10# Not alone

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Credit to EFD on Tumblr

Peridot's POV
"I-i....". Silent. Lapis didn't move. O couldn't see her face. She looked at her feets. Pumpkin barked happily and jump towards my face. I felt on my back. She licked my face. "I missed you too." I said. She barked. I couldn't help but giggle. Pumpkin ran to Steven and Amethyst. I got up from the couch and looked at Lapis. The blue gem was still standing in front of the door. I wanted to comfort her but I was too afraid. Suddenly the ocean gem summoned her wings and flew towards me. She had tears in her eyes. "L-LAPIS W-WAIT!" I screamed.
She didn't listen to me. She was almost here. "LAPIIIIIS!" I started to run away from her. The purple gem and the little boy couldn't stop laughing...again. "LAPIS PLEASE!" She snickered a bit. Tears in her eyes. The blue gem lifted me up
"KYAA!" She flew us outside. " BYE P-DOG!" Amethyst laughed. Lapis hugged me. She didn't let go. Oh my stars. "W-why all of sudden?" Lapis looked at me again. I started to blush. She flew higher and faster. Never stopped to hug me.
"Lapis p-please let me down." I begged her. "Don't ever leave me again. Do you hear me? If you ever try to leave me alone again, I'll won't forgive you."
She said coldly. I gulped. "I'm...sorry...it's just..."should I tell her? "Jasper hold me as her prisoner...for one month or so." Lapis hugged me tighter. Yeah at this moment I was probably not more than a blushy mess. "Why didn't you tried to escape? Why did she need you?" I could tell that Lapis was full of anger and sadness. "Um...well if I wouldn't help her then she....". No i can't tell her. "She...? The blue on asked. I tried to escape from her grip. She was too strong. "She wanted to ask you. I don't want you to feel bad. You've suffered enough. All this pain and torture was for her. I did it for. (YOU DO IT FOR HER! AND YOU DO IT AGAIN!). Lapis looked at me with a shocked face. "Y-you tried t-to save me?" She half- smiled. I gulped again. My face literally burned. Lapis stopped to fly higher. Holy stars we are so high. I can't see the ground. "Y-yes." I turned my face away. She grabbed my chin and turned my face to her again. Our faces were just a few inches away from each other. Lazuli's face was full of anger now. " Don't ever do that again, understand?" I nodded a few times. She giggled again. "You're such a dork." That giggle...I missed that. I started to laugh nervously. Suddenly, Lapis came closer. "But you're my dork." She leaned her face to me. The blue gem started to blush. I, blushed even more. Was that possible? Does she like me? Lapis smirked at me. Holy smokes."What are you do-
Our lips connected. She kissed me. Lapis Lazuli kissed Peridot. LAPIS KISSES ME!? She broke the kiss after a few seconds. I couldn't even kiss back. She leaned closer to me. "Thank you."I didn't know what's going on. "Huh?" I asked confused. She giggled. "I forgot how cute you are~" The taller gem didn't let go of me. Well I didn't want to let go. I needed to hug her. Not just because I missed her. I'm afraid of heights. Lazuli knew that and took advantage of it. I blushed again.
"L-lapis...why did you kiss me?" Our eyes met and I started to cry. It doesn't make any sense. Why did she kiss me? I'm a terrible gem. I didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve her. She gasped. "I-I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Sure you hate me. That's understandable." The blue gem turned her face away. Her grip loosened. Lapis started to cry too. "H-hey it's fine." I tried to lay my hand her check. She blushed and I turned her face to me. Her eyes were red and she looked at me confused. Too beautiful. "It's j-just...I don't think I d-deserve you...after all what happened." I looked away. It was silent and I didn't know what to-

"I love you."

I looked at her again. I was shocked. She actually said it. Lapis really said it. Lapis had a sad smile. "I love since you smiled at me for the first time. I love you so much Peridot. You make me feel good. You make me feel special. I never want to leave you." She confessed.
I started to cry again. But this time I was happy. I grabbed her head and kissed her. She giggled and kissed back. This feels so good. We broke the kiss. We looked at each other, smiling.
"I needed this." The blue on said. I laughed. "What's so funny?" Lapis asked. "Well, who could think that we will fall in love for each other and even kiss? It wouldn't make any sense." Lapis laughed. "Nerd."
"Um Lapis, can we please fly back?" Peridot chuckled nervously. "Oh...yes sorry." Lapis blushed of embarrassment. She put peridot to the ground. The taller gem's wings disappeared.

Lapis' POV
"Lapis?" Peri looked at me. "Yeah?" I asked. "D-do you want to go out with me?" She asked with a nervous smile. Cute dork. "No."
Her smile disappeared. "W-what?"
I smirked. "I want to be with you... forever." I added. We were both blushing. Peridot sighed. "Guess we are not alone anymore?" She chuckled. I smiled. "Yep." We went to Steven. While we were going, Peridot looked at her hand and at my own hand. What's her problem?. "What's the matter Peri?" I asked. She gulped. "W-well Ruby and Sapphire always holded hands." I nodded. "Go on." She took my hand. We both started to blush. Peri gave me a warm smile. I love you so damn much.

Steven's POV
I waited for Peridot and Lapis. I hope everything is alright. "Don't worry Steven. I'm sure Lapis and Peridot will be fine." Said Pearl. "Yeah. Pearl is right." Amethyst agreed. "Hmm maybe. I don't know. I hope Lapis will understand Peri." I sighed.
Knock knock.
Huh? Are they back? "Come in!" Pearl shouted. Peri and Lapis were back.
Holding hands. "Is everything alright?" I asked. Peridot nodded quickly. Lapis blushed. Wait...what is going on? Garnet giggled. "I think they're more than alright." She grinned. "NO I MEAN....AAHAHGAH CLODS!" The smaller gem grumbled.
Pearl laughed and Amethyst smirked.
"Did she give you the good stuff
P-dot?" "Shut it Amethyst." Peridot answered. "We're dating." Lapis said something for the first time. Peridot  looked at her. Lapis looked back. They were both blushing, again. They are DATING !?
"OH MY GOSH! YEAH I WAITED SO LONG!" I hugged them. "It's about time." Garnet smiled. "I'm happy for you." Pearl said. "Congratufuckinglations." Amethyst smirked. "AMETHYST! STEVEN IS HERE!" Scolded Pearl. Everyone else laughed. "We need to celebrate this!" Garnet suggested. But then Peridot fell over. Lapis gasped. "PERI? YOU OKAY?" She didn't respond. The green gem closed her eyes. "PERIDOT!? HEY WAKE UP!" Lapis almost cried. "Don't worry Lapis. She is just exhausted." Garnet said. Calm as always. "Is she going to be alright?" I asked worried. The tall gem nodded.
Peridot poofed. Lapis took her gem and kissed it gently. "Why all of sudden?" Pearl asked. "Hmm I guess she couldn't poof so easily. That means...Jasper hurted her. " Garnet was a bit furious now. The blue gem breathed heavily. "Lapis? You okay?" I hugged her. "Yeah I'm fine." She pressed the gem against her chest.
"I guess."

Hey Guys! It's me Jenny :).
Thank you so much for 300 views! It really means a lot to me. Don't worry about this book. There'll be a few more chapters.(2-4).Maybe I should write another book? With lapidot or any other ship? We'll see....

Have a good day!

Bye <3

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