(23) internship intensities

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The bullet train ride was nearly 6 hours, and by the time the duo arrived in Fukuoka they were a groggy and sleepy mess. Transitioning to a car ride wasn't any better, Tokoyami even showing signs of car sickness. 2 hours later they finally found themselves standing in front of Hawk's agency, and Seiko couldn't help but feel relief.

"I'm going to beat up that number 3 bird-for-brains if he even tries to get us through a training session," Seiko grumbled, weakly rubbing her eye. She was tired and unabashedly grumpy.

Tokoyami thought nothing of her irritation. If anything he felt similarly, but he had to remain stoic (that was his brand after all). Hawks was the number 3 pro hero, famously known for his young age and brilliant skills. He wasn't a people pleaser, but he sure was efficient. It was a guarantee that the hero would likely throw them directly into a training session; Seiko was just trying to deny that.

The towering hero agency stood out amongst the other bleak buildings, many citizens passing by whispering in delight at the sight of two visiting U.A. students. Their uniforms stood out, but also the fact that there were practical waves of exhaustion coming off of the two.

"Ah, shucks! The kids!"

At that cry, Seiko and Tokoyami whirled around. The pro-hero landed before the duo in a plume of feathers, some cheers erupting around them at the sight of the number-three hero. The blond, though, grabbed the two's shoulders with a wide smile, forcefully pushing them into the building with cheeky waves to the bystanders. Making it inside, he let go, breathing a sigh of relief and stretching his arms.

"Nice to meet'cha." Hawks greeted, gaze lazily dancing over the duo. His giant, red wings were settling down, feathers flying back into their original positions. "I'm Hawks, pro-hero, your instructor, yada yada yada."

Tokoyami was quick to catch on, bowing his head politely. "Hero Name: Tsukuyomi. Thank you so much for having us."

"Hero Name: Nakano, wonderful to meet you~." Seiko sang, bowing bashfully.

The Pro-Hero was a brilliant blond, but his demeanor showed otherwise. He stood with a cocky posture, shoulders pulled straight back and wings proudly extended behind him. Hawks was infamous for his quirk, and the amazing abilities that came with his mind-controlled feathers. But he was young. He was definitely a chatty hero, and it was apparent his mouth was just as fast as his abilities.

"Okay, formalities aside! Let's go up and I'll show you lot around. I'm relieved that I was able to snatch up some kids for this internship, and from Class 1-A too! I'll have so much fun...but you guys will learn stuff two for sure! This will be a lot of time to enjoy yourselves. Seriously!" The duo were amazed when Hawk's feathers were flying about haphazardly, somehow managing to tidy up desks and papers amongst the chaotic agency; he wasn't even batting an eyelash at his rapid feathers, instead still engrossed in his practically one sided conversation. "Rooms upstairs, food downstairs, stairs. What you'd expect, we've got. Not to mention we have a whole cereal bar on the third floor. Watch out for the whole-wheat ones, though—bleh..."

"If I may ask," Seiko's companion suddenly cut in. "Why did you choose us as your internships...two, nonetheless."

"Oh! Both of you at the Festival share much of my traits; dashing, smart, skillful, strong." He clicked his teeth together with a scowl. "But it's a guarantee you lot are some of the most shallow types of personalities as "heroes.""

Were they supposed to be offended? Seiko couldn't be bothered to tell.

"That over there's the directory, but we don't need that. I'll bring you guys up some more, and we'll take a quick break to chow down. Chicken? I've been craving some fried chicken lately."

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