(70) a birthright

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"What the hell is going on here?"

When Dabi finally returned to the League's headquarters after attempting to get rid of any leaks from the UA incident, he did not expect their star member to be so quick to be on the attack.

Himura Seiko clutched a frighteningly large dark javelin, arms poised towards the shocked figure of Hawks, whose feathers were hovering dangerously close the the female. Enigma refused to hold back, a scrambling Twice and Toga desperately clinging on to her biceps in hopes from stopping her from impaling their little double agent.

Enigma's voice was dark. "I'm going to kill him."

"Ahaha~, yeah, uhh. No." Hawks chuckled emptily, shrugging with a brief glance at Dabi. "This is how you're gonna' pay me back for getting you out?"

"Like I could even trust you after all the stunts you've pulled." Seiko growled, the red glow in her eyes bristling violently.

"Hold on, Enigma. He's on our side." Dabi intervened, sighing to himself and waving his arms between the duo. "Getting you out of UA was the goal in the end, and Hawks did great on making the heroes believe that they failed to capture you."

The scarred man kept a firm stare locked onto Seiko, her face contorting into discomfort. Did she want to trust him? Not at all. But Dabi was right that he did get her out in the end.

It was strange, really, Himura Seiko now realizing the full scope of what had happen in the past few days. From her rapidly degrading condition with her quirk, and its self destructive properties, rest assured UA thought she was going to be a goner. Now, she wasn't even in their grasp. She was back. She was home.

With that, her pseudo-weapon vanished in a fine mist, Seiko adjusting back to her full height and challenging Hawks with a glare. Crossing her arms and turning away with huff, Toga giggled playfully at the young girl's behavior.


Seiko rolled her eyes. Refusing to look at the group, she stormed out of the room and ignored the throbbing pain in her head. She just needed a moment.


"She's pissed, man." Dabi groaned, running his hands down his face in exhaustion. "You know, sometimes I wish that misty bastard was still here to keep her and Tomura in check."

Hawks slouched onto the couch with a brief sigh of relief. That was a bit scary, especially with how quickly Himura was ready to attack. "I was about to become a skewer."

"Wouldn't be the first." The Villain ignored the Number Two's shock. "Anyways, with Himura back, you're our main tether to the heroes now. She gave us enough for us to make sure you weren't feeding us lies. Can't have you being cut off now. Not with what's in store."

"And what would that be, oh powerful one~."

Dabi once again ignored the Hero's teasing attempts, instead shooting a glare over at the gushing Toga. Wincing at the thuds and crashes that followed behind Enigma's path in the hallways, the villain had to take deep breaths to recenter himself. It was worth the chaos. This was all going to be worth it in the end.

"The final touches on Enigma."

Hawks frowned. "As in?"

Dabi smirked, pleased at the irritation laced behind Hawks' gaze. "Wouldn't you like to know?"


Enji Todoroki and Toshinori Yagi stood beside one another in the darkness of the night. Only the moon and stars illuminated their towering figures as they both stared at a pathetic pile of stones. Worn and coated in moss, the pile of rocks stood lamely, ruined with age.

Birthright [BNHAxVillain!OC]Where stories live. Discover now