Chapter 5

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Kathy sat in the kitchen with her mother. They were talking together but Kathy was constantly looking at her watch, looking anxious. Her mother smiled as she saw how distracted she was.

"If George is as nice as you say he is, then he'll ring like he promised. He might have been delayed for some reason!"

"I know but..." Stopping, Kathy smiled at her mother, "Oh mum I've not seen him for weeks. I can't wait to see him and then introduce him to you and dad! I just hope you both like him though!"

Her mother smiled back. "Am I right in thinking that my quietest daughter just might be in love?"

Kathy blushed furiously. "Mum!"


Laughing now, Kathy nodded. "I think I love him mum! He's just ..lovely. He's kind, caring, lovely company, quiet and....and I can't come up with enough words to  describe him mum!"

"So he's not like his band mate then? The one that hurt your sister so much?"

"NO!" Kathy's response was firm and immediate, "Even George was appalled by Paul's behaviour! No, he's different mum. Totally different. Do you think I'd go out with him if he wasn't?"

Standing up suddenly, her mother said the one word Kathy had been waiting for. "Phone!" She jumped up and followed her to the hallway.


The very nervous voice of George spoke. "Erm, is that Mrs Marshall, Kathy's mum?"

"It is."

"Hello. Erm...this is George, Kathy's"

"Hi George!" she saved him from having to explain, "Kathy's here. What would you like me to tell her?"

"Could you tell her how sorry I am that I'm ringing later than I promised I would. I hate letting Kathy down.  It's just that I've had to do an interview with the lads. We'll be on the news tonight apparently. We've just finished and I'm ready to set off now. I should get to you by about 4.00pm. Is that OK with you?"

"Yes George, yes of course. I'll just pass this on to Kathy."

The message was hurriedly repeated. Kathy then took the phone from her mother. "I know I can't talk to you properly George but drive carefully please. I'm looking forward to seeing you. I've missed you. I'll pass you back to mum now, ok?" She handed the phone back to her mother who spoke briefly to George before putting the receiver down.

"He's sounds a very polite young man Kathy," she told her clearly excited daughter, "He asked me to tell you that he can't wait to see you too. He asked me to send you his love."

Kathy blushed once more then laughed. She glanced at her watch again and groaned. "Three hours until he gets here! What am I going to do to fill three hours?"

Kathy filled the three hours baking for her ever hungry boyfriend. Then with just fifteen minutes to spare, she dashed upstairs to change her clothes, check her hair and put a small amount of make up. Much to her father's amusement, she came into his office to sit by the front window to look for him.

"He's here!" She got up and ran from the room. She stood and watched as George manoevred the car into the driveway. As he cut the engine, he grinned at her. Laughing now, she walked towards the car. George opened the door and climbed out. Immediately he threw his arms around Kathy's neck and kissed her deeply and passionately.

"I've missed you Kathy Marshall, do you know that?"

Kathy gave him a soft smile. "And I've missed you too George. So much."

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