Chapter 3

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As the light streamed in through the window, Kathy woke first. She climbed out of bed and, after finding a dressing gown hung up on the back of the door, she tiptoed out to the living room. She found George sprawled across the sofa which was far too short for him! His gangly legs hung over the edge. Kathy found herself feeling sorry for him. He looked decidely uncomfortable. She took at step towards him but was startled as he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Morning." She gave him a nervous smile, unsure how he'd react.

"Hi." He pulled himself up into a sitting position, groaning. "God I'm stiff! This sofa is not designed for sleeping on!"


He laughed. "Hey don't worry! it's not your fault. He stood up and looked down at his crumpled state. Rubbing his hands through his hair, he looked at Kathy and grinned. "I'm starving! Fancy having breakfast with me in the cafe down the road? My treat."

"I'd love to!" She hesitated, looking towards the bedrooms, "But George, is there any sign of Lucy and Paul?"

He shook his head. "I think they're probably still asleep considering how long they were at it last night. Why?"

"Like I said last night, I don't know how to get back to her flat without her. I don't want her to leave without me."

Knowing from past experience that Paul would make sure he got even more sex from Lucy before she left today, he debated on the best way to answer. "I can't see either of them up for hours yet." He commented tactfully, "Why not leave a note just in case?"

Thinking this was a good idea, she quickly scribbled a note for her sister then she ran to her room and got dressed. Within minutes she ready and back with him.

"A woman that can get ready quickly and still look gorgeous. I'm impressed!" he remarked. Then chuckled as she blushed.

She laughed as he handed her her coat, pleased that he thought she looked nice. She watched as he placed a wide brimmed hat on his head then pulled it low down over his face.

"What's the hat for?" she chuckled.

He looked up at her so she could see her face. "Stops me being recognised so we can get some peace."

"But it also means I can't see your face George, so I won't be able to talk to you!"

"Then we'll just have walk fast and I'll take it off once we get to the cafe. How does that sound?"


After opening the door and letting her through first, he linked her arm as they set off together.

The cafe was just a few streets away. Thankfully, being a  Sunday morning meant they got there without any problems. As they walked in a woman behind the counter called "morning George!" He waved as they found a table at the back of the cafe. He deliberately sat with his back to the door then took off his hat and jacket. The cafe owner came over to them.

"No Paul today?" she asked cheerfully, handing them both a menu each.

George shook his head. "No he's busy."

She eyed Kathy curiously. "This pretty thing your girlfriend Georgie!"

Kathy blushed furiously. George laughed off the comment, telling her she was his sister. After taking their orders, she left them to talk.

"Sorry about that," he told her, "I didn't know what to say. The sister excuse was the first thing that came into my head!"

She smiled at him. "It's fine. Being your fake sister is an honour!"

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