4# Bad dreams+talent show

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I'm tired D:

Lapis POV
I opened my eyes. It was dark. Where am I? Where is Peridot? I saw a big figure in front of me. It came closer. White hair, orange skin with stripes....
Jasper. "H-how did you get here?" She had a big wide and grin on her face. "Lapis, i know you miss those feelings." I shuddered. "N-no..."
Jaspers face was full of rage. "C'mon, you want to feel strong and good again!" I fell to the ground. Tears were forming in the cornor of my eyes. "Never...again" The buff gem grinned again. "Lapis, LET'S BE MALACHITE AGAIN!" It was this moment when I knew i lost my mind. I cried and screamed and tried to leave this place. It reminds me of myself. More like i'm inside. More like i'm feeling.
Empty and dark...

"LAPIS!" This voice...can it be?
"LAPIS PLEASE WAKE UP!" It's someone familiar...someone i-
-Someone i...


I woke up. My vision was still blurry while trying to look around. I was in the barn...safe. I'm okay here, she can't hurt me. Suddenly two arms were wrapped around my stomach. I heard sobs. It was Peridot. "I'M SO SORRY LAPIS!" Tears were falling from her face. "H-hey it's okay, it's not your fault." I hugged her back. My eyes had tears but I didn't want to cry. The green gem burried her face in my chest and stopped crying. "I know it was just a dream Lapis but i'm so sorry what happened." Peri released the hug. I started to remember everything. I cried. "Lapis please don't cry, it's okay...i'm here for you." She smiled. "Th-thanks..." I blushed a bit.
She giggled. I want to kiss you so bad like OMFG YOUR SO CUTE!!!(A/N My gay thoughts are too crazy for my brain.)
I hugged her again, but this time it was more special for me. " You need distraction, let's go to Steven." The small gem stood up and waited for an answer. "Sure."

Le Timeskip.

"STEEEVEEEEEN!" Peridot screamed. "Uh y-yeah ?" The little boy was standing in front of his house. Connie was there too. "Hello Peridot and Lapis." Connie smiled. "Uh hey Connie." Peridot smiled back. "Hey."
I smiled lazily. Steven hugged me. "Steven how are you doing ?" Peri asked. "I'm doing fine, Connie and I went to the cinemas."
The green gem and I both looked confused. "What's a cinema?" I asked bewildered. "Oh, you don't know ?"
He was surprised. We both shook our heads. "Well it's a place were you can watch movies and buy snacks." Peridot nodded slowly. "Do you guys wanna hang out together?" The half-gem had a wide grin. I looked at Peridot and she nodded.
"There is this talent show near Beach City, do you want to see it?" Connie was excited about the show.
"Uhm sure, Lapis you go too?" The green one asked. Hmm a talent show? Maybe it's not that bad. "Whatever." I sighed. "Okay let's go and-
"YO STEVEN!" A loud voice screamed behind us. We all turned around. It was Amethyst. "Hey Amethyst!" Steven and Peridot both smiled.
She looks happy...WHAT!? Calm down Lapis. "Hey." I didn't look at her.
"Hey Lappy, hey Connie and Peribooty." The purple gem laughed.
"Amethyst please don't call me like that." Peridot hugged Amethyst. I growled quietly. "Lapis is something wrong?" Steven looked at me with a worried look. "Ohhhhhhh i know what's wrong~" Amethyst smirked.
"What is it?" Peri was worried too. Cute.
"I'm fine let's go." "Were are you going?" The white haired asked. "We are going to a talent show near beach city." The green gem answered. "Oh i'm coming too!" Amethyst smirked again. "Yay Amethyst!" Steven smiled.


Amethyst POV (Le gasp)
Greg was driving us to the show. We were sitting in his van. Lapis seems to be nervous. I think it's here first time in a car. "So, you guys are excited?" Greg asked nervously.
"Well, i don't know if i enjoy seeing people performing something unnecessary in front of a big audience, but i'll go because of Steven." Peridot didn't even look at Greg. I busted out of laughing. "Oh uhm..." Greg was now embarrassed. He never really talked to Peridot, or i don't remember if they talked.
"Come on Peridot, it'll be fun."
"You could also perform something." Steven giggled. "I...wait WHAT!?" The green gem looked shocked. "Yeah P-dot we can do something together!" I think it's a good idea. Besides, Lapis would be jealous again. It's funny to see her like this. "I...don't know maybe?" Peridot said with a nervous smile on her face. Lapis was sitting next to the green dorito. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She turned her face towards the window.
Oooh she IS jealous. "Oh Lappy is jelly again?" I laughed. She turned her face to me. She blushed a really dark blue. "What NO, WHY SHOULD I !?" I laughed louder. "It's okay Lapis, she's only kidding you!" Steven tried to calm her down.
Peridot shrugged. "We're here." Greg said.

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