Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Don't open the door." Dean yells from underneath many blankets. "Don't open the door. Don't open th- and now he's dead." Dean throws up his arms. I laugh at my brother. I don't remember the name of the movie we are watching but it is scary.

"They always open the fucking door." Dean stands up.

"Language." I comment.

"Shut up Captain America!" he points at me.

I got to the kitchen for more popcorn. When I come back the TV is on that screen where it is white with black dots all over it and it makes the white noise sound and the boys aren't on the couch.

"Hello?" I say as I walk farther into the room. Why did I say 'hello'? It's not like a murderer is going to be like 'yo! I'm in the corner murdering you brother, his friends, and your friend.'

Then something grabs my waist. I scream and jump like ten feet into the air, throwing the popcorn in the process. Turn around to see Dean.

"You asshole!" I scream and I hit his arm. "I thought y'all were being murdered!" I continue to hit him. Then Zach comes running into the room.

"It was just a joke." Dean laughed.

"It will be real funny when I murder you." 

"I went to the bathroom for less than a minute and y'all start trying to kill each other." Zach crossed his arms.

"He started it. I'm leaving. Have fun cleaning up the popcorn." I walk to my room, Zach follows still laughing.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, he does shit like that all the time." I sigh.

"I wish I had a brother." 

"You have sisters?" 

"No, I'm an only child."

"Sibling can be such a pain."

I sit on my purple beanbag and Zack sits on my yellow one.

"You didn't have to come in here. You could have stayed with the boys."

"I know but I want to hang out with you."

"Aww! You do care!" I hold my hand over my heart like he did. "So... it's one in the morning, what do you want to do?" 

"I don't know."

"Well I'm board." Then I remember. "you think that party is still on?"

"At one in the morning?" he nods his head.

"Let me get changed."

He stands outside my door. I throw on a white shirt that has a knot at the bottom, black ripped jeans, a jean jacket, and my warn out tenny shoes.

We got to the party. It had calmed down a lot. The music was turned down. And the house was trashed. Zach and I found ourselfs in the backyard on the porch steps, beers in hand. I hate beer. Its gross but it was what was left.

I hear a noise and jump. Stupid horror movies.

"You okay?" Zack asks me.

"I'm fine, I just hate horror movies."

"Then why did you watch them?"

"Because my dad was like in love with them."

"Do you miss your dad?"

"Every second of the day."

"Same thing with my mom."

"She died? Can I ask how?"

"She was in a car accident." Sadness surrounds us, I hug him.

"It's okay." He hugs me back.

"What happened to your dad?"

"He was murdered."

"That's horrible."

"That is why we moved here. To get away from all the magazines and newspapers."


"My dad played for LSU."

"Wait, would your dad happen to be Dilan Brynn?"

"Yeah." I say. I kick a rock that was on the ground.

"That explains a lot."

"Like what?"

"Your strange love for LSU and your name."

"its not strange. Yes, I was named after my dad. Except my name is spelt with a 'y' and his is spelt with an 'I'."

"Your brother looks like an athletic guy, does he play football too?" Zack asks.

"Yes, and soccer, baseball, basketball, track, every sport." 

We stay in the party for forty minutes then we head back to my house. Zach hadn't even drank anything so I let him drive. One of my favorite songs comes on the radio.

"I love this song!" I gasp and turn it up. I start singing and dancing in my seat.

It was around two-thirty when we got back to my house. I said goodnight to Zach. Once in my room I flipped the lights on.

"Where have you been?"

"Oh my god." I spun around. He was on my bed. "Wait, are you wearing a Spider Man shirt?"

"Yes, I thought it was funny."

I smiled, "very funny."

"Come here." I walk to him, he pulls me closer by my belt loops.

"Getting hands on are we?"

He smirks, "you've left me lonely all night."

"Oh, poor baby." I whispered holding his face in my hands. He pulled me down onto the bed and rolled on me.

"We need to make up for lost time." He whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek.

I turn my face and he lays down. A noise of disappointment leaves my mouth. I turn to him and he holds my face in his hand, his thumb drawing on my cheek. Then he kisses my lips. I pressed harder and wrapped my arms around his back. We hold each other close. After the kiss I yawn.

"Am I boring you?"

"No, I'm just tired." Another yawn.

"Go to sleep." He kisses my forehead.


Authors Note:

I need a nap.

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