12# love like you

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I'm back ma friends!

Steven's POV
Welp that's pretty awkward. "Um when did you get here?" Peridot asked. Lapis and Peridot were both blushing madly. "I-i searched you Lapis, because the others wanted to talk to you." Lapis turned her head to me. "What? Why?" "I-i don't know..."
Peridot stood up. "Well I guess I'll somewhere else. Steven are you coming with me?" She asked.
"Um sure." The blue gem reached her hand to the smaller one. "W-wait. You can come with me." Peri shook her head. " No no. It's fine. Come on Steven." She took my hand. I shrugged and left with her.
(STEVIDOT. No? Okay.)
What's wrong with her? I looked at her. We were near the big doughnut. Peri's face was full of anger. "Whoah Peridot. You okay?" She nodded. Now I'm curious. "You can tell me." She stopped and turned her head to me. "It's about Jasper." So obvious. "And?" "And...well um...I think she won't stop to love Lapis. Trust me. It's difficult." She gripped her right arm with her left hand, looking away.
"So I feel like they'll fall in love with each other." I just stared completely blank. "I'm getting nervous Steven. Could you stop please?" I didn't stop.
"Peridot." I began. "Yes?" I opened my mouth again. "She kissed you. You guys almost made out." I said. She gulped. I started to laugh. "What's so funny?" The green gem groaned.
"You. You're worried about your relationship. That's so cute." I smiled at her. "What's a relationship?" I giggled.  "Garnet or you and Lapis."
She wided her eyes. "Oh yeah. Garnet told me about something like this." Wait what? "You talked with Garnet about love ?" Her face heated up. She was blushing of embarrassment. "N-NO! I...UM." I giggle again. "It's fine."
I hold her hand again. "Peri don't be worried or afraid. Lapis will always love you. Trust me. It was always like this. Every time when you show us something, she always looked lovely at you. Didn't you notice? She's always smiling when you're by her side. I noticed it. Let's go back. We can talk with her together if you want." Peridot smiled happily. "Thank you Steven." We went back to my home.

Peridot's POV
Is it true? I hope so...
"We here." Steven opened the door.
Lapis and Jasper were talking to each other. Lapis...laughed. Amethyst ate something in the 'kitchen'. Seriously. That's a strange name. Pearl and Garnet were nowhere to be seen. Jasper smiled at the blue one. Lapis smiled back. They were happy. Stupid Clod. Don't you dare. I cleared my throat. Loud enough to interrupt them. The blue gem turned her face to my direction. She smiled widely. "You're back!" Lazuli tried to hug me. I stepped back. "Yeah. Sorry to interrupt you." I left them with Steven and went outside again. "Peridot come back please!" Steven and Lapis said in the same time. I sighed and ran away. To our barn. I hope Pumpkin didn't wake up. She could ran away. Just like me. I ran inside. "Pumpkin? Where are you girl?" Someone barked from the corner. She jumped happily. "There you are." I hugged her. I searched for my tablet. Didn't use this thing for a while. Ah there it is. At the second floor on the television. I sat on the couch. "Maybe some cat videos will cheer me up?" I watched a few videos. "Found you." Said someone behind me. "GAH!" I screamed and fell from the couch. I heard some snoring.
Lapis smirked at me. She came closer.
I began to panic. "Whyyyyy are you looking at me like this?" Lapis smirked again. Our lips were almost touching. "You left me." She kissed my gem gently. I blushed. "I-I'm sorry. It's just...you seem to be happy with Jasper." The taller gem stopped kissing me. She stood up. "That's your problem?" I gasped a little bit of her sudden rage outburst. "Y-yes." She groaned heavily.

Warning! Bad language.

"How can you think that?" I looked away. "Peridot I kissed you. Are you fucking serious?" I didn't respond.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
I said nothing. "ANSWER ME!" She was furious. I trembled and covered my face with my hands. I was afraid if her for the first time. I began to cry.
She gasped. "Peridot oh my stars no. Fuck. I'm so sorry I-i  didn't want this I promise. Please don't be mad at me I'll never do that again okay?" She hugged me. I hugged back. "I'm a bad friend. I should leave." Lapis had tears in her eyes. I held her face and closed my eyes. "I'm sor-
I kissed her. "Don't be. It's fine I'll trust  you." Lapis looked at me shocked. Then she hugged me. More crying. "W-what's wrong?" She didn't stop to hug me. "I don't deserve you." I chuckled and hugged back. I wiped her tears away. "No. You deserve the best things in the world." I kissed her cheek gently. She blushed a bit. "I couldn't control myself. I promise I'll always love you." I smiled. "I'll promise too." We were silent, enjoying each other's company. Then we heard a knock. "Hey Guys it's me, Steven."
We went outside. He was standing in front of us with his ukulele. "You want to?" Lapis nodded. We sat on the ground. Steven started to play. "Come one Lapis. We're making music now."
I laughed at the memory. Steven chuckled. "Lapis sing about whatever you're thinking!" I smiled at her. "O-okay." She smiled nervously.

If I could begin to be
half of what you think if me,
I could do about anything.
I could even learn how to love.

I blushed. She noticed it and giggled.

When I see the way you act.
Wondering when I'm coming back,
I coulddo about anything.
I could even learn how to
love like you.

She smiled at both of us. Steven continued.

Love like you

Lapis smile disappeared. She began to sing again.

I always thought
I might be bad.
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
and I'm nothing like you.

She looked at me. I stopped to smile.

Look at you go!
I just adore you
I wish that I knew.
What makes you think
I'm so special?

She looked away. I sighed and started to sing.

If I could begin to do.
Something that does right
by you, I would do
about anything. I would even
learn how to love like you

Lapis turned her face to me. She was smiling a little bit again. I smiled back and continued.

When I see the way you look.
Shacken by how long it took.
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to
love like you

Love like you. We all sang.

Love me like you.
Lapis sang.

"Wow. That was beautiful Lapis." I said. Steven nodded. "Thanks. You weren't bad either." I grinned.
"Lapis now it's time to tell her." Steven said. "Wait what tell me?"
I was confused
"If the diamonds are going to attack us, I'll leave earth." I widened my eyes. "WHAT!?" She rubbed her arm. "Are you coming with me?" I gulped.
What should I say? I love this planet and my I love my friends but I love Lapis too. "I don't know what to say. I love this planet and I love you. Can't we stay here? We can protect the earth with our friends!" I tried to change her mind. "I don't want to fight Peridot. I did fight for too long."
I shook my head. "You won't fight alone. Steven is here. The Crystal gems are here. I'm here." She sighed.
"I'm not a crystal gem. I'm nothing like you." Oh Lapis.

Ehm happy Halloween! Sorry I'm a bit late. I hope you had a good Halloween. So this book is almost finished. The next chapter is the last one. I'm sorry about my trash Bock hehehe....
I don't know if I make more fanfictions.


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