Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Are you going to the homecoming dance?" Jessica asked me. I was sitting in her makeup chair as she dried my soaking wet hair. Jessica made me shower then change into dry clothes. By the time Zach and I made it to the shop all the mud was gone and we were just wet.

"I wasn't planning on going." I answer honestly.

"Come on you have to go." Tara made puppy dog eyes.

"The football players always go."

"I don't really go to school dances."

"It'll be fun."

"I don't know-" I start.

"Please." They beg.

"Okay, I guess," I say, "but I don't have money to buy a dress."

"We have that covered."

"I can't ask you to do that."

"Oh, shut up."

That was how I ended up at the mall. I personally liked to go shopping but I liked to go alone so no one could tell me how to shop, where to shop, and when I could eat lunch.

"One rule," I say, "pink, orange, yellow don't look good on me."

"Pink looks good on everyone but I respect your wishes." Jessica sighed.

"Totally agree with the orange though." Tara makes a face of disgust.

"I take it that you don't like orange." I laugh as we look through the racks of dresses. It wasn't easy to find a homecoming dress in less than a week. Jessica and Tara found their dresses months ago.

The first dress I try on fits my waist but is too big in the boobs. It was sky blue and very pretty though.

"Girl," Tara says, "you need more boobs."

"And more butt." Jessica adds.

"Okay I get it." I laugh.

They make me try on more dresses. I had fun being their dress up doll. Just because I liked sports and stuff doesn't mean I can't enjoy shopping. With that said it had been two hours and I was getting cranky.

"I'm tired." I complain. "My feet hurt." I continue. "I'm hungry."

"I swear you are worse than a guy." Tara says.

"One more shop then we will go eat." Jessica promises. Then they hand me a dress. An arm full of dresses. I try it on about half of them.

Then I come to a dress and I instantly know that this is the dress. I pull it on, a perfect match. This moment is rare for me. I don't fall in love with clothes this fast. I step out of the dressing room.

"Holy cheese and crackers."

"It's perfect!"

We buy the dress and we walk to Jessica's car.

"Come to my house three hours before the dance starts." Jessica says as he drops me off at my house.

I took a deep breath at the door. Dean wasn't there, I was thankful. I put my dress in my closet and lay in my bed the exhaustion of the day hits me.

I groan when the doorbell rings. When I open the door I see Zach, his face is bruised and bleeding.

"What happened?" As he walks in the door I notice he is limping. I help him to my room since the couch in the living room is uncomfortable. I lay him down on my bed then run to the bathroom to get the first aid kit and a damp rag.

"What happened?" I ask again.

"My dad." He whispers.

"Your dad did this to you?" I ask. He nods. I start to gently wipe the blood away from his face, he winces every now and then. "why?"

"I didn't come home all week so when I finally did..."

"Are you hurt anywhere else?"

"My side." He says just above a whisper. I lift up his shirt to see a huge bruise on his side. After I finish cleaning the cuts I kneel next to the bed.

"Zach," I say. He doesn't look at me. I gently put my hand on his face and make him look at me. "We need to call the police."

"No." he says and takes my hand off his face.


"I said no." he says.

"Tell me why."

"Because he is all I have left of my family."

"Well, I'm your family now, the team is your family." He looks at me.



"Thank you."

"Get some sleep." I say and walk towards the door.

"Will you now stay with me?"

"Of course I will." I say. "Now move over."


"I'm not sleeping on the ground." He then moves to the other side of the bed. I slip in under the covers next to him. After a few minutes I can hear his soft snoring then I slip out of the covers.


Authors note:

Sorry I was gone for a week. I rewrote a lot of stuff. So I hope you enjoy.

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