2# A blushy Dorito

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[Steven's POV]
"STEEEEVEEEN!" I heard a loud voice screaming my name. I was alone in the Beachhouse. The Gems went to a mission. I wanted to go with them but they said it's not that interesting. Now i'm lying on my bed watching Crying Breakfast Friends. Suddenly someone opened the door. I looked from my bed. It was Peridot.
"Hey Peridot, what's wrong?" I asked with a curious look. "Well...I...uhm...i really need help from Garnet...and maybe you could help me too." I could tell she was really frustrated and her face was a blushy mess.
"Sure, what is it?" It was silent for a moment. "Steven I have a question." I nodded. "Do you hate me for my mistakes in the past?" WHAT!? She can't be serious, can she? "Peridot what you did was terrible." She flinched. I continued quickly."B-but it's okay, we all forgived and you are a good friend." I hugged her. "Wow...thanks." She hugged back.

[Peridoritos POV]
Steven is really a good friend. I'm glad. "Steven where is Garnet ?" I don't see the others. "They are on a mission, why?" I looked at him. I was unsure. Should I tell him? Can he help me? I sighed. Yeah I should probably tell him. "I think i'm kinda attracted to a gem." I paused. The half-gem had stars in his eyes. "OOOW THAT'S CUUUTE." Cute!? I am not cute. "Who is it, Pearl? Amethyst? Lapis?" I blushed at the last name. "Ooow so it's Lapis!" The little boy smiled. "Yes..."
I blushed harder. Is this even possible? "Steven i had a conversation with Lazuli a few hours ago, she said she doesn't hate me."
"Peri that's a good start." I looked at him again. "You think so?" He nodded again. I couldn't help but smile.


We talked a lot about random stuff and Lapis. I really needed this conversation. The sun went down and  i heard sounds from the warp pad. We both looked at the bright light. The Crystal Gems came back. We sat on the bed. Pearl went to us. "Hello Steven, oh hello Peridot."
"Hi Pearl"! The little half-gem hugged her.
"Hello Pearl." I smiled at her.
"YO P-dot." Amethyst screamed and hugged me. We are very good friends  but nothing more. She is my buddy. I don't see her as a love interest.
"Hey Ame."
"Good to see you Peridot." Garnet was behind Amethyst. She gave me a thumbs up. I nodded. "Garnet i want to talk." She nodded. We went outside.
"So you want to talk about Lapis?" She asked.
"How did yo-
"Future Vision."
"Oh right." Silent.
"Sooo...uhm...do you think Lapis likes me too?"
"Who knows, important is what you feel." She looked at me. "Do YOU like her?"
"Y-yeah." I blushed. Garnet smirked at me. "Tell her how you feel." I blushed more. "W-what?"
"It will help you a lot."
"But what if I get rejected?"
"What if she doesn't want to talk with me anymore?"
"Peridot calm down, i won't force you to do it."

After a few minutes we stopped. It was already night. Oh stars I need to go home. I thanked Garnet, said to everyone goodbye and went to the warp pad. I was near the Barn. Hmm maybe I could walk around a little bit. It was a beautiful night. The lovely sky  with the shining stars were gorgeous.
Maybe i can walk with Lapis? I shook my head. No i don't want to see her right now. It's embarrassing. I decided to go alone. I went to the forest near the Barn. I hope Lapis doesn't search me. Why would she care about me anyway? I wanted to cry. NO! I just want to forget Lapis right now. I need to distract myself. I walked Deep inside the Forest. (A/N I loved the forest. Good game.)

[Lapis POV]
Where is she!? I walked around the barn. I was worried about Peri. She hans't come back yet. I asked the Crystal Gems too. "Peridot went back to the barn." Amethyst looked a bit worried. Now i'm here standing and doing nothing. I hope she is okay.

It's now about midnight.

I'm lying in the hammock still waiting for Peridot. I swear if I see her the next time i will shatter her! Maybe she is in danger? What if she got shattered !? Tears began to fall from my eyes. I cried. "PERI WHERE ARE YOOOUU!?" I screamed. It was hopeless. I closed my eyes and tryed to sleep. Eventually   falling asleep.

Next Day

I waked up. Peridot is still missing. Did she left for ever? I sighed. "Bark." "Bark". It was Pumpkin. She barked at me and looked at the door. I opened the door for her. She misses Peridot too I guess. Peri come back please.

[Peridorks POV]
In the night

OH MY STARS! I GOT LOST IN THE FOREST! I walked around the trees. This forest is a Clod! After a long time i lost hope. Maybe I'll sleep until the morning? I laid down on the hard ground. Well good night.

Next day

I hope Lapis is okay. I never left the Barn for a whole night. I need to find a way out from this stupid forest. Suddenly I heard a bark. Then something jumped on me. Oh It's just Pumpkin...wait PUMPKIN!? She jumped on my stomach. "Yeah I missed you too...wait Pumpkin can you lead me home?" She barked I followed her.


YAS FINALLY. We reached the barn. "Thank you Girl!" I smiled at the little Vegetable. I opened the door. I saw Lapis in the hammock with red eyes. She looked at me in surprise.
"I-uhm..." I started to talk but then Lapis flew to me and pushed me to the ground. I could feel her arms around my neck and her head on my shoulder. "Stupid Dork. "
"What?" The blue Gem looked in my eyes.
"Where were you!?" Lazuli started to cry. "I got lost on my way home."
"Never... again...please." She hugged me tighter. I hugged back.
"Lapis...why are you so worried about me?" Her face heated up.
"becauseicareaboutyou." She broke  the hug up and looked away.
"W-what please say it again."
"Because...i-i care about you."

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