1# A normal day right ?

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[Peridots POV]

I opened my eyes. It was morning. I yawned loudly. I was lying on my hammock. Pumpkin was lying beside me. He is so cute.
I heard a snore. Across me was Lapis. Lapis Lazuli. She slept peacefully. She looks so beautiful. I couldn't help it. I smiled. I went outside and i started to blush really hard. Damnit. My heart is beating fast again.
I remember. Last week I told Garnet about these Feelings. She told me that I was in "love" with Lapis. She explained me what it means when you love someone. It's a little bit like Percy and Pierre.
I'm afraid to tell her about this. I don't think she likes me anyway. She is always calm and bad tempered. Well I guess we are good friends but I'll never forget me for what I did to her. Lapis deserves better. Not something like me. I'm useless. Good for nothing. How could Steven forgive Me? How could everyone accept Me? HOW COULD LAPIS LIVE WITH ME!?


I cried. Tears all over my face. I was sitting on the ground. I was shaking. I was sobbing. I w-


No answer. I couldn't answer.

"Why are you crying ?"

No answer.

"Peri..." Peri!? A nickname.

"Please talk with me."

Again no answer.

Suddenly she reached for my face. Our eyes meet. We were both blushing.

"Tell me what's wrong." Lapis was a little bit embaressed. Why?

"I...was just thinking." Her eyes are so beautiful.

"About what?"
She still held my face. I could fell she was shaking too. What's wrong with her? Her face was two shades darker then usually. (A/N FIFTY SHADES OF LAPIS! Okay sry...)

"Doesn't matter..."

"Tell me NOW."


[Lapis POV]

Why wouldn't she tell me? Peridot was lying on the ground and cried. It hurts me really much to see her like this. Yeah maybe I cared about her. Maybe...

She sighed. Then she opened her mouth again.

"Lapis...do you hate.....me?"
What the heck!?

"Why do you think that!?"

"Because...of Jasper..."
She was really stupid. But she looked...cute...

"Peri we live her together for one year now. Do you really think i still hate you?


"You really are stupid." I giggled.

"What do you mean?" She looked confused. Cute...

"Lazuli?" I started to hug her.

"Periiiiiidooooork." I giggled again.


"Hugging you."


"Because you are a dork."


"Peridot I don't hate you. I forgave you."

"Wow...thanks." She hugged back. I blushed. She saw my face and giggled. I blushed harder. Too cute....

"Lapis I'll go to Steven. Thank you for today." She smiled. Beautiful smile...

"Y-yeah okay."
Peridot released the hug. I was cold now. I wanted to hug her again.

"See you later alligator!"

"My name is Lapis..."

"Yeah I know but Steven used this."
She went to the warp pad.

I went inside. I was still blushing.
I learned from some if my books something about love and I knew. I was in love with Peridot. I remembered her smile and blushed again. You are so cute you dork.

So this is my second Fan fiction. English is not my best language so yeah i'm sorry for mistakes. Idk if It's good but I hope It was okay.
See ya!

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