6# Shatter me

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Lapis' POV
Four weeks. Four weeks now. Four weeks we searched her. Four weeks I SEARCHED HER. She is gone...forever. She hates me, i hate myself. I'm useless and dumb. I'm nothing for her, i'm nothing FOR MYSELF! I started to cry. I was by Steven. He always tries to chear me up. He is a good friend and he didn't left me. Not like everyone else. You really hate me, don't you?
"Come on Lapis, i'm sure she'll come back!" Steven gave me a sad smile.
"I don't think so." I didn't look at him. He sighed and went outside. "You don't look really happy." Told someone behind me. It was Garnet.
"Nah, i'm fine." I really didn't want to talk with her. "Liar." I growled quietly.
"What do you want?" She is a bit annoying. "Talk with me."
"Why?" I turned me face to her. She was calm as always. "It will make you feel better." Maybe she is right...
"Fine, if you really want to." We went outside and searched a place to sit. Eventually, we were sitting on the stairs. "Lapis, i'm sure she'll come back. She just needs some time to think about your problems." I sighed.
"What, if she hates me?" I'm the worst gem on this planet!" I really didn't want to cry again. I cried alot this month. "Don't say something like that, it's not true." I had a sad expression on my face. Garnet smiled then. "Take a moment to think of just. Flexibility, love and trust." She sang. I giggled. Garnet really is a good person to talk with.


After a few moments of talking to each other, we decided to do something with the others. "Hey Lappy, how's life going ?" Amethyst smiled at me. "I'm okay, thanks I guess?" "It's good to see you feel better." Pearl gave me a happy look.
Steven had stars on his eyes. "LET'S GO TO FUNLAND!" Hmm maybe it's not a bad idea. "Sure, i need distraction." Garnet gave me a thumbs up. Steven and Amethyst and I went to funland. We had a good time there, but something's been bothering me all the way. I feel like something bad happened.

Peridot's POV
Beta, four weeks ago

How is that even possible!? "Hey, Peridot. Do you have a good time with these foolish things?" She grinned with an evil face. "H-how did you make it?" I asked her. "I have my ways ." I gulped. I hate you so much. You hurted everyone, you hurted her!
She was big and buff. She was orange with darker stripes and she hadn't got green stains from the corrupted gem. Why tho?
This gem was the nightmare for my dearest friend. Jasper. (Le gasp).
"I ask you again, how did you escape from the bubble? " Oh stars. "Well...let's just say, i had help." The buff gem grinned even more. But then her face went angry. "You poofed me." She said in a calm voice. "W-well y-you know i-i just errrr...." Wow, Great job you clod! "I won't forgive you. Look i need you're nerdy technology, because i want to fly to homeworld." Yeah that makes sense. I mean that she won't forgive me. "So, what if I refuse?" Why did i say that!? I was afraid of Jasper's answer. "If you refuse. I need to ask lapis to help me." She grinned again. YOU IDIOT CLOD. CLODIEST CLOD OF THE CLODY WORLD. I SWEAR IF YOU TOUCH HER YOU ARE GONNA REGRET IT!!!!
"F-fine i help you but only under one condition." "Sure, what is it?"
Okay Peridot don't freak out.
"Stay away from my friends." Jasper shrugged. "Whatever you say ,nerd."
"Grrr i'm not a nerd." I grumbled.
"Yeah... now come with me, nerd." Yeah that's probably one of the biggest reasons, why i hate her. Wait...come with her? "W-what do mean 'come with me'?" The orange gem sighed.
"You can't go back." "WHAT!? WHY?"
"Because you'll tell the others that i'm here." Yeah she's right. I'll tell EVERYONE. But...maybe i shut my mouth. "I won't tell everyone, i promise", i said while putting my hand on my chest. Eyes glowing and shacking. "HAHAHA. I won't trust you.  You failed last time too. You know why? Because you're useless. Good for nothing. You aren't made for fighting. How do you want to protect your friends? How do you want to protect this stupid planet? You can't because you're failed. You'll always fail. You don't deserve them, you don't deserve her!" After what she said...i couldn't stand this anymore. I was...crying? Jasper's right. She's always right. Why did i think, i had a chance? "You're...right." "Of course i'm right! Now come on." I wasn't moving. "Why are you so damn difficult?" The buff gem hit me hard in the face. "Oh, I forgot you can't poof so easy." She grinned again. So...much pain...
Jasper did it again and again and again, but i didn't poof. My head is hurting so much...
"Well, this works too", was the last think i heard until i passed out.


I woke up. My body was tied up whit a rope and i was laying on the ground. It was dark. This place looks unfamiliar. Where is Jasper? I hope she didn't go to the Crystal Gems.
"You're awake, finally." A big figure was standing in front of me. "Where are we?" "You're in a hole by the alpha kindergarten." We are here. The Crystal Gems are near. I hope i can escape...somehow. " Don't you think you can escape. Whe are leaving anyways." I sighed. "Where are we going?" "A few miles from here is a broken ship. You'll fix it and we are both leaving earth." NO. I can't leave my home. "But...what about my friends?" She laughed. "Didn't you heard, what I said? They don't need you. You don't deserve them." Oh...yes that's true...
"Yeah..." She cut the ropes. "Come, i have tools for you. If you listen to me, i won't touch you're friends, as i promised." I don't trust you. "Yeah sure." There is one questions left.
"How did you heal from the corrupted gem?" She looked at me with a surprised look. It quickly changed to an evil one. "Someone helped me." I really want to know who. "Yeah...right." I stand up and followed her outside. We really were here. The kindergarten. I could see the warp pad. Only a few inches away from me. "Don't even think about it." I gulped. So close. But...they don't need me. I sighed again. Suddenly the warp pad lightened up. There were voices. "Quick, we need to hide in a hole!" Nooo my only chance! Jasper took me bridal style and went to a hole. Of course she shape shifted to be smaller.  
"She must be here!" This voice. It was...Lapis. "Lapis, we already searched here." It was Pearl. "Pearl is right, i don't think she is here." Garnet. "Maybe she is here now!?" Lapis voice was...upset. Does she really miss me? But why?
"Lapis calm down i...wait my future vision is blurry but..." Yes yes YES!
"Nevermind." No no NO! Maybe if I scream? Jasper seemed to know my plan. She quickly closed my mouth with her hand. "We'll never find her. I never find her." Lapis are you crying? Because of me!? "Don't worry, i'm sure she comes back!" Steven was crying too. I'm sorry. After they left, we went to this ship. My chest was hurting. But why ? I'm so sorry my friends. I'm sorry Lapis.

Four weeks later,in the present

I'm almost done! Finally! I'm here for four weeks now and i'm missing my friends so much. I hope i can escape someday. It's awful here. Jasper is awful. For every mistake i made, she hit or kicked me. The orange gem always tied me up when I'm exhausted. I can't do this anymore. I want to leave this place. I want to go back. Go to Lapis. "Don't stop you brat." She punched me in the face.
"You know what? I can't do this anymore. WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHATTER ME!?" I screamed in her face. I could tell, Jasper was angry. She punched me again and didn't stop. "Listen here you nerd. If you don't work, I will go find Lapis."
"Okay okay I'll work but please don't hurt me." You do it for Lapis !

Steven's POV
I felt bad for Lapis. It's been a month now. Peridot didn't came back. Garnet and Lapis were talking to each other. I wonder what they are talking about. Oh and i wanted to talk with the gems too. I did a big mistake, five weeks ago. Jasper is somewhere outside because of me. (Le gasp, again.)
I shook my head. No, I can't think about her now. I need to find Peridot! I was thinking of a plan. YES I KNOW HOW TO FIND HER! WHY I DIDN'T DO THIS EARLIER!? I ran inside my house. Amethyst, Pearl, Garnet and Lapis were talking to each other until they saw me. "GUYS! I MIGHT HAVE AN IDEA HOW TO FIND PERI!" I smiled.

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