1. Filling The Void

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The ringing sounds of the Gotham National Bank echoed through the empty streets of Gotham, as an unknown couple runs out with bags filled with more money than either of them could ever imagine.

"I can't believe we just did that!" Rose beamed, tossing everything into the back of the van.

"I told you baby...I'm gonna take care of you and our baby girl." Her boyfriend smiled.

"Speaking of our baby...we need to go get her before someone realizes that we left her." Quickly speeding off, the couple could hear police sirens in the distance, but they were certain that they had already gotten away with it.

Turning a sharp left, the van was speeding down the street, heading towards a dark alley where they left their two month old baby girl, alone, in a smelly, old dumpster. They didn't have anyone to watch her, nor did they want to bring her along, so they gave her some benadryl and hid her in the dumpster.

Pulling into the dark alley, they quickly climbed out of the car and went to retrieve the money; tossing it into the trunk of their old school Cadillac.

"Grab the baby and I'll finish getting the money." He told her. She nodded and walked over towards the dumpster, looking up at the stormy skies as it started lightening.

 She nodded and walked over towards the dumpster, looking up at the stormy skies as it started lightening

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"Oh fuck!" She gasped, seeing the one and only Batman.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Batman! He's here!" Not even having a chance to react, Batman swooped down and landed right on top of the van. The man pulled out his gun, aiming it at Batman, and pulling the trigger.

"Get in the car!" He shouted at his girlfriend.

"Okay, let me get the baby." She said, running towards the dumpster. Batman dropped down in front of her, grabbing her by her arm, and shoving her against the trashcan. "T!"

Between the sounds of the police sirens growing louder and louder, and knowing that he could never win against the one and only Batman...T decided to try and make a run for it. Leaving both his girlfriend and their child behind to fend for himself.

"You're on your own!" He told her, as he hopped in the car, started it up, and peeled off like a bat out of hell. Soon after, the police arrived and Batman wasted no time handing the girl over to the police so he could go after T.

"Wait! My baby! Please! I can't leave my baby!" She cried out, being handcuffed and shoved into a cop car. That stopped him dead in his tracks as he walker over towards the dumpster, hearing the sounds of a baby crying.

Lifting up the lid, he looked down and saw a small, dark skinned baby girl, crying her eyes out as roaches covered her little body. Carefully reaching into the dumpster, he gently picked the infant up and knocked all the bugs off of her. Her small cries stopped immediately as she looked up at him and batted her cute little eyelashes.

"What are we going to do about Monster T?" One of the GCPD officers asked, approaching a very tense Batman.

"We'll get him another time." He spoke, never taking his eyes off of the baby. For some odd reason, there was something about him holding this precious little baby that made him realize that their was something missing in his life. A child. A child was missing from his life and he knew that he wanted to fill that empty void in his heart, but how? Once he hands the baby over to the police, she'll instantly be put in foster care and he didn't want that to happen. He couldn't let that happen.


A few days later, Bruce Wayne entered the adoption agency and met with the woman that he had hired to handle all of his adoption paperwork.

"How did everything going?" He asked.

"Everything went great. The mother signed over all of her rights before she was booked, and you'll be able to bring your sweet baby girl home soon." She smiled.

"That's great. Thank you so much, Janet. I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem, Mr. Wayne, but out of curiosity...what made a single, handsome, wealthy man such as yourself become interested in adoption?" She asked.

"What can I say? I have a lot of love to give and since my biological clock is close to running out...I decided to take a leap of faith and adopt." He told her. She smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Good for you, Mr. Wayne. Before I head out, I have some papers I need you to sign and also...your request for changing the baby's name has been accepted." For safety purposes, Bruce requested that the baby's name because changed, only because he didn't want her biological parents to come looking for her and try to kidnap her; or something in that nature. He wanted to provide a safe, healthy, and loving environment for his new daughter and he refused let anyone get in his way.

Bruce signed the papers, refilling out a new birth certificate for his daughter, taking a moment to think about what he wanted to name her.

"Have you decided on a name?" Janet asked him.

"Yes I have." He said, taking a deep breath. "I'm going with the name Alexandria Elise Wayne."

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