Chapter 25

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 The Trial of George Harrison.

Day 2

"Kathy love." John shook her gently. She dozed off against his shoulder. The days events in court had exhausted her.

 She opened her eyes as the taxi pulled into the driveway of Paul's house. The car stopped and John hopped out as Paul paid the driver. John held out his hand for Kathy as she climbed out of the car. He then did the same for Cynthia.

 "We'll get a move on Paul," said John, looking at the yawning Kathy. Paul looked disappointed. Kathy looked at them.

 "I thought you were both going to have tea with us before you got off home? Don't be put off just because I'm tired. I'm always tired at the minute aren't I Paul?"

 After agreeing, the four of them walked into the house. Kathy kicked her shoes off,  sighing in pleasure. She put on the nearest pair of slippers.

 "Oy Marshall, they're mine!" Paul shouted in mock indignation!  He looked at her grinning.

 "Well McCartney, I got them first!” She grinned at him, “I've got swollen pregnant feet and my slippers are upstairs. Sorry!" She knew he’d let her wear them!

 The men started to head to the kitchen, Cynthia followed. Suddenly she realised Kathy wasn't with them. She turned to find Kathy leaning against the hall table, groaning. She hurried over.

 "Kathy what's wrong?"

 Kathy looked at her. "Ever since I had to stand in court for those two hours, I've had the most horrendous backache! I think I might skip food and just go to bed."

 "Come and have something light," said Cynthia sensibly, "You didn't eat a lunch. It's not good for you to skip all the meals in a day!"

 Kathy wearily followed Cynthia. Rose looked up as they came in. She was immediately alarmed by how pale and tired Kathy looked. She fussed around her as she sat down and served her a plate of food. Rose's food was as delicious as ever but Kathy couldn't eat. She couldn't sit still properly, her back ached far too much! She was sat, hunched over her plate but not actually eating. Paul glanced at her, wondering why she was so quiet. He saw the tears pouring down her face. Immediately he was out of his seat and by her side.

 Kathy explained about the back pain and how excruciating it was. She described how moving hurt beyond belief. Cynthia stood behind Kathy deliberately so she couldn't lip read.

 "Paul, I don't want to worry you, but with all the stress and everything today, this could be early labour. It can start in the back."

 "I was just thinking the same Cynthia love," said Rose looking worried, "and she does look dreadful!"

 "Do you think we should get her checked out then?" asked Paul, "Just to be on the safe side?"

 "I think that would be a good idea," replied Cyn, "And Paul, I'll come with you. John, can you go back to Julian please?"

John nodded, looking relieved, anything to do with babies terrified him! Then, after explaining to Kathy what was happening and why, they helped her in to Paul's car. The fact that she didn't protest worried Paul more. If she hadn't been feeling so unwell, she would have protested, that he knew for sure.

On arrival at the maternity unit, Cynthia went through and explained why they were here. Two midwives came out to the car with a wheelchair and helped Kathy. She taken through to a private room and was told that a doctor would be with her soon. Within a few minutes Kathy saw, with relief, that it was her consultant on duty. After talking to her and assessing her, she decided to do another ultrasound to make sure every thing was as it should be. Kathy watched her completing the examination. She saw how grave her doctor was looking. As before, she called another doctor to look at the scan. Kathy watched as they discussed the results of the scan, her fear growing.

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