Chapter 22

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Hiccup's POV

I was really tired. Toothless wanted to follow me home even after I told him several times that he's not allowed to. As I got home I tried to be as quiet as possible, because I didn't want to wake Merida. I stepped towards my room and saw light glimmering underneath the door, coming from my room. She isn't sleeping yet? The door made a squeaking noise as I opened it and I saw Merida sitting at my desk, reading through my old notes. She didn't mind to look at me after I closed the door. “If you are searching for a lecture to sleep, this isn't the best to read.”, I chuckled and it seemed that she winced in the moment I started to talk, as if she hasn't noticed me. She turned around and her sleepy blue eyes smiled at me, along with her lip. Her eyes were filled with excitement and wonder as she stood up to walk towards me. Her arms perfectly fit behind my neck and my hands, around her hips. “Sorry. I was just curious. Most of the ideas are brilliant! Even though I understand not even half of it.”, her voice was sleepy and charming in a way that made me do anything for her. If she would me ask to jump out of the window with that voice, I'd probably do it. “It doesn't matter. I'm gonna explain a few of those things tomorrow, if you want to ride a dragon. But we should just sleep right now.” Our grip loosened and Merida moved to the bed. She was already in her nightgown and only I needed to change. Then I remembered something. I caught a moment she wasn't looking at me to slip my hand into my pocket to get the ring my father gave me out of it. Should I give it to her now? Maybe I should think about something to say. I put the ring on my desk and started to change for the night. Merida looked at me as if she was about to say 'Hurry and come to bed. I'm tired.' but she only smiled at me. I smiled back and took a step closer but my eyes were drawn to the ring on my desk. My movement stopped and I frowned, scratching my chin, thinking that it's the right to do. She deserves it. “Close your eyes.”, I pleaded with a smile on my face that made her grin. “What are ye up to?”, she smirked and I shrugged playful. After that she close her eyes, sitting up straight in my bed. I went to my desk and picked up the ring. “Hurry, or else I'll fall asleep.”, Merida yawned behind me and I chuckled. I sat in front of her, taking her hand. “I think you will know, when to open you eyes.”, I whispered as I put the ring on her finger. As the cold jade band touched her skin, her eyes went into a wide open state and her jaw dropped. Her other hand covered her mouth and she stared at the ring. Tears started to form in her eyes and she grabbed her chin. A few seconds passed before her right hand ran down and pressed against her chest. “Oh my god... Hiccup... it's... it's beautiful. But... I can't accept it. It's too precious.” She swiftly removed the ring and put it in my palm, using her hands to push my fingers to cover it. “Please, don't get me wrong but... I think there is a better place and time for this. I love ye, really.” I couldn't believe it. Her eyes were asking for forgiveness I can't deny but I still was disappointed. The bed made some light cracking noises as I stood up to put the ring into a box on my desk. “Are ye mad at me now?”, she asked quiet as I sat on the bed, not answering anything to this. She lay besides me and I pulled the covers over both of us. “I'm sorry... but would ye mind cuddling?”, she asked careful and I shook my head. Her lips turned into a smile and she snuck closer to me as I put my arms around her. Not long after that, I fell asleep. It was an untroubled night and I slept really well but in the morning I woke up to a horror filled scream.

Merida's POV

After Astrid and I got home, I asked her if she would like to stay at our house, but she declined my offer and we said goodbye. It was kinda strange, being alone in this huge house. I went straight to Hiccup's room to change into my nightgown. Even though it was already dark and I was tired before, something prevented me from sleeping. I used the time to take a closer look at Hiccup's room. I don't think he has something to hide... Not that I'm searching for something. I went straight to his desk where some old papers lay. It reminded me about the time back in Scotland, shortly before we got here. He worked day and night to improve the gear and design some for me. I sat down on the chair in front of the desk and began to move the papers, sheet by sheet, carefully because they where old. Sketches over sketches, ideas piling up on things that look like prototypes. I didn't understand a thing but it was still fascinating. “If you are searching for a lecture to sleep, this isn't the best to read.”, someone behind me chuckled and I nearly jumped as I saw Hiccup behind me. I'm really sleepy, I guess. I stood up and walked up to him, laying my arms around his neck and sensing his around my hips. “Sorry. I was just curious. Most of the ideas are brilliant! Even though I understand not even half of it.”, I mumbled, sleepy as I was. He gave me a smile and kissed my forehead. “It doesn't matter. I'm gonna explain a few of those things tomorrow, if you want to ride a dragon. But we should just sleep right now.” I agreed and my arms brushed past his shoulders, back to my side before I walked to our bed. My back was turned to him as I sat on the bed and rambled myself under the covers. I turned around and Hiccup seemed to put something on his desk. Maybe he just fixed the mess I made. His eyes met mine and I couldn't help but smile. I was really tired all of the sudden and only waited for him to come to bed. He looked back to his desk and frowned. Maybe I shouldn't have rummaged around his desk. “Close your eyes.”, He pleaded, all of the sudden, with a smile on that made her grin from ear to ear. “What are ye up to?”, I smirked and he just shrugged. I did as he pleased and closed my eyes. Oh boy I love surprises. But closing my eyes made me even more tired. “Hurry, or else I'll fall asleep.”, Merida yawned and I heard a chuckle. He was closer than before and I felt the mattress moving as he sat down. “I think you will know, when to open you eyes.”, He whispered and a sudden clod touched my finger. Could this be-? My eyes opened and looked down to my left hand. A ring. A beautiful Jade-Silver ring embraced my finger, so beautiful I could have cried. I was overwhelmed. I didn't knew what to do. It's to beautiful to wear it right now, only as an engagement ring. This has wedding ring potential. I felt my right hand pressing against my chest, keeping my heart from jumping out of it. “Oh my god... Hiccup... it's... it's beautiful. But... I can't accept it. It's too precious.” I felt unworthy to wear it now and I placed it careful and swiftly into his palms, pushing his fingers over it. “Please, don't get me wrong but... I think there is a better place and time for this. I love ye, really.” A look into his eyes showed that a piece of his heart broke. Oh what have I done. I'm so sorry. Will he forgive me? He sighed and got up to put it back on the desk again. Has it been there all the time? Maybe he thought I've seen it before. “Are ye mad at me now?”, I asked as he sat by my side again, but the silence was enough of an answer. We lay down and he pulled the covers over both of us and I felt so bad at that moment. “I'm sorry... but would ye mind cuddling?” I just wanted him to forgive me. He shook his head and lay his arms around me and I needed to and so I snuck closer to him to cuddle. Even though I was tired it took a lot of time for me to fall asleep. But the night was terrible.

The boy with the Dragon and the girl with the Bow "2". [Mericcup]Where stories live. Discover now