Bonus Scene #3 - Takami Keigo: Salvation

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The first time Hawks set his eyes upon the two 1-A students, his thoughts were simple at first: fast, and a bird.

Then, after requesting them for his internship, his thoughts evolved. Because—even though he had the intent to get insight into UA's famous Class 1-A, they were interesting. They were unique.

And, despite what the two believed, they were similar.

Hawks enjoyed the two's stiff but apparent camaraderie, and the obvious fact that their quirks were polar opposites (at least, he thought at the time). Nakano Seiko helped Tokoyami strengthen Dark Shadow's ability against light, and Tokoyami helped Nakano Seiko's ability against the shadows. Their opposing strengths made for great training, especially when Hawks became the mentor that brought their skills to the next level.

"So, what is it like?" Tokoyami questioned suddenly, the trio settled onto the agency's rooftop and eating a late-night meal after a busy day of training.

"Hmm?" Hawks replied, mouth full of chicken as he tilted his head in curiosity. "What is...?"


Ah, yes. Today, the group was forced into a mad chase after villains who had broken into a nearby convenience store. The cityscape proved difficult to Dark Shadow, who clambered above and through buildings. Tokoyami couldn't help but feel inferior, watching as Hawks and Nakano soared above head while on the chase.

"I won't go first~. Nakano, what about you?"

The girl hummed to herself, hands pausing midway to her mouth as the okonomiyaki in her chopsticks settled back into the container. "Well, for one, it's liberating."

Tokoyami nodded, invested in whatever his peer had to say.

"There's that rush, and then that weightlessness—like, nothing holding you down when you're in the air. Not to mention the view you get the higher you go~." Seiko glanced over the fences, noting the twinkling lights below. "No fences barring you, and no walls high enough to block your view. Just you and everything else."

"Woah, Nakano Seiko is poetic~." Hawks teased, swinging his yakitori stick in the air. He ignored her teasing glare. "But, yes, she's right. There's a sense of freedom that you just can't get anywhere else."

"Interesting..." Tokoyami muttered.

"Why do you ask, Tokoyami-kun?" Seiko questioned.

The boy hesitated. "I just—hmm. I want to keep up with you all. I cannot help but feel inferior when I see you two ahead in the sky defeating villains. I understand that I have shown some improvement throughout this time, but I know I can do much more..."

Hawks and Seiko shared a look, the former sitting with eyes wide at the student's honest confession, while Seiko masked her irritation (what a heroic spiel...disgusting) with an expression of surprise.

The brief silence consumed the rooftop, not even the incessant honking of cars below enough to interrupt the stiff tension between the group.

"Psst...psst." Hawks waved his hand, garnering the attention of the duo. He gave Tokoyami a smile. "How about a nice night flight?"

The shock couldn't even register in Tokoyami before Hawks dashed forward, wrapping his arms around Tokoyami's torso and his wings unfurling into the air. With a loud cheer, he jumped off of the rooftop's ledge, diving straight down.

Seiko blinked in surprise, mid-bite. That was quick.

Standing to her feet, the girl carefully sealed her food (she was hungry), and approached the ledge.

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