Chapter 14

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George stood by the sink, unsure what to do next. Kathy was slumped on the floor, sobbing quietly. He called her name, longing to go to her. He wanted to hold her and comfort her. He made a hesitant step towards her when, without warning, the kitchen door opened.

"She's in here, her fath........" Seeing George there, she scowled "Who the hell let you into this house? Haven't you done enough damage? Then she saw Kathy on the floor, "KATHY! What have you done to her now?" She ran over to her daughter, closely followed by another woman, carry a black case.

"Kathy love, talk to me!" her mother pleaded. "Kathy, has he hurt you again?" Kathy didn't didn't move or answer her mother "Kathy love, please talk to us. The doctor's here love, remember we talked about her looking at you?" Her mother's voice was filled with tears.

This time Kathy raised her face to look at the two women then she looked across the room to George. "Why did you do this to me George?" She whispered softly, "You didn't need to. Not once did I ever refuse you. And I never would because I loved you with my heart and soul. I truely wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. To have your children. For us to become the family we both wanted." She shook her head.

"Kathy baby, please.....we can get passed this. I know we can!" George begged.

Kathy shook her head sadly. "George, what we had, it's gone forever. Your actions destroyed everything. I only hope it was worth it because I know I could never trust you or feel safe with you again.  At the moment, I hate you for doing this to me." She slowly and stiffly climbed to her feet. "Mum, do you think Dad will make sure he's gone for good. I never want to see or speak to him again."

Her mother nodded. Kathy turned away from him and then allowed the doctor to take her upstairs to check her over.

George didn't need to be removed or escorted from the house. He went to the car sat in the driveway. He glanced up to where he knew Kathy's room was. He longed to be with her.

"Good bye Kathy. I'm so, so sorry. More than you'll ever know," he whispered, tears pouring down his face. "I hope you are able to one day move on from this and live a happy life with someone who loves you."

"Kathy love," the doctor spoke quietly, soothingly, "Can you explain to me where the pain is? Your mum said you had pain."

Kathy looked at her, concerned. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Did mum tell you what has happened?"

The doctor nodded.

"So if I speak to you, are you obliged to report it or something?"

The doctor shook her head. "I don't Kathy love. Your mum has already explained that you don't want to go to the police."

Kathy swallowed. "My boyfriend got very very drunk. He raped me." she whispered. She began to  cry softly.

The doctor placed her arm around the distressed woman. "Then let me check you over Kathy, please!"

Nodding, Kathy agreed.

"Do you have any pain Kathy?"

She nodded. "All over but especially down below."

She allowed the doctor to look at the marks on her torso. After wincing when touched, the doctor checked for damaged to her ribs or arms.

"Were you tied up Kathy?" she asked, after seeing bruises on her wrists.

Kathy explained how George had caught hold of her and held her down. Nodding, the doctor took this as an explanation as to how thse injuries were caused.

"You have some quite severe rib bruising down your back Kathy. I'm guessing that it's painful?"

"Very," she started to cry again, "George grabbed me and threw me on the floor....."

The doctor was very gentle and calm with Kathy. Then, she dropped a bombshell Kathy hadn't been expecting.

"To check why you're in so much pain 'down below' I need to examine you Kathy. Will you let me please? I know it's the last thing you want after what's happened but it's common for women to suffer internal damage after rape. Please Kathy."

Kathy looked scared. "I don't know, I've never had one before."

"How about if we call your mum in. She can talk to you and reassure you whilst I do what's needed?"

A few minutes later, with everything in place, Kathy cringed with embarressment as the doctor examined her 'intimately'. She cried out as she was touched. The doctor repeatedly apologised but explained how she had bruising to the area. Then, without warning, Kathy suddenly screamed and began to cry.

"What have you done? Stop! Please stop! This is worse than when George......" She was sobbing now.

The doctor spoke gently to her. She held her hand to comfort her. Kathy's mother, stood on the other side of the bed, looking alarmed. As Kathy's tears subsided, the doctor explained the cause of the pain. Kathy had two lots of tearing internally, as a result of the force used against her. This was the main cause of the pain and discomfort she experiencing. The doctor prescribed pain killers and an antibiotic cream to help speed up healing. Kathy's mum left the doctor with her daughter to go and collect her medicine.

Once alone and Kathy was calm after the examination, the doctor asked Kathy something she hadn't expected.

"Kathy, were you and your boyfriend sleeping together regularly before this happened?"

Looking surprised, Kathy nodded. "Why?"

"Then are you taking the contreceptive pill?"

She shook her head. "No George always used a Durex."

The doctor wrote in her notebook.

"Kathy, do you know if George used one when he did this to you?"

She shook her head, tears springing into her eyes. "I know he didn't. I felt him inside me when he started to he finished and then when I went to change my clothes, I had to wipe a lot of semen from between my legs." She saw the doctors looking more and more grave. "Why?"

Once more the doctor took her hand. "Kathryn, when was your last period? And what was the date that the assault happened?"

Looking more puzzled, Kathy told her the dates. She watched as the doctor looked in the calendar section of her diary, counting days. "Doctor? What are you doing?"

"Kathryn, you are aware that because your boyfriend ejaculated inside you, then there is a risk that you may conceive? The reason I needed dates was to establish where in your cycle you were when intercourse took place. Women are more fertile at different points in the month meaning that the likelihood of conceiving increases if intercourse takes place without contrception."

"Conceiving?" she looked confused, "Conceiving? Doesn't that mean getting pregnant?"

The doctor nodded slowly. "I'm afraid so. And Kathy, when I look at where you are in your monthly cycle, I'm afraid there is a risk of you becoming pregnant. I'm sorry but I thought you should know. If your period hasn't started by the 10th August then we'll have to do a preganacy test."

"Pregnant? I could be preganant because George rap.......?" Her voice tailed off. Kathy was terrified!

When would this nightmare end?

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