22. Mama Rose

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My eyes slowly opened as I looked up at the ceiling, placing my hand on my throbbing head.

"You took quite a tumble there." A voice said, making me quickly sit up. Mama Rose was sitting in a nearby chair, reading a magazine as she looked up at me. "Do you always have seizures or was that something new?"

"Um...it was new." I murmured, looking around the room. I was in the Arkham infirmary and I rarely remember what happened, or how I got here. "You said...I-I had a seizure?"

"Yes. I called you something and when I did...you broke out into a full blown seizure."

"Taylor...y-you called me Taylor. Why?" I asked.

"Because that's your name, darling. Well...the one I had given you before you were taken from me." She said.

"Taken from you? Y-your my m-mother?"

"Birth mother, dear. I'm sure the mother you grew up with is your actual mother. I just gave birth to you." She walked over to me and handed me an aspirin and a cup of water.

"Thank you." I said. "I actually didn't have a mom growing up. It was just me, my dad, my uncle, and our Butler."

"A Butler huh? Seems like you grew up living a fairy tale life." She smirked.

"More like Grimm's fairy tales, but...I did have a good up bringing. From what I can remember of it anyways." She sat down next to me and smiled, moving some loose strands of hair out of my face. Now that she was close to me, I studied her features and I definitely could see her being the person that gave birth to me. We had the same complexion, the same eyes, and the same lips. "Can I ask you something?"

"You want to know why we didn't keep you?" I slowly nodded my head, looking down as she took a deep breath.

"To be completely honest with you...It wasn't my intention to give you up, but I had no choice. The night you were taken away from us, your father and I did something... terrible. We robbed the Gotham National Bank, and we planned on leaving and starting a new life, but we were caught. We left you in a dumpster near the bank, only because we didn't want you to slow us down, and when we came back to retrieve you...Batman was already there waiting for us."

"You left me in a dumpster?!" I scoffed.

"Yes, but you were only in there for twenty minutes." She stated, making me roll my eyes. "I know it sounds horrible, but we didn't want to leave you in the car."

"Oh yeah, cause a dumpster is sooooo much better!"

"I don't appreciate your sarcastic tone, but I guess I'll have to accept it." Was she serious right now? She just admitted to leaving me in a dumpster, but has the audacity to say she doesn't appreciate my sarcastic tone? What the actual fuck! "Anyways, the last time I saw you...you were in Batman's arms and I never saw you or your father again. He left me. He left us...and the last thing he said was that I was on my own. The dirty bastard!"

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