Chapter One

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30th January 1965.

"Oh George, come on. Stop being such a misery. You've had a face on you since Ritchie got married. What's wrong with you?"

George looked at his band mate. Realising that both he and Paul were the only remaining unmarried Beatles had made him feel unsettled. "Do you never look at what John and Ritchie have? You know, a loving wife, a family? Don't you ever want that in your life Paul?"

Paul looked at him, horror on his face. Suddenly he started laughing. "Are you mad? How can life get any better than it is now? Christ George mate, you've got women throwing themselves at you. A different shag every night if you want it. We're famous and we've got more money than we've ever had! Why on earth would you want to throw that away for a nagging woman wanting to know your every move and whinging brats. NO CHANCE!"

George looked thoughtful. "Don't you ever think that having someone like Cyn or Mo would be lovely though? They way Mo looked at Ritchie and he looked at her on Saturday, I'd like that. I'm sick of women who aren't interested in me as a person. They're only interested in you and me because we're Beatles! It's shallow!"

"George mate, you've got to snap out of this. You're just getting yourself more and more down!" he sat down by his friend. "Look, come out with me tonight. I've got a date with a gorgeous bird. It's a guaranteed shag. She's bringing her sister. She'd be ideal for you!"

George shook his head. "Nah, not in the mood. I'm sick of just being the one to make up the numbers!"

"George mate, look I'm begging you now! If you don't I'll never get my leg over with a sister in tow!"

George shook his head. He knew Paul would just keep on at him until he gave in. "Fine!"

 A few hours later he followed Paul into the Speakeasy Nightclub in London. The music was loud and it annoyed him before he'd been there for just a few minutes. It was busy, hot and smokey and made him feel even worse than before. Paul walked towards the bar. A blonde woman was stood up, looking thrilled to see him. Paul immediately kissed her, a full tongue down the throat kiss. Urrgh! It made him sick!

"George mate, this is Lucy. Lucy, George."

George nodded to the pretty young woman who clearly couldn't take her eyes off Paul.

"Paul, George, this is my sister Kathy." She looked directly at her sister, "Kathy, this is Paul and George."

George saw her sister. She also blonde with the most startling green eyes he'd ever seen! He had to admit, she was quite pretty. He nodded to her and smiled. She did the same in return.

Almost immediately Paul turned away from them both and began, what George knew was going to be the McCartney Charm Offensive, on Lucy. He shook his head, knowing the poor girl had no chance of escaping without spending the night with Paul for sure. He turned to Kathy. She was looking at the band on stage.

"What do you think of the music?"

To his surprise, she completely ignored him. Shocked, he tried again, but still she remained silent. After a while he gave up. They sat near each other, both slowly sipping a drink and not speaking. Every so often Kathy looked at her watch and looked worried, especially when Paul led her sister from the club. No doubt a quickie in the alley was on his mind, George thought.

"Excuse me, George?"

He turned, surprised that Kathy had spoken to him. "Yes?"

"Do you know where they've likely to have gone?" she looked worried, "Lucy and Paul I mean?"

He shook his head. "Knowing Paul, it could be anywhere. Why?"

"I'm supposed to be staying at her flat with her. I don't have a key or even know how to get there! What am I going to do?"

George could hear the panic in her voice. Despite his thoroughly miserable evening, he did feel sorry for the girl.

"You could come back to my flat," he offered, "The chances are that Paul's taken your sister back there anyway."

"But...." She hesitated.

"Hey, no strings!" said Geirge suddenly realising why she was so wary. "I'm a gentleman, unlike my band mate who has very ungentlemanly ideas about what he wants to do with your sister."

Realising she had no option but to agree, she stood up and followed George outside. They walked the short walk to the flat in silence once more. George tried to hold a conversation with her but again she ignored him. He let them both into the flat and into the living room. Sounds from the bedroom immediately told him where Paul and Lucy were and what they were doing. Kathy sat down on the edge of the sofa and looked around.

"You and Paul live here together" It was statement rather than a question.

"He's staying whilst he's having his house decorated......." he began then, seeing that she wasn't even looking at him, he stopped.

He sat down opposite her. Again she was silent. "You don't say much do you?" he said, suddenly annoyed and fed up of being ignored. She didn't respond. He reached over and tapped her hand. She looked up, startled. "I was speaking to you! What's your problem? Why are you ignoring me?" He was angry now.

She looked at him, alarmed. "I've not been ignoring you!" She looked at him, puzzled. "At least, I hope I haven't George. I thought you just didn't want to talk to me!"

He stood up now, shouting, "Why the hell would I do that to you? I don't even know you properly!"

Standing next to him, she reached over and touched him. "Please George, face me when you talk to me!"

"What? Why?"

She looked at his startled expression and then it dawned on her. "You don't know, do you? Lucy, she didn't explain things to you or Paul?"

"Tell me what?" George was now looking at her looking even more puzzled and annoyed.

She swallowed and looked at her hands. She was flushed with embarressment. "George," she said softly, "I'm sorry you thought I was ignoring you. I wasn't - at least not intentionally." She paused. "George, I'm deaf. I lipread. If you don't look directly at me I don't know that you're speaking to me. I'm sorry. Lucy said she'd explain when we first met. I guess she forgot."

"You're deaf?" He was amazed.

Smiling, she nodded.

"But you speak so well! You'd never know!"

"Thank you. Because I'd developed speech before I went deaf, I've been able to continue to speak normally."

"You don't use a hearing aid do you?" He looked to the sides of her face.

Again she shook her head. "They weren't able to help me to hear any better than I do now, so no."

Suddenly George's face broke into a warm smile. "You know, I was thinking what a miserable so and so you were! Really ignorant! Can we start again? I won't be grumpy and unpleasant with you as long as you talk to me. How about it?"

Kathy gave him a very relieved smile and nodded her head. "As long as remember to look at me when you speak....and if you need to get my attention before you speak, just tap my hand?"

George held out his hand to shake. "Deal." He gave her the first happy smile he'd had for days.

Laughing, she took his hand and shook it. "Deal!"

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