Chapter 10

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Kathy was fizzing with excitement. She had boarded the train for London several hours ago and she was nearly there. Once arriving in London, she got a taxi to George's flat. She knew he might not be home yet since the boys were preparing for a tour. As a precaution, George had sent her her own key to let herself in.  She was disappointed that he wasn't home but busied herself with preparing and starting a meal for them both. Seeing the door being pushed open, Kathy stood up, brushed herself down and walked to see who it was.

"Hi George my love." she said softly.

He turned at looked at her in disbelief. "You're here!" he exclaimed, "You're really here!"

Sobbing, she ran to him and flung her arms around him. "I've missed you so much George. I was beginning to feel that I'd never see you again!" They kissed.

The door opened again."Oops! Sorry for intruding  George mate."

Kathy pulled away from George, looking shocked as a strange man had walked into the flat.

George placed his hand on her arm. "Don't worry Kathy," he smiled reassuringly at her, "This is Ritchie, from the band. He's come to collect some stuff he left her the other night. Ritchie? This is Kathy. The wonderful young lady I'd told you about."

Kathy smiled at him as he came forward to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you at last." she said.

"And you," Ringo replied, "I feel like I know you already Kathy. Young Georgie here talks about you all the time."

She smiled nervously. George grinned at her. "Only nice things though my love. Only nice things! Right, won't be a mo! Sit down Ritchie whilst I go and get your stuff!"

"Thanks mate." Ringo sat down and looked at her, remembering what George had told her about talking to her. "George tells me you're a teacher Kathy."

She nodded. "Yes. I work with deaf children. I teach them to speak and to use sign language." She gave him a huge smile. "I absolutely love it!"

George returned, carrying a big bag. "Here you go mate!"

Ringo stood up. He gave Kathy a gentle kiss on the cheek as he said good bye then George showed him out. When he returned to the living room, Kathy stood up and went to regain her position in his arms.

George grinned. "One...Two... Three ... Four ..." Kathy looked at him, puzzled. "Just watch!" He told her. "....Five."

Right on cue the voice of John Lennon  could be heard.  "OK Harrison, where's this gorgeous bird? How come Ritchie here gets to meet her before me!"

George turned as John walked straight in, closely followed by an apologetic looking Ringo. George grinned.

"Ok John. Didn't think you'd be far behind!" George turned back to Kathy who was looking at him curiously. holding his hand. " Kathy love, this is John Lennon." he told her, "He's another bandmate of mine, John, this is Kathy."

"The girl of your dreams eh Harrison!?!"

Kathy started giggling as she saw George's grimmace at John's comment.

"Don't be an arse Lennon," he muttered, deliberately turning away from Kathy so she couldn't lip read.

Laughing now, John moved to Kathy and held out his hand. "How do you do. I'm John."

Kathy smiled at him. "Hi John. I'm Kathy."

"Good to meet you at long last. You've made my band mate here very happy you know!"

Kathy looked to George with a soft smile. She signed something to him. George laughed. "No, he's not telling lies. It's true! You have made me happy!"

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