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May 30th 2003.

He saw them first, the couple walking hand in hand, laughing and looking very much in love. He watched them, wistfully, for much longer than he should. He couldn't help it though. It reminded him so much of before he'd lost his love.


He  turned quickly, trying to get into his car, in no mood for fans,

"Paul McCartney, don't you dare do a runner on me!"

He turned, forcing a smile, as the woman ran towards him. Sudddenly, something about her seemed to jog a memory. "

"My God, Kathryn Marshall? No way!" He grinned from ear to ear as he recognised the real blast from his past. He gave her a huge hug. "Look at you!" he exclaimed, "Still as gorgeous as ever!"

"Still the charmer I see!" she laughed, kissing him, "You're not looking so bad yourself! And I'm not Kathy Marshall, I'm Johnson now." She turned to the man stood nearby watching them, grinning. "Paul, this is my husband Tom, Tom my love, I'm guessing you know who this is!"

The  two men greeted each other then, after sharing a brief time together, Paul looked at his watch. "Look Kathy love, I've really got to go. I have an appoinment at 11. Maybe we could arrange a time to catch up later? I'd really like that."

Kathy looked at Paul curiously, "I'm not being nosey, but your appointment, it isn't at Hamiton Jones is it?"

He nodded, surprised. "How do you know?"

"That's where we're headed." She gave him a sad smile.

In the end they travelled in Paul's car together. Kathy, clutching Tom's hand, followed Paul into the very plush offices of a solicitors. Paul was greeted by many people, as she expected. However, he made a beeline for a pleasant looking woman stood with a young man in his early twenties. She watched as they talked then, to her surprise, Paul pointed to her. The young man turned. Kathy's heart missd a beat. She stepped back in shock.

"Kathy love?" Tom was concerned.

She watched as Paul then brought the young man across the room to her. "Kathy, there's someone here who has been waiting to meet you for a very long time."

She gave a weak smile as the young man now faced her, close up. For a moment she was tweny two again.Twenty two and looking into the eyes of her first love. Memories came flooding back and her eyes filled with tears.

Paul gently tapped her hand, breaking her thoughts. "Are you Ok?"

She nodded slowly.

"Kathy love, this is Dhani. Dhani, this is the Kathy you're dad told you about."

Smiling that oh so familiar smile, he held his hand for her to shake. She hesitated. "I'm sorry. I don't want to seem rude, but you look so like your father did the last time I saw him, it threw me for a moment. How do you do?"

Dhani smiled at her. That same smile she noticed. "I thought you'd say how like dad I am. Most people do.  But I know the photo he kept on his desk of you and him with Daniel and Jacob, we're very alike! I don't mind people saying I look like my dad. I'm glad I do. I loved him! I'm glad you've  come today. Dad would be so pleased."

Kathy was saved any further comment as they were all called into a large room and asked to take a seat. She found herself flanked by Paul and Tom. She squeeezed her husband's hand. He gave  her a smile then kissed her hand. Paul, catching the soft gestures between the couple, couldn't help but think how lucky they were!

A tall gentleman, wearing a very expensive suit, stood in front of them, "Ladies and gentlemen, at the request of Mr Harrison Senior, today's proceedings will be translated in to British Sign Language."

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