Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I wake up still in the bed of Zach's truck. Today is his birthday and I plan on making it special, he deserves it. I'm not sure how to wake him up so I gently shake him.

"Zach," I say, "get up." He slowly starts to open his eyes.

"Morning." He says groggy.

"Good morning birthday boy." I sing.

"I thought that you would forget." He groans.

"How could I forget something this important?"

"You forgot to do a two-hundred point project, is that not concentered important?" 

"Not in my book." I wink. "We need to go home and change so we can get your birthday started."

This time when we leave we don't get stuck in the mud. Once home I take a shower in my bathroom and Zach takes a shower in Dean's bathroom, he has been using his bathroom since he started living here. I put on some jeans and a t-shirt, then I run a brush through my hair and throw it into a ponytail. I put my plastic crown I won last night on my bookshelf next to my trophies.

On my way to the kitchen Dexter, Dean, Tony are setting at the table with huge grins on their faces.

"How was it?" Dean asked as I get out a pan and eggs.

"How was what?" Dean rolls his eyes.

"The dance?" Tony yelled.

"Oh," I say, "pretty nice, I had fun." I shrug as I make scrambled eggs and pop some bread in the toaster.

"I wonder who one homecoming queen?" Dexter asks as if he already knew.

"Hmm..." I put the eggs on a plate and pull out bacon.

"Is that for us?" Dexter asks.

"No." I laugh.

"You are the best girlfriend any guy could ask for." Tony says.

"I'm not his girlfriend." 

"Yet." Dean adds. I roll my eyes.

"I don't think I'm ready for that yet." Do I want Zack to be my boyfriend? What if he is the- hot grease lands on my arm.

"Crud!" I put the bacon on the plate and set it on the table.

"Speaking of which, here is Zach?" Dean asks.

"I may or may not have locked him in the bathroom." I say. "Now go away, all of you." They all leave. I go to Dean's bathroom and remove the chair from under the door knob. When I open the door Zach is standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. I smile innocently.

"Why did you lock me in the bathroom?"

"So I could make breakfast. Let's go eat before it gets cold."

Sitting at the table I only eat the buttered toast and some fruit. That is all I ever eat for breakfast.

"Where are we going?" Zach asks as I drive his truck.

"It is a surprise." 

"Can I drive my own truck?" he asks a few minutes later.

"You don't know where we are going." I turn up the radio to make him shut up.

I park his truck on the side of the road. I grab my backpack out of the back of the truck and hand Zach his that I packed for him.

"How did you know I like hiking?"

"Lucky guess?" Honestly, I heard him talking to Tony about hiking. Tony still likes that girl that turned him down for being a player so he was asking Zach how to hike and good places to go.

"I would hike in these woods with my mom." 

"Come on then, you lead the way."

As we walk around Zach points out things like what tree it is just by looking at the leaves, the poison ivy, what frog that is, and what bird makes that noise.

"Were you a boy scout or something?" I laugh.

"I was."

"If I ever get lost I hope I get lost with you." I say and he smiles.

Around noon he shows me a beautiful place with a waterfall. I reach into my back pack and pull out a blanket and some sandwiches. We have a picnic by the waterfall. The water was calming and a good background noise.

"I want to tell you something." Zach takes a bite of his sandwich.


"You know my mom died in a car accident right. I still remember that night like it happened yesterday. My mom was setting in the passenger's seat, I was setting in the back and my dad was driving. But he was drunk and wouldn't let my mom drive, he said he was okay to drive."

His eyes start to water and he took a deep breath.

"We were just driving and every now and then my dad would swerve. One of the times he was on the wrong side of the road and there was another car coming from the other way. He jerked the wheel then our car drove off the road. What I remember is that we hit the ditch and started to roll hit a tree then stopped. I can remember opening my eyes and seeing my dad getting out of the car. He made me get in the driver's seat and he sat where I was."

A tear falls down his cheek and my heartbreaks.

"When the police got there, he said I was the one driving. The next day I found out my mom was killed on impact. And my father blamed me for killing her. It was ruled as an accident. No one knows the truth but my dad, me, and now you."

"I don't mean to be rude but why did you pick me? Why did you tell me this?" 

"I just wanted you to know."

I grab his hand. "Thank you. This time your dad will not be set free. He will pay for what he did to you." I place my other hand gently on his cheek. The bruise is almost gone by now.

"His trail is in a few months, he got out on bail yesterday."

"They didn't think he was a risk?" I could feel the anger in my chest. He was dangerous. What idiot would let him out on bail?

"I- I guess not. Dylan, you need to promise me something."

"What is it?"

"keep this on you at all times and when we are at school keep it in my truck." He then places a small black pocket knife in my hand.


"Please. I don't think he would come after you. But if he comes for me I want you to have something to protect yourself with."

I nod and pray a silent prayer that I will never need to use the knife.


Authors Note:

Happy Friday!!
I posted every day this week and I'm proud!

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