(18) boom goes the dynamite

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Aizawa watched interestedly when Seiko's plan worked perfectly in her favor. While Present Mic was rambling on beside him, he couldn't help but feel thoroughly engrossed even with the constant chatter.

That was an elaborately thought out plan, even with the short time she had to scan Ashido's thoughts. The teacher thought to himself, scratching absentmindedly on the bandages on his face. But it would seem as if Nakano had done it effortlessly. Not once in this class has she ever displayed her full strength. What a pain.

"Come on, Eraser!! Lighten up the mood!!" Present Mic exclaimed.

We need some sort of activity to get these kids to truly fight...but USJ brought that out already. Aizawa paused in realization. But Nakano had not even budged during that event. If anything, she seemed terrified beyond belief...how could she seem so effortless here?

Mic stood up onto his chair with a cheer. "Eraser, lezzgo!!!"

Aizawa only sighed in disbelief, his thoughts rattled completely. He knew too many idiots in this world.


Seiko wasn't at the seats quite yet, standing in the bathroom and facing the mirror in contemplative silence. Her face bandages were in her hands, and the red glow of her right eye cut through the ever changing mass of dark matter on her face. The fight had loosened their tight hold, and Seiko kept staring at herself intently.

It wasn't often she saw herself like this. For one, she was admittedly afraid. Master told her to embrace her eye with pride; with as much as she wished she could truly feel that sort of pride, it only instilled fear in her heart. It was a mirror image of her mother's true form, after all.

Come on, sweetheart, it's only a few more shots~.

Seiko flinched at the voice ringing at her head, hand suddenly trembling while she had a death grip on the sink. With a shudder, Seiko rapidly wrapped her right side once again, washing her hands in a frantic fashion.

You know I only want the best Himura, right, number 6~?

With a slam to the faucet, Seiko calmed her rapid breaths. Her heart was drumming, and blood was rushing past her ears. This wasn't the time or place. Someone could walk in. Not now.

Not looking back or forward, Seiko kept her eyes glued to the ground and walked out of the bathroom. Various explosions from above the hallways were rocking the stadium, Seiko paying no heed in a blind dash for the seats. A pair of eyes caught her from across the hall, and with a steady glare Seiko almost froze in her spot when the flames of Endeavor licked the hallway ahead of her.

"Nakano," He grumbled thoughtfully, eyes glancing over her without any sort of regard. It was almost curious, the Number Two taking in every detail of her. "Did your father have that quirk?"

yes. She stopped in her tracks. "No."

Endeavor had his arms crossed intimidatingly, his gaze calculating. Without another word, he walked past, making his way up another set of stairs. There was another shudder above in the arena, and it jolted Seiko into attention. She made her way up as well, bowing meekly when 1-A greeted her with short but meaningful congratulations.

Ochako and Bakugo were still going strong, and Aizawa's voice was still ringing in the stadium. "...his caution shows that he recognizes her as a worthy opponent. It's exactly because he wants to win so badly that there's no room for carelessness or holding back."

"If only he did that during my match~." Seiko quietly commented, Shoji beside her rolling his eyes.

"Welcome back, Seiko."

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