Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The next few days was not easy. My book bag was in my car and my car is still missing. Some my football gear, my books, my everything. And poof gone. Police now suspect it when to a chop shop. Yet there was still no word on the man who put me in Zach's locker.

At lunch on Monday I sat at the table by myself again but this time Jessica and Tara sit on my right, Zach comes to my left, soon my table was filled with some cheer and players. It was kinda crazy.

"Don't forget our first game is this tomorrow." Coach Kemp yells after practice on Thursday then dismisses us to go to the showers.

"Hey, Dylan!" I turn to see Richie running to me.

I take off my helmet. "Yeah?"

"I wanted to give a tip." I cross my arms waiting for a comment I was going to have to punch him in the face for. "don't let anyone take you down. I've been rooting for you since day one." He slaps me on the back then runs off. I smile to myself as I continue on to the shower. A quick shower later and I stood talking to Coach.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he was still concerned.

"Yes sir, it's just a bruise." I had a bruise from trying to force my way out of the locker.

"Okay..." he trails off. "also, we are playing the Western Mustangs, they have some pretty big players, make sure you keep an eye out. They'll wanna crush you because you're a girl. You gotta bite back."

"They might be exterminators but she's an angry wasp." Zach was now standing next to us. His hair is wet from his shower. He shakes his head, slinging water on me.

"Don't make me sting you again." I warn him.

"I know." He cringes at the memories.

Coach started talking to a player and Zach and I walk to his truck.

"Would you like to go get something to eat?" Zack asks me.

"Yes." I no longer had to get Dexter from his clubs because his friends got him.

"Alright, where do you want to go?"

"Want to get burgers?"

"I know the best burger joint in town." He says. Then he drives to Mrs. Jenny's diner. I got very excited.

When we walk in we are greeted by an older woman who worked in the dinner.

"Hello Zack." She says as she shows us to our table.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Betty." Zach smiles at her.

"Don't you have a beautiful girl with you?" Mrs. Betty says. 

"Isn't she?" an older man from another table says. "How are you today Dylan?"

"I'm doing much better." A forced smile comes naturally. 

"So, you too are going to lead us to a championship?" the old man asks.

"That's the plan." Zach answers. "I have no doubt we will make it with Dylan, she has taken many teams to championship."

"I read that in the papers." When I went missing the papers pretty much told the whole town about my back story.

Mrs. Betty comes with two plates of food and two milkshakes that we had not ordered yet. How did she know what we wanted? I then realize that I come here a lot and always order a cheese burger, fries, and a vanilla milkshake. She must know Zach as well. In front of him was also a cheese burger and fries but with a chocolate milkshake.

"Why vanilla?" Zach in fake disgust.

"Because I like vanilla." I narrowed my eyes.

"Vanilla is so boring."

"Like you?" I then make fake airhorn noises. This causes a laugh.

"Strange." He mutters.

"How is your black eye?" I ask. "Why won't you tell me about it?"

"Because girls like a mysterious man."


After eating he pays and I throw down the tip before he can. He lets out a long sigh but excepts it after a moment of arguing.

"The best burgers I have ever had." I rub my belly once in the truck.

"I know right."

"Want to stay and play video games with my brother and his friends?" I ask as we get closer to my house.

"Sure. But I want to warn you, I am amazing at everything I do." He winks.

"It's on."

"how does it feel to be a looser?" Dean yells.

"He only won because he cheated." I defended myself.

"You pushed me first." Zach defends himself.

"That's not the point." I grumble. "I'm going to get food. Anyone want anything?" everyone wanted something so I enlisted Zach to help me remember everything. We got everything together and brought it down. That is when I saw the time. It was very late.

"I should get going." Zach says looking at the clock. "See you tomorrow."

"Be care on your way home."

"Aww, you do care." He held his hand over his heart.

"Go home Zach." I laughed.


"I'm turning in for the night." I yawn.

Dean didn't really acknowledge my existence, he was in the middle of a game. Gavin waved bye then went back to his phone. tony said, "Goodnight darling." In a fake British accent.

I made sure my window was locked and I changed into shorts and an old tee shirt. I was just starting to get cooler at night. I liked the fall, not just because it was football season, I enjoyed cooler weather. I climbed into bed and snuggled with my blanket. I heard my door open. I jumped up.

"What are you-"

"You've been locking your window." He sits down on my bed.

"I- I didn't need you." I whisper.

"That's bull."

"You don't know-" he put his finger on my lips.

"You were kidnapped."

He moved his finger to the side of my face. I feel tears in my eyes. I haven't wanted to talk about the locker to anyone. Not even him. He then pulled me to his lap. I began to cry. He held me as I cried and slurred out words that were not understandable. Once I calmed down he lifted my chin to look into his green eyes.

"Let's go for a walk." He takes my hand.

"Wait let me change, ill meet you outside." He nodded and opened the window and slipped out. I put on pants and a light jacket and did my best to make my hair look presentable. Then I slid out the window. He was waiting for me. he grabbed my hand and lead me down the street. I didn't know where we were headed but I trusted him. We ended up in a park.

I sat down on the swing and he pushed me. we were both quiet for a while.

"You have beautiful eyes." He breaks the silence. "In the moon light they become icy and dangerous. Dangerous because you could fall into its waters and swim there forever." I felt a blush on my cheeks.

He slows the swing down and stands in front of me. Our faces close. I reach up and move his hair from his face. Without much thought I kissed him. It was just a soft, quick kiss.

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