Chapter one

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"Alice!!" Yelled my step father all while slamming my door open. "What the hell are you doing in here?" He still yells also while slurring his words.

"My homework from school." I say blankly knowing if I get smart with him what will happen.

"Get the hell down stairs, NOW!!" He yells while leaving my room and slamming the door back. I would swear if he slammed it a little harder that it would break.

Ok let's go face this hell now. I say to myself to be strong and just get through the rest of these 3 years then you can leave. I walk down the stairs very slowly while looking around the house that seems empty just as I was about to calm down and walk firmly down the stairs I hear someone behind me I turn around and my mom pushes me down the stairs. "We said get the hell down there that's what we mean bitch!!" My mom yells at me. Don't cry, Don't cry, DON'T CRY!!! I tell myself.

I stand up to look at her and yea she's messed up again. "Go do the dishes and then go to the store we're out of drinks for you since your thirsty ass can't do nothing." She tells me and I rush over to the sink.

As I walk out of the kitchen I see the site I've seen many times before and wish I could unsee. My mom and step father making out. I walk over to the garage to get my bike since I'm only 15 I can't drive by myself.

I get to the store and go to the bathroom and take my shirt off. New bruises coming up from being pushed down the stairs hopefully tell be gone by Monday morning.

I finish getting the little drinks my bike can hold and I go back to my hell whole of a home sadly.

"Oh good your finally back since you took so damn long go to your bed room and don't come out." My mom said and I know it's coming again. Mom follows me up the stairs and I go into my room she yanks the door from my hand and then locks the door.

They've done this a thousand times. Locked me in my room for a week without food once finally they let me out. I finish my homework and go to my attached bathroom to take a shower and they've locked the second door there to but I don't care it keeps me from being abused.

I get dressed and look in the mirror at my back before putting my shirt on you can see where each step hit me on my back and stomach and even my legs from he force I was pushed.

I lay in bed and go to sleep ready for the day coming ahead. Hopefully I won't have to deal with them much I have a phone but it's charging and I ain't got nothing else to do and it's about 8:30 now so good time to go to bed.

I wake up screaming from the horrible nightmare I realized was actually reality.

My mom comes barging in my room and slaps me across my face for yelling for no reason. "If you yell again I will beat your ass you hear me?" I nod and she's leave locking the door behind her.

I was so exhausted and hurting from bruises and where she slapped me I just went back to sleep.


I woke up about 6 pm hungry a little but I know if I was to get up and work out I would be fine.

I get into my work out clothes that sadly show the bruises but I work out to get to be fit and one day get to get away from them and take care of myself.  My workout is about an hour or so long and it really helps. To be one of the girls who are abused I have a firm six pack and biceps and triceps that are like guys and I could knock out a person with one hit.

I finish my workout and get changed back into regular clothes and wait for my so called parents to come and make sure I haven't ran away from home again like last time which ended up being the thrown in the basement and not let out for nothing and only have bits and scraps off the floor they threw on the ground.

They finally open my door and tell me I can come out and that there leaving. They leave and I get tired of sitting in my room and go for a walk. There's this really cute boy that lives beside me that I kinda have a crush on but I never talk to him he had a girlfriend and I sometimes watch him through the window on the east side of my room when he gets out of the shower and I stare I'm not gonna lie.

I laugh at the thought and put a jacket on. And start walking down the road. I start to turn the block when my uncle calls out to me from down the road. I turn around and look at him. I love him but I just don't like seeing him.

"How's your mom and step dad doing?" He asked me. "Fine I guess I haven't been around them much why?" I ask and he rubs the back of his neck. Somethings wrong. "What is it Uncle Rob?" He looks at me and back at the ground before he thinks how to say it. "Your mom and uncle are no longer on the run they are being put in jail right now." I look at in shock my greatest wish but nightmare at the same time is happening I sit down on the side of the rode and start crying. But not tears of sadness but happiness and fear together.

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