Chapter 27

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The court room slowly emptied but Kathy, still  sobbing into her hands, was oblivious to this. Paul made to move to her, suddenly noticing that the judge was doing the same.

"I think I'll look after Kathy, if you don't mind Mr McCartney," she said softly, "I think she may need somewhere a little more private to compose herself, rather than the main corridor."

Paul, feeling that he had no option, argreed with her. He then stood and watched as she then took Kathy to her quarters behind the court.

Kathy found herself sat in a comfy armchair, being offered sandwiches and cake. She accepted them gratefully and once eaten, she sat back into the chair, with a cup of coffee.

"Thank you for this," she smile gratefully to the judge, "I hadn't realised how hungry I was. And I could quite cheerfully fall asleep in this chair!"

"How would you feel about you and I having a talk Kathy?"

She looked  surprised. "What about?"

"I'm interested in your opinions about George."

Kathy looked surprised. "Why?"

"You may not be aware Kathy, but today is the final day of George's trial. The chances are, that by the end of today, the jury will have found George guilty of all charges against him. That means I have the to decide on a tarriff at which to impose for George's sentence. Kathy, at present in British Law, rape carries a minimum custodial sentence of ten years."

"No!" she burst into tears, "George doesn't deserve that! What he did wasn't planned! He wouldn't hurt a soul! He's a good man who doesn't deserve to have his life ruined for something he had no control over! Please, there must be something else you can do?"

"What do you think I should do? If you were me, what kind of punishment would you impose for this crime, because whatever anyone says Kathy, George Harrison committed an horrendous crime against you?"

Kathy sat quiet for a moment. She was a fair and just woman. She held no malice, nor desire for revenge towards George because of what he had done to her. Hate was a negative, damaging emotion for herself and she didn't want to feel that towards him. At the same time, there she was, in life in tatters because of him. Suddenly, she turned to the judge, "I think......"

"All rise!"

Kathy smiled towards the judge as she sat down. The judge gave her a slight nod. Suddenly Kathy found her attention drawn to the centre of the room. She recognised the man stood the as the lawyer for the prosecution. She scowled to herself, remembering how unpleasant he had been when she had had  to face him.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it falls on me today to remind you of the facts behind the vicious, planned and violent rape and assault of Kathryn Marshall in the hands of George Harrison. It is your duty to ignore the clean shaven image of The Beatles that is portrayed in the media. It important that George Harrison is tried for what he truely is, and that, ladies and gentleman, is a self confessed drug taking, heavy drinking man who sexually assaulted and raped Kathryn Marshall, the woman he claims to have loved so much he wanted to marry her. And you must also remember that those word are not mine, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Oh no, those were the words of George Harrison himself, when he was stood in this very courtroom and confessed to his crime!

It is important that you do not take his confession as the sign of a good man. Oh no, he will have been told by his legal team, that a confession often results in a much lighter tarriff.

So, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it falls to you all now to fiind George Harrison guily for all the charges put before him."

Kathy watched as he walked back to his seat. She felt frustrated. She hadn't been able to follow a lot of what had been said. However, she could see how both John and Paul had fidgetted uncomfortably and looked more and more grim as time went on. She knew from their behaviour that what was said wasn't good news for George.

Then it was the turn of George's own lawyer. He stood at the front of the court and explained how he would not be making grand gestures as his summing up, but instead,making truthful statements.

"Much has been said about the type of woman Miss Marshall is and how she and Mr Harrison were very much in love. They were, as Miss Marshall admits. Mr Marrison will tell anyone that will listen, he still loves Miss Marshall very much and deeply DEEPLY regrets his actions.

But, ladies and gentlement of the jury, were those the actions of George Harrison? Was he in true mind the night this offence took place? Mr McCartney has openly admitted how his actions contributed to the offence against Miss Marshall. Mr Lennon has described in detail the impact that Marijauna has on Mr Harrison's behaviour. Therefore, I state that on the night in question, Mr Harrison was not in  true mind when the offence took place. He could not be as he was under the influence of the drug placed in his drink by Mr McCartney. So, as much as Mr Harrison has confessed his self loathing for raping the woman he loved, I think that the charge of rape is wrong.

The legal definition of rape is 'the planned act of forcing another person to take part in a sexual act against their will or without their verbal agreement.' Now, although Mr Harrison does not dispute the fact that he forced himself on his fiancee, it was NOT a planned act. It was, infact, an act that was carred out because of the uncontrolable aspects  of behaviour experienced by  Mr Harrison whilst under the influence of a drug forced on him by Mr McCartney. Ladies and gentlemen, it strikes me that both Miss Marshall AND Mr Harrison are the victims in this case. Please consider this as you reach your verdict.

Thank you."

The judge spoke. "The jury will now be dismissed to reach their verdict. Court will reconvene once a verdict has been reached."

They watched as the jury left to decide George's fate.

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