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they never wanted to save me.

not my parents. not the test subjects. not the bugs that crawled across the floor.

no one ever bothered to save me.

i didn't see the light. i never wanted to see the light. it never tried to reach out for me.

my world was—no, is dark.

all those tubes. those cold, cold tubes. the liquid. the cells. every little piece they managed to shove into my sad excuse of a body. i didn't understand sight until i saw my own face.

red. so red.

stop. successor. me.

help. save.

stop. successor.

they talk to each other, you know? those voices; the loud, loud voices in my head.

most of the time i don't know which voice is my own. which one was talking. which one i should listen to. which one was the right one.

but of course, i listen. i have to listen. Master always said i had to listen. because they never want to hurt me.

their voices were the only ones that saved me.

my mother had a voice, my father did too. they didn't save me.

Master had a voice. those voices in my head spoke. they wanted to save me.

Master said they were there to save me. i believe him. no one else tells me otherwise.

they want to save me.


Her team won. What a wonderful surprise.

Aizawa kept a vice grip on her arm the moment the match had ended, somehow entering the training arena in record time the moment the bell had rung. Nakano had been the only captured 1-A student in the cells (Shinsou ultimately rested her struggling form there when the battles became much too chaotic to ignore), and Aizawa directed his attention to her first.

Seiko wasn't quite conscious by the time her teacher had gotten to her, though. Her strangely feverish body was first picked up by the homeroom teacher, and within seconds was whisked away to the medical wing.

"I warned her..." was all Recovery Girl could manage, immediately setting to work on the girl.

For one, her temperature remained troublingly high; not to mention the constant grumbles and groans that escaped the blue-haired girl. By the time the medic hero was able to bring Seiko to a reasonably stable state, the sun had set much further into the horizon.

Recovery Girl remained quiet in the nursing quarters, pen scratching away on her clipboard as she monitored the vitals of the unconscious 1-A student. She was in for anther scolding, of course, but another concern piqued the mind of the Pro-Hero. Just how long had these drawbacks been affecting one of their star students?

Before her sudden leave-of-absence, Nakano Seiko's quirk limitations simply spanned her stamina and propulsion force. Aizawa sent reports on his class twice a month regarding their quirk developments and concerns; not once had concern been raised about Nakano. Then, after Kamino, it seemed that this type of stability had spiraled out of control. It was inexplicable, really, what was happening to Nakano.


A shriek bolted the woman to attention, and Recovery Girl looked up in surprise to see a white-haired blur leap frantically to the side of the unconscious student.

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