38. The Explanation

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I blinked blankly, staring at my dad, uncle, and Alfred as they stared back at me. I'm not not sure why, but I instantly got uncomfortable all of a sudden, looking down at my bare knees.

After leaving the chemical plant, Blue and I somehow made it back to Wayne Manor, without being seen or detected. We wasted to time taking showers, while Alfred made us some snacks and what not.

While we were in the middle of eating, my dad and uncle came home, and I knew that it was time for me to explain everything. And when I say everything...I mean EVERYTHING.

"So?" Uncle Robin voiced. I looked up them once again and sighed.

"Where would you like me to start?" I asked.

"At the very beginning, if possible." My dad said. I licked my lips and nodded, starting with the night I met Joker in Crime Alley. I made sure not to leave out anything, just because I wanted to be completely honest with them. I explained how I was upset about Talia moving in, which is when I really started to hang around Joker, and that's when I started falling for him. I then went into saying that I was wreaking havoc all over Gotham, but I didn't hurt anyone in the process. Joker and his goons are the ones that did the hurting, while I just stood by and watch. It doesn't make the situation better, I know, but what's done is done.

"I didn't mean for all of this to happen, and I certainly didn't mean for things to get out of hand." I said, finishing up my story.

"I seriously can't believe this." My Uncle Robin grumbled, shaking his head. I know that he was disappointed in me. Hell, they all were, and that made me feel some type of way.

"I really am sorry."

"I can't help but to feel like this is somewhat my fault." My dad voiced, placing both his hands down on the counter. "If I would've just talked to you, asking you how you felt about Talia moving in first, then none of this would've happened. I practically pushed you into the arms of The Joker." You know what? That actually makes a lot of sense. If my dad would've never sprang the surprise of Talia moving in, I wouldn't have ran to him for comfort. So technically...we are both at fault.

"I told you that, Master Wayne." Alfred chimed in.

"So what now?" I questioned. I didn't know what to expect next, but I hope and pray that they wouldn't ship me off to East Jesus nowhere. They all stared at me, before looking at one another.

"I think it would be in your best interest, if you came back home."


"Can we have a moment alone?" My uncle and Alfred nodded, as they walked out of the kitchen. Blue was upstairs in my room, saying that this was a family issue and that she'd give us space. My dad came around the counter and sat next to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Alex...I never wanted you to find out about how I found you when you were a baby. I never wanted you to know who your real parents were, only because they didn't deserve to call themselves parents. Leaving an innocent infant in a dumpster, just so they could commit a crime, is inhuman. I tried to keep you sheltered from the bad things beyond these walls, but I knew that I couldn't protect you from any and everything. Not the way you've protected yourself, which is why I started your training at a young age. I wanted to ensure that if anything were to ever happen to me, that you'd be the one to take my place and save the people of Gotham. I take pride in my work and I want you to do the same." He said.

"Dad...I-" I began, but he cut me off.

"Let me finish. I never meant to hurt you, Alex. Nor did I mean to make it seem that I wouldn't choose you over anyone else, because I would. I thought I was doing the right thing, inviting Talia to live with us because she was carrying my child, but I didn't think about your feelings. I'm sorry about that, by the way. I thought that buying you that expensive penthouse would make up for the wrong that I've done, but I knew better. Instead, I should've apologized to you sooner and brought you back home, but it was too late. I had already lost you to the Joker and after that... I almost lost you to death." Tears trickled down my face as I quickly wiped them away.

"You'll never lose me dad." I assured him. "I understand now why you did what you did, and I'm not going to holf that against you. You did what you had to do, not only to save me, but to save the people of Gotham. You're a real deal hero in both my eyes, and the people's eyes." I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight, crying softly into his chest as he rubbed my back. I honestly didn't see this conversation going the way it did, but I'm glad that I could at least explain my side of the story and mend the relationships between my dad and uncle.

"I have a doctor coming over to check you out, just to make sure you and the baby are okay."

"Thank you." I murmured against his chest. Since the hospital, I haven't even made an attempt to check on my baby and make sure he or she was okay.

"How did Joker react when you told him?" He asked me.

"Honestly? He was really happy. I didn't expect for him to have a happy reaction, but he did and it made me feel really good. At least I know I'm not in this alone." I told him. If only I could get my dad, my uncle, and Joker to get along...my entire life would be so complete; but I knew for a fact that would never happen. A girl can dream though, right?

(This Book Is Coming To An End, But There Will Be A Part 2, Because Their Story Isn't Over Yet.)

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