Chapter 28

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With nothing much else to do, other than go home to wait, Kathy , Paul, John and Cyn climbed into another taxi back to Paul's house. Ringo had declined coming with them as impending fatherhood kept him close to home. Brian had promised to ring as soon as there was news.

They piled into the kitchen. Immediately Rose began fussing.

"Where's Kathy?" John asked suddenly.

Paul looked  around and then excused himself. He looked in various rooms for then suddenly heard the sound of chords being played softly on the piano. Opening the door to his music room, he found her. At first he thought she was talking to herself. He stood and listened for a moment.

"You like that don't you?" he heard her say, then realising  she was talking to the babies inside her.  He couldn't help but smile, knowng how important this pregnancy had become to her. "You dance more when I play. Maybe you're going to be musical like your daddy. He'd like that! He'll have to come and teach you both though. I'm afraid I'm deaf so I'm not much use!" She began playing the piano again, this time a soft dance piece. She stopped suddenly and laughed. "Well, I've got no idea how much of that I played correctly but you liked it! Not bad for someone who's not played in years and is now deaf!" She sighed deeply. "Your poor daddy. What's going to happen to him!" She put her head  down on the music stand of  the piano and started to cry. Paul moved over to her and placed his arm gently on her shoulder. She lifted her head and turned to him.

"Oh Paul, what happens if George gets sent down for years. I didn't want that! Not ever!"

"There's means of appeal Kathy love. We'll get it sorted. We're The Beatles! We're invincible!"

She gave him a sad smile, knowing he was just trying to make her feel better. "I really hope so Paul!" She stood up  and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek.  "Thanks for trying to cheer me up. I think I'll go to bed."

"What about food?"

She pulled her face and shook her head. "Not hungry. I feel sick if anything! I'll see you tomorrow. Say good bye to the others for me."

Nodding, he watched she wearily left the room.

"Kathy love..." It was Rose. "We've had a call. The verdicts in. The court convenes in an hour!"

"I'm not going in."

"I said I'm not going in. This is all my fault. No. I'm not going!"

Paul came to talk to her, but again she refused to budge. Finally, aware of the time, he had no choice but to go without her.

The minute Kathy knew he had gone, she got up. After putting her coat on she dialed a number and spoke to someone on the phone. After telling them she was deaf then giving them the necessary details, she hung up. She packed some things and then headed downstairs.

Rose turned to face her. She saw how she was dressed. "You're leaving? Just like that? Without finding out about George or telling Paul? Why?"

Kathy's eyes filled with tears. She shook her head. "Rose. I'm not leaving. I'm bleeding."

Before Rose could respond there was a knock on the door. Tutting in exasperation, she went to open it. She was greeted by an ambulance driver. She let him in and, after explaining  that Kathy was deaf, both she and Kathy were ushered into the  ambulance.

"Thank you for coming with me." said Kathy. "I'm so scared."

Rose took hold of her hand. "I'm with you. You won't be alone." She looked at her funny. "This morning, when we tried to get you to go to court, you knew you were bleeding, didn't you?"

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