Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I raced to her bedroom but couldn't find her. I made my way to the kitchen. 



"Zach is upstairs in my bed-" I start.

"Who is in your bed?" Tony asks. I didn't see him setting at the table.

"Zach." Mom answers Tony.

"Mom." I groan as Tony and Dean smirk. "This is serious."

"Are you pregnant?" Tony asks.

"Don't you have some desperate girl to bang?" I snap at Tony. He puts his hands up in surrender. I hit him hard. That girl wasn't into Tony because he was seen as a player.

"What's wrong? Why is Zach in your room?" she tried to calm me down.

"Zach knocked on the door and he was all bruised up. So I helped him to my room and cleaned him up. And when I asked who did this to him he said his dad did It. But he doesn't want to call the police but he at least needs to see a doctor because I'm not a doctor I just took sports med for a semester and I don't know anything about everything." My words were very fast.

"Honey, calm down."


"Stay here, I'm going to talk to him."

"He just went to sleep."

"Let me just look at the injuries, if I feel they are life threatening then I'll take him to the hospital. If not then I'll let him go back to sleep."

"What if-"

"Dylan, I am a nurse at the emergency room. I promise I got this." She laid a hand on my shoulder before she walked away.

She left me in the kitchen with Tony. He tried to ask me where I had been but I wasn't in the mood to talk about it.

It felt like hours when it had only been a few minutes by the time mom walked back into the kitchen.

"Is he okay?" I as now on my feet.

"Yes. It is just a few bruises and scratches. Nothing too bad. But I have convinced him to talk to the police."

"Can I go see him?" before he finished the nod I was running to my room. I open my door to see Zach laying on my bed.

When I get closer I see that Zack is wide awake.

"I'm sorry, I had to tell her." I cry out losing my tough shell and completely crumbling.

"Your mom helped me understand that he isn't my family, you and my team are what real family looks like."

I stayed next to the bed until social services and the police came. I was asked to stay in the hall. When Dean got home he was not okay. The day I tried to jump off the bridge police were here just like this. Dean thought that what happened between Gavin and I caused this. When he saw me, he held me in his arms and cried. Just like day I came home in a police car freezing and wet. Dean doesn't cry very often but when he does it makes me cry as well.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know that he was going to do that to you." He whispered.

"How could you do that to me?"

"I just wanted to keep you safe."

"You didn't need to hire someone to become my friend."

"I- I didn't know what else to do."

"Trust that it isn't coming back."

"After everything that has happened recently, if I were you it would have come back for me."

"But I'm not you."

"Can I talk to you?" Mom whispers asks me. I nod my head and follow her. "The police have his dad in custody. Turns out this isn't the first time they had been called. Also, he can live where he wants because eighteenth birthday is Sunday next week." I didn't know his birthday was the day after the homecoming dance.

"He can stay?"

"Yes, he and I have talk it through." 

"Where is he going to sleep?"

"Since he is your friend, we will put a mattress on your floor."

"Thank you." I say and hug her.

"I love you sweetie. Now I should start making dinner." She says and walks down the stairs. I go back into my room. I pull one of the bean bags near my bed.

"Hey dill pickle." He whispers.

"How are you feeling?" I ignore the nickname.

"I'm okay." He says. "I plan on going back to school on Monday."

"I think you should rest."

"I need to go to school."

"I won't argue with you anymore... nerd."

"Shut up dill pickle." I let the nickname slide again.

I glance at my window. I go over too it and lock it. I doubt he would come back but just in case. Zach saw what I was doing and he understood.

Mom brings in some soup and crackers.

"Thank you Mrs. Brynn." Zach all ways so polite.

"Zach," mom laughs, "we have been over this, you don't have to call me 'Mrs. Brynn' just Daisy."

"Yes ma'am."

"If you need anything just call for me." As mom walks out Dean and Tony walk in.

"Let's watch a movie." Tony offers.

"Fine but no horror." 

"Deal." Dean grumbles.

Dean and Tony bring the tv from Dean's room and places it on my book shelf. I sit next to Zach on my bed, Tony and Dean set on the beanbags.

Dean and I were okay now. I forgive him fast, I have since a childhood. Tony didn't know what Gavin was up to and why he all of a sudden became his friend he also didn't know why he suddenly was no longer their friend. He questioned but Dean said he would explain later.

I didn't want to talk about it. Gavin broke my heart. The pain was still fresh. I felt stuck in a rut. Zach and I shared something last night. I did want to fall for him. I know I didn't want too because he would just be my rebound. I didn't want to hurt him. In addition, if we did break up the team might fall apart. If we are to go to a championship we can't fall apart.

I can't let myself do this.

I'm not going to let my team down. I'm not going to let the town down. I'm not letting anyone down.


Authors note:

I feel really bad about not having a constant upload so I'm going to try to update everyday until the book is done. Or at least I'm gonna try.

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