Chapter 22

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Leaving a note for her parents, Kathy climbed into Paul's car. She was laughing.

"What's so funny!" He asked, smiling at her.

"Me. You. This." She said, waving her hand across her the belongings in the back of the car. "Yesterday morning I woke up feeling like my life was falling apart. Then, with one knock on the door, everything changes."

"Hopefully for the better!"

"Could it get much worse?"

Paul smiled. "Hey, I like the sound of that. Could be a line from a catchy song. 'You've got to admit it's getting better. getting better all the time.... couldn't get much worse!'" he sang, as the car pulled out of the driveway.

"Did you just make that up?" Kathy asked, watching him in astonishment.

"Yeah, but I think I moght need to work on the rest!" Paul nodded. "Right, concentrating on the road now!"

"It's OK. I'm used to no conversations during car journeys because I can't look at people to lip read!"

The journey to London was long but uneventful. Paul was pleased to see that Kathy was relaxed enough in his company to fall asleep. She looked pale and her eyes were dark ringed, he'd noticed already. The stress of all the events no doubt taking it's toll on her. He shook his head, not good for her or the baby now he thought.  She awoke not far from their destination.

"Good timing," he told her, turned to face her as they stopped at a red light, "We're nearly home!"

Kathy began to pay attention to her surrounndings. She didn't know London very well, just the parts she'd been to with George. She watched as Paul pulled up in front of some large gates, completely hiding the house behind. He spoke into an intercom, and then, like magic, the gates swung open to reveal a long curved driveway which lead up to the front of an impressive and rather attractive Georgian Town House.

"Welcome to McCartney Manor!" he declared, grinning at her.

Kathy looked at him, a look of disgust on her face. "You have not given this magnificent house such an awful name surely?"

Paul started laughing. "No. But you're so easy to wind up!" They were both laughing now. Suddenly Kathy stopped and looked serious again.

"What 's wrong Kathy?" Paul looked concerned.

"Nothing really. I just realised that I haven't laughed since the night of the 'HELP!' premier when you and George decided to do a Tango across the dance floor to the Rolling Stones. You were hilarious!" She smiled softly as she looked at him. "It feels good to laugh again that's all. Maybe you should tell George that when you next see him. Tell him how I'm feeling happier already!"

"Well I'm glad you're happier." He looked serious now. "Kathy, I'm here and as a John and Ringo. We'll do whatever we can to help you. OK?"

"I know and thank you. Seriously. You don't need to do this, any of you, so thank you."

The front door opened and a smiling woman in her early fifties walked down the steps to the car.

"Hi Rose!" Paul called. "This is Kathy!"

"Hello love," she said, deliberately facing her as Paul explained.

Kathy smiled and returned the greeting. She got out of the car, relieved to be able to stretch her legs after so long sitting still. She looked around the garden. The lawns were surprisingly well kept. She guessed he had a gardener. Somehow she couldn't see Paul mowing the grass on a Sunday morning! Paul began grabbing her bags from the car, she turned to help. See her, he ran towards her.

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