Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Saturday morning, I woke up and Spider Man was gone. Like he always was. He spent the night in my room every night and was gone before I woke up. It was now Monday morning and I woke up lonely. I was sad. Why can't he stay till the morning?

I took a shower and changed. I really just didn't feel like doing anything to day. I put my hair in a ponytail and called it a day, even though it was only the morning.

"Good morning gray cloud." Dean was eating cereal.

"It's Monday, I'm allowed to be in a bad mood." I put toast in the toaster. I grab a handful of grapes while I wait. 

"That isn't an excuse." He points his spoon at me accusingly.

"Look," I sigh, "I just don't feel like doing today."

"If only it could be canceled."

"They are never going to do that so too bad." Dexter fixes himself cerial. He was in a worce mood than I was.

"Why is everyone in a bad mood? What did did Monday do to you? Yeah, maybe you have to wake up in the morning. So, what? Go out into the world and kick some butt."

"Dean Nickolas Brynn!" Mom yells as she walks into the kitchen. "why on earth are you on the kitchen table?"

"I'm trying to be inspirational." Dean sighs like a teenager.


"That was a great game Friday night." I tell the team after practice.

"Don't forget next week is the homecoming game. Y'all are dismissed." Zach finishes the announcements that Coach wanted us to make.

I after I come out of the girl's looker room I walk towards Zach's truck I hear him talking to someone. I know I shouldn't listen but...

"I didn't see you at the party." The other guy says.

"I got there later." Zack shrugs.

"You always go to parties."

"Something better came up."

"Did you bang her?" 

"Dylan?" he laughs, "Nah man."

"So you're not going to have some fun on the side of your little revenge plot you got going?" I don't hear Zack's answer because I didn't want to hear it.

I called Dean to get me. I was silent the whole ride home except to answer Dean's Question of why Zach couldn't bring me home. I lied and said he was sick. When I get to the house I go straight to my room and lock the door.

My mind begins to race. He didn't really want to be my friend. He was only getting close with me so he could get his revenge. I never even questioned why Zach instantly became my friend. We moved from hating each other to spending a good bit of time together. He said that he forgot something in his locker, that was how he found me. now that I think about it, there was nothing in that locker, if there was I might not have fit. How would he have left something in his locker if it was empty? What if he paid that guy to put me in the locker so that he could be the hero and the he could get close to me. he knows more than I usually let people know.

I felt like I can't breathe. I fall to my knees. I had no strength in my body.

Dean knocks on my door.

"what was that noise?" he asked.

"Nothing." I lie.

"Have you been crying?" I wipe away my tears.


"I know you are lying."

"Just go away." I hear a knock on my window. "Go away." I repeat. He opens the window anyway and sits next to me on the floor.

"What's wrong?" he holds my face. "Please talk to me."

"It's nothing." I wipe away more tears.

"I did not just climb up to your window for you to say it's nothing."

"Today after practice I overheard Zach talking to a guy on the team." I tell him everything I heard.

"So, did Zach say he was planning on getting revenge?"

"Well... no, but..."

"Did you hear the words out of his mouth saying he was going to get revenge on you?"

"No, but there are some very strange things."


"Why did he go to the locker room? He said he left something but his locker was empty."


"How did he even get into the locker room? Only Coaches and the principal have keys to the room."

"I don't have the answers you are looking for. The only person who does it Zach. Talk to him." I nod. "What about this, you go down stares and tell your brother that you are okay and that you just had a rough day. It is Monday after all. Every one is grumpy on Mondays. After you do that you come back here to me and ill make sure your day brightens."

"Thank you." I kiss his cheek.

I came down the basement stairs. I instantly felt guilty. Dean hugged me.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"please tell me what happened."

"it was just the morning Monday blues."

"Dylan I need you to be one hundred percent honest with me, has it come back?"

"no, I just had one bad day."

"will you let me see?"

"do you not trust me?" I push him away.

"Dylan please I'm worried."

I take a breath and move my hair from my neck. "see no scratches."

"Arms too." I hold out my arms.

"Its not coming back. I won't let it."

"Okay." He whispers and pulls me close.

"I'm going to spend some time in my room to calm down."

"Are you su-"


Once back to my room crawl into bed next to him. He holds me closely.

"You're safe." He whispers into my hair.

My stomach fills with butterflies. I was really starting to fall for my Spider Man.


Authors note:

I'm about to go to the library for the first time since my surgery. I'm really excited and anxious. The library is like a second home but I'm anxious because the only time I leave the house it to go to the doctor.

It will be fine.

What's the worse that could happen? I fall down? My crouches make a loud noise?

Thinking about things that can go wrong has made me more anxious now...

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