Chapter 29

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Looking remarkably like a scene from A Hard Days Night, the four Beatles lept out of the taxi and raced down the corridors until they reached the reception desk of the Maternity Unit. They were greeted by a rather stoney faced matron.

"Can I help you gentlemen?"
"We're to see Kathryn Marshall," said Paul politely.

The matron looked in her notes. "I'm afraid MISS Marshall is unable to see visitors at present," She spat the word 'miss' to suggest that Kathy was a no good tart. "Unless, of course, one of you gentlemen are the father?"

From nowhere, Ringo pushed his way to the front. "Excuse me, you cold, uncaring harridan, Kathryn Marshall is a lady. If you bothered to find out about your patients,  then perhaps you would be aware of the circumstances surrounding how she finds herself here. So, as I have manners, I ask once more, that we be taken through to Kathryn Marshall. PLEASE!"

The lads stared at their usually mild mannered Ringo in surprise. However, the matron instructed a very star struck young nurse to take them to the appropriate room. They stood outside, unsure of what to do. Suddenly the door opened. It was Rose. She grinned at them.

"I knew those voices immediately. Paul, Kathy wants you."

He blanched and looked at the others.

"She's decent. There's no child birth evidence for you!" Rose was grinning.

He went into the room. He heard a gasp of surprise from the nurse but ignored it. He turned to see Kathy lying on  bed. She was dressed in hospital gown and was attached to a drip. She looked up at him.

"How did it go? The verdict?"

He looked at her, surprised yet again by how all Kathy cared about was someone else despite being in hospital in labour. He smiled at her. "The judge did exactly what you asked for Kathryn Marshall. "Our Georgie boy is a freeman thanks to you!" He kissed her cheek. "Thank you!"

"And how's George now?"

"Still a little stunned to be a free man. And, if I'm honest, even more surprised to find himself sat outside your room after being told you were about to give birth!"

"He's here!"

Paul grinned at her. "All four of us are here. We all wanted to know how you were!"

Kathy began to laugh then immediately it turned into a groan. Then a gushing sound filled the room. Paul looked terrified. Rose  led him to the door. 

"I think things are about to get busy in here. You can wait outside. Daddies at the birth only!"

Paul came out to where the others were waiting. "She's Ok. She was pleased to hear about you mate," he told George. "Then they sent me out as things started happening."

"What sort of things?" John asked.

"I don't know. Child birthy things I suppose!"

"Ok Kathy, " said the doctor after examining her, "This is it. Baby number one is on it's way."

Kathy nodded.

"Have you decided on which baby gets which name?"

"The same as I said before."

"What about having the father present? Under the circumstances. You won't be alone. We'll all be with you until the delivery is complete."

She nodded. She knew George had a right to be at the birth of his sons. If the truth were to be told, Kathy wanted him with her. The doctor left the room, and after speaking to George privately, she returned with him. Kathy looked up a he came in. She immediately burst into tears.

"Thank God you're here. I'm so pleased the judge agreed with what I said!" She held out hands to him. Gerge looked uncertain. "Just give me a hug so I know you're alright!" Kathy exclaimed.

 George gave her a swift and somewhat stifled hug, uncertain of how to react after so long apart. Kathy sensed his nervousness. She looked at him, deep into his eyes, as if soul searching. She found a deep sadness and regret. It tore at her.

"Don't be sad," she whispered, trying to give themselves some privacy. "I don't hate you or anyhing. I want to put it all behind us. Focus on our two little boys who are in a rush to come out. They're  two months early George. I'm scared we could loose them. I don't want to do it on my own. I don't think I can do it all alone. Please be by my side for this."

George smiled a soft genuine smile. His heart was feeling lighter than it had for months. But before he could respond, she grabbbed his hand and squeezed hard.

"Arrrrgh. My God that hurt!" She looked from George to the doctor, who was positioned at the bottom of the bed. "I want to push!" George heard the fear in her voice. He took her hand in his.

"Do what nature tells you to do. Kathy." the doctor urged, "Follow your body!

George watched in awe as Kathy pushed her way through the contractions until the moment they had been waiting for. A tiny baby boy slid from her body. It was immediately scooped up by the doctor and taken to the other side of the room. Kathy hung on to George's hand, watching fearfully. She had already been warned that due to the TTTS, the smallest baby was showing distress which is what triggered her early labour. The doctor returned to her, carrying a tiny baby wrapped in a blue blanket.

"Well?" Kathy looked hopefully at her.

She shook her head.  "I'm so, so sorry, both of you." she said sadly, "I'm afraid he was starved of oxygen for much longer than we first feared. Sometimes the scan doesn't show everything."

Numb with shock, Kathy nodded. She looked at George. She held out hed arms to the doctor. "Can we hold him? Please?"

The doctor handed the tiny bundle to her. Kathy nestled him into the crook of her arms and studied the tiny face. His eyes were closed, as if fast asleep.  She turned face George.

"Is it me, or does young Daniel here look just like his daddy?" she whispered.

George looked at her and then at the bundle in her arms. "Daniel? You wanted to call him Daniel?"

She nodded. "Do you remember how you once told me that when we were married you wanted us to have two little boys, called Daniel and Jacob. So this is Daniel and as for Jacob, well we've got to wait a little longer til  we meet him."

George slowly took in what she was saying. Once more he marvelled how this wonderful woman could remain so thoughtful and aware of the needs of others when she had so much turmoil in her own life. Then, as he looked down to her, she was holding their son up to him.

"Do you want to hold your son?" she whispered.

Mindful of his first tentative meeting with baby Julian Lennon, George lifted his first born son into his arms. Nothing could have prepared him for the rush of intense pride and love that swept over him. Kathy watched as he kissed his son's soft downy head and whispered to him. Kathy felt tears rolling  down her face. Lipreading, she found him telling his son that daddy  would always love him and his mummy. Suddenly he looked up and saw her watching him. He gave her a soft smile then tears filled his eyes.

"Thank  you," he mouthed to her, so she could lip read, "Thank you for allowing me to share this time with you." 

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