivoice—how pure), Rikido Sato (Quirk: Sugar Rush—Seiko couldn't help but wonder how the Sugar Crash was, afterwards), and Hanta Sero (Quirk: Tape—Seiko didn't want to comment on that one). Lunch was mostly spent on getting to know the others, Seiko quite disappointed by the lack of girls in their small group, but she couldn't do much about that. Turns out, the group was filled with quite normal people, especially for how strange the class was coming out to be.

Once the afternoon came about, the class was clearly filled with a sort of excited air. Seiko didn't grasp why, until a voice shot through the room.

"I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR...!" There was a violent slam, some students gasping in awe. "LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!"

At that, the room exploded in excitement. Seiko plugged her ears, leaning onto her desk despondently. Keep calm, keep calm, keep calm. Not now. Not now. Not—

"Are you alright, Nakano-san?" Momo gently reached out to the girl seated in front of her, hesitating as Seiko nodded furiously.

"Yes, yes. It's just...loud."

It wasn't just that, no. Seiko was filled with the urge to leap forward and beat the overblown hero in the face. His wide grin already set her off, and she was doing all she could to keep her gaze anywhere away from the beacon of peace.

"It's time for Battle Training!! And for that...you need costumes!!"

There were resounding clicks as shelves emerged from the walls, numbered according to class rankings. The clatter only increased, students jumping from their seats, excited to retrieve their costumes. Shoji, though, noticed Seiko's distress; it wasn't the anger he saw, instead only seeing her sensitivity to the immense excitement. She didn't react violently when he scooped her into his limbs, keeping her safely covered from the noisy room.

Seiko caught her breath, and silently thanked Shoji.

"Looking good is very important, ladies and gentlemen!! Look alive now, because from today on you're all heroes!!"

The changing rooms were no better, Seiko dancing around the thrilled girls with her costume in tow. Registering her quirk was a hassle for getting her costume, especially when having to falsify so much background information. Her family was practically decommissioned, for God's sake.

"Ah, Nakano-san!" Uraraka called out, finished changing as she bowed slightly to the girl. "I didn't ever properly introduce myself, but I really think your quirk is cool!"

"As do I! Ribbit." The mentioned girl turned to see most of the room completed in changing, now all eyes on her.

Tsuyu Asui, Quirk: Frog. Seiko smiled and nodded. "Ah, thanks you guys! It's nothing too stunning, though."

"You're kidding me, it's sick!" Mina Ashido, Quirk: Acid.

They're all looking at me...

A voice perked up from beside her. "It truly is interesting, Nakano-san. It reminds me of Iron Man!"

Seiko frowned, glancing around in confusion. Wait, who was that—

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