(61) overwhelmed

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"So you both are feeling alright?"

Deku and Nakano landed beside on another in a flurry of dust, meeting one another's gazes for a fleeting moment before the boy nodded towards Mina. He did confess to the group that he felt his quirk was being strange that morning (especially after that dream and all), and when Seiko followed suit, they both quickly jumped ahead to warm up.

Their team of Uraraka, Mina, Mineta, Deku, and Nakano was an interesting combination. Aizawa understood that this was a well-rounded team, but their personalities were a different story.

Seiko grasped this as well.

She trailed alongside the 1-A team with her usual smile and grin, visor in grasp while they awaited the starting call. Midoriya was hot on her tail, and she didn't like it one bit. The chemistry of their little team was one that forced her to play up her heroic "traits" and whatnot, but for some reason Seiko had an inkling that Midoriya wasn't being convinced. If anything, she was worried he was being more suspicious than ever before.

"Will you lead, Nakano?" Midoriya questioned, jumping from pipe to pipe as their team settled into formation.

Clicking her visor to life, Seiko didn't turn her head towards him. "It depends. If we're going for the individual, drawing-out tactic, I should fall back."

"I'll be trying to attract them instead."

"Oh, alright." Seiko nodded, piecing together that they're communication would quickly be meaningless once they confronted the 1-B students with Shinsou. "I'm still sticking with you. The other three likely have their responsibilities handled."

"Do you know anything else about Shinsou-san's improvements?"

"Just be careful about communication. That's what got my team knocked around earlier..."

It wasn't just that, though. Midoriya held back his further questions, instead sending a nod of affirmation to the girl.

He couldn't work on getting to know her right now, not when he could already hear the distant approach of the opposing 1-B team in the Cityscape. He knew for a fact that the girl's teamwork tactics and skills were top notch; he could only wonder why it didn't seem to show during her 1-B training. Still, Midoriya trusted her capabilities. It was Nakano after all.

"Monoma at two o' clock. I'm heading up."

That was all she muttered, voice crackling through her sealed visor. In seconds, she sent a flurry of sediment into the air, beams pulsing from her feet with a blinding light before her body was already growing distant in the sky.

He stayed focused, continuing to leap carefully from pipe to pipe. Midoriya had to be on the lookout—




Seiko could see the flurry of barrels and enlarged pipes that the 1-B students flung at her team. She remained in the sky, though, knowing that 1-A would rather her be at prime distance rather than risk capture.

"Level Five: Dual-Lock."

Her soft murmur was unheard by the students below.


A few shouts of surprise dotted themselves below, Seiko's brilliant display slamming aggressively against the second round of debris flying through the air. Her body followed through the attack, soaring closer to the chaos and shooting out flurries of beams to eliminate the attacks from 1-B.

"Nakano's here!" One of the opponents shouted out.

Seiko didn't reply, narrowly twisting her body away from another barrel.

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