Chapter 8

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George pulled the car into the driveway of Kathy's house. They sat together, neither of them moving or speaking. Both were avoiding the moment when they would have to say good bye. Kathy felt exhausted, both physically and emotionally. The week with George had turned into ten days of meeting his family and friends and time spent just on their own. She had returned home solely because the school holidays were nearing their end. She was due back in work and George was to head to London to start rehearsals for a UK tour. Neither would be available to meet up until early April when he was to introduce her to the rest of the lads at a party for Julian Lennon's third birthday. Nine whole weeks away. They both didn't know how they would cope without seeing each other for so long. They had managed to make love just three times whilst they had been at George's parents, including the time at Formby Sands. It had got better each time and both were desparate to be together just once more before they were parted. The opportunity for that now seemed highly unlikely, they both recognised that, much to their sadness.

"I suppose I should go in." said Kathy quietly, staring out of the front window, "mum and dad'll be wondering what I'm doing." She turned to George. He was looking at her, a sad expression on his face. She stroked his cheek then kissed him. "Don't look at me like that baby, please! I don't want to leave you as it is!"

He held her hand and kissed it softly. "If you were Mrs Harrison, this wouldn't happen."

She laughed. "Yes it would! What about when you go out on your tour?"

He laughed  in return, "Why do you always know the answer? Come on, let's go in and say hello."

They climbed out of the car and headed towards the house, George carrying Kathy's bag for her. They were both greeted with a hug from her mother.

"Where's Dad?" Kathy asked looking around for him.

"He's on a visit about a funeral love," her mother replied, "Do you remember Mrs O'Neill? She used to do Sunday School?"

Kathy nodded.

"Her husband died last Wednesday. The funeral is Monday."

She smiled at them both as she placed a pot of tea on the table, "So what about you two? How was your little holiday?"

Kathy blushed as George grinned and took her hand. "It was wonderful!" he told her, "The nicest time I've ever spent and all because of your gorgeous daughter Patricia!"

Her mother smiled at her. Kathy was immediately aware that her mother knew about the new developments in her relationship with George. "I'm so pleased," she said softly, "And did you remember everything you needed Kathy love?" Her mother looked anxious.

Kathy nodded. "Everytime mum." George looked at her, puzzled. He waited until Kathy's mother left the room to answer the phone.

"What did you mean love? Everytime? Your answer didn't make sense!"

Kathy shushed him, promising to explain later, just as her mother came into the room. "That was your dad," she smiled at the couple, "He wanted to remind me about tonight."

"Why? What's happening?"

"It's the diocesan dinner, at Manchester Town Hall. He was reminding me to see if his favourite shirt needs ironing." she laughed, "I don't know why. It's been hung up ready since yesterday! Goerge, when do you need to be in London?"

"Rehearsals start on Wednesday so I thought I go down today." he shrugged, "Now Kathy's back in work, there's not much point in staying up here much longer."

"So you don't have to be back today?"

George shook his head.

"Mum? Why are you asking this?" Kathy looked puzzled.

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