Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The first thing I hear is a beeping noise, my alarm clock. Was that just a terrible dream? I slowly open my eyes.

"She's waking up." a female voice says. I open my eyes all the way. "Would you like something to drink?" Her voice is soft and sweet.

Not a dream I realize as I look around the white room.

"Water?" she asks again as she puts a straw to my lips. The water feels amazing as it slides down my through.

"Where is Zach?"

She doesn't answer. "Let's see if you can get some food down."

"Where is Zach?" I repeat.

"I'll go tell you family you are awake and i'll be back with some food."

Mom, Dean, and Dexter come running into the room. The second my mom sees me she burst into tears.

"No one is giving me an answer. Where is Zach?" I watch as a tear falls down Dean's face. He holds my hand and I know. "He didn't make it out." I whispered.

"I'm so sorry, Dylan." Dean cries.

I begin to scream and cry. I couldn't breathe. The universe gives me someone and then takes them from me. it isn't fair.

My screaming makes alarms ring. My mom and brothers are taken out of the room and doctors inject something into my iv. Within a few minutes I become calm. Silent tears fall from my eyes.

They let my family come back in and we sit in silence. I try to sit up but I feel pain in my leg, I cry out.

"Dylan," mom speaks up, "the doctors... you were shot."

"You took a bullet to the knee." Dean tries to joke.

"Am I ever going to be able to walk again?" I whisper.

"They are optimistic about you walking but sweetie, it will be a long time."

"Like a month?"

"Eight months to a year and even then, you won't be able to move it like you did before."

My heart drops. "No more football?"


Jessica and Tara came every day, they decorated my room to make it prettier. Richie and some of the team came to visit. Tony and Dean became very protective of me, he checked every one before they could come in. Dexter was helping me stay caught up in school but Dexter, mom, and I decided that it would be better if I took a year off of school to recover and I would graduate next year, in the same class as Richie.

It had been two weeks since I had woken up in the hospital, two weeks with out Zach. It was Zach's funeral. Mom helped me into a black dress then she helped me into a wheel chair. I wasn't even able to bend my knee yet. I don't remember much of the funeral. I remember people coming up to me and crying. I remember them putting his casket next to his mom's. I remember crying. I remember everyone bringing me back to the hospital. I remember changing back into the hospital gown. I remember asking my mom to throw away the dress.

I never wanted to see that dress ever again.

After visiting hours were over someone opened my door. My heart dropped. If it was a nurse they would have identified themselves by now. I knew Mr. baton was in prison for real this time.

"Who is it? I can't see you in the dark." My finger hovered over the call nurse button.

"It's me."

"How did you even get in here?"

"I'm so sorry about everything that happened. Please, give me another chance."


"I know what I did was wrong but I'm here because I want to make things right."

"I- I-"

"I brought some of my mom's ice cream." He offered.

"Bring that ice cream over here."

He gave me the container and a spoon. It was so sweet and amazing. I missed this ice cream.


A week after I allowed Gavin back into my life I was going home. the hospital made me leave in a wheel chair but I was able to use crunches now. When mom and I got home I saw that Jessica, Tara, Richie, Dex, Dean, and Tony had thrown me a welcome home party. I was put in my bed and everyone gathered in my room. We watched movies, ate food, and talked.

The girls caught me up on what was going on at school. Every one was destroyed at the news of what happened. Our school was on the news, I had been hidden away from any questions. Richie said that the team keeps Zach and I's jerseys in the field house. Everyone touches the frames before they go out onto the field. So far, they are still on the road to the championship. Patrick was going to be the quarterback and new captain but he refused both. A freshman, named Jamie, became the new first string quarterback, he was pretty good. Coach asked Richie if he wanted to be the captain. Richie asked me for my blessing and I gave it to him in a heartbeat.

It had started to get late and it was a school night so everyone left around eight. Tony went to that girl's house, she finally agreed to one date and tonight was the night. My brothers went off to their bedrooms.

I got up to get a glass of water. I know that if I had asked everyone would have gotten some in a heartbeat but I wanted to do something for myself. I was tired of people doing everything for me. I set down the glass and looked at the large envelope on the counter. It was from the University of Alabama and it had Zach's name on it. I opened it. I knew I shouldn't have but I did.

The more I read it the more my heart broke. He got a scholarship for football. He got a free ride all the way.

I felt sick. I dropped the letter to the ground and made my way back to my room. Once I got there I saw a familiar face on my bed. Gavin became concerned. He helped me into bed.

"What happened?"

I began to cry. "he is dead. He didn't even get to live. He-" I hiccupped. "I love him."


"I told him to wait and now it is too late."

Gavin held me him his arms as I cried myself to sleep.


Author's Note:

Please don't be mad. I wrote and rewrote this chapter a million times and this feels right. It isn't over yet. And I do have a surprise...

The epilogue will be in Zach's pov. I just want to give y'all some closure on what happened too him.

Also, some people might be upset that Gavin (aka Spider-Man) is back because he did some not nice things. I put him back because Dylan needed a shoulder to cry on and the only people she had opened up too was Zach and Gavin. Zach is now gone and there is only Gavin.

Plus Dylan herself said that the only way she would accept an apology was his mom's ice cream.

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