Chapter 17

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Kathy was led into  a small, grim room. She looked around as she walked in, already two male officers were present. They weren't, Kathy realised, the same officers who spoke to her previously. She was told to sit at the table facing them.

“Miss Marshall. Last night, you were arrested  and charged for perverting the course of justice. That is specifically for refusing to give a statement concerning two very serious sexual offences. Am I right?”

 She nodded.

 “For the purpose of the tape Miss Marshall, you will be required to speak. This interview is being recorded.”

 Kathy swallowed. “Yes. I was arrested. I understand why.”

 “Miss Marshall, do you still insist that nothing happened between yourself and Mr Harrison?”

Kathy placed her hand on her stomach. How could she ignore what was happening to herself now? She had been pretending for weeks that what George had done hadn’t happened, in the hope that she could feel normal again. That strategy wasn’t going to work anymore. There was no way she could pretend that there wasn't a baby growing inside her now. She could cope with being man handled by grumpy policemen, with hard uncomfortable beds in cold cells but not now, not now she was pregnant. She couldn't take anymore risks.

Finally she knew what she had to do. Spoke up.

“George Harrison and I were in a relationship. We had been for nearly seven months. George invited me to the premier of The Beatles film ‘HELP!’ We had a lovely evening but unfortunately he got very drunk at the party later the same evening. On the way home in a taxi he was very….very sexual in his behaviour and very foul with his language. He tried to undress me and at one point put his hand in my bra and then tried to put his hand in my underwear.

Once back at his flat, he became more sexual and started to be aggressive. He pinned me against a walI bit I managed to get away. Then he pinned me on the floor. I tried so hard to fight him off and I begged and begged him to stop.”She hung her head in shame, “He raped me.” she whispered, “He raped me!” She started to shout now, becoming more hysterical, “George Harrison raped me!” She was now screaming, “He raped me and now I’m having his baby as a result! What more do you need from me? Is that all the statement you need for me? Now let mo go home!”

She put her head in her hands and just sobbed and sobbed. How she needed to release the pent up feelings of shame, fear and anger from inside her. She lost control completely.

Concerned about her physical and mental well being, she was returned to the same cell as before and a police doctor was called. He was a very pleasant young man, about 30 years old. He had a very calm, soft manner which Kathy liked, and, as an added bonus, he knew how to sign.  After asking her a few questions, he let Kathy talk or cry as she needed. Then, Kathy confided in him, explaining what her own doctor had told her. She told him her biggest fear. Her belief she was indeed pregnant and why she believed she was. He immediately offered to give her a pregnancy test.

 “What happens if it’s positive?” Kathy had tears rolling down her face

 “Then you’re faced with choices Kathy. Whether to give birth and keep the child or give birth then have it adopted or, there may be a chance that you could end the pregnancy. But first things first Kathy, you need to know if you are pregnant.”

Knowing he was right, she gave him the urine sample he needed. She sat, hugging herself, terrified of the answer. The doctor had told her the test results were fairly quick.  She realised must have dozed off because he shook her wake and gave her a gentle smile.

“You’ve got the results?” She looked at him anxiously.

 He nodded.

 She studied his face for clues.

He took her hand in his. “I'm sorry to have to tell you this but the test, it’s positive Kathy. You are pregnant as a result of being raped.”

 “Can I go home please.” she whispered.

 Like when she had been a small child, all Kathy wanted was her mum. Her mum would know exactly what to do. She could help her get out of this nightmare she was living.

 Finally, after being made to read and sign her statement, Kathy was taken to a waiting police car and driven home. Her parents were stood on the doorstep waiting for her.

 She got out of the car and ran to them, she was sobbing again. Her father held her close as her mother rubbed her back to comfort her.

 “Mum, Dad,” she faced then, her face serious. “I have something to tell you. I found out yesterday that I’m having George’s baby. He made me pregnant when he raped me!”

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