Chapter ten

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Authors note: there is sexual continent in this chapter if you would not like that just read until you see "BEEP" thank you for reading my book.


I walk into the front door and close it behind me. "How was your study session?" My aunt asks me and I turn around to meet her eyes. "Good, he kinda throw me in his pool whenever we were finished so I had to change into his close so his mom could wash mine. He said he would bring them over here tomorrow." I said sitting down at the table with her as she eats some type of salad.

"Does he know anything about your parents or any of that?" She asks me concerned look in her face. "No not yet I like to be a normal teenager. I will soon ok. What about my parents have you heard anything about them?" I ask her.

"Well your mom is going to be in there a while because she has some extra charges on her than your step father. He should be getting out soon and he's saying he is going to try to fight for custody over you. If it is up to me tho. You will never see him again. But we will need your word in court. You may or may not have to show them the bruises and cuts he has left of you." I nod as she is saying it, then her last words catch me. "How do you know about the bruises and cuts?"

"Oh honey, it's not my first rodeo. Why would a teenage girl want a punching bag and get up early every morning to punch it? It's because your trying to gain some more strength to put beat them. Plus why is a 15 year old girl also only 75 pounds. I mean by god you look healthy but your weight saids other wise honey." I nod and tears start to come out of my eyes.

I get up and go to the kitchen wiping my eyes. I grad an apple with peanut butter and go back to sit down with her. I cut up the apple and scoop out some peanut butter to put on it.

"See you eat healthy. That's why you look healthy." I nod. "When is the court going to be brought together? I want Dalton to come to. Is that going to be ok?" I asked because he the only friend I have here. "In probably two weeks. Your step feather gets out in one week tho. So always look over our shoulder and carry this with you." She slides a metal object near me. It's a pocket knife.

"Why would I need this?" I ask her. "So if he comes up to you and tries to touch you in any way you will have some sort of protection over yourself." She tells me and I nod saying ok to her words.

I finished my apple and went upstairs to go take a shower, but first I sit down on my bed taking in all of the nice smell of Daltons cologne. Then I pick up my phone and text him.

Hey, I had a wonderful time today hope we can do this again.

I put my phone on my bed and go to the bathroom and strip out of my clothes.

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I walk into my bedroom and go to my closet to get some of my shorts and a t shirt. I find a pair of shorts but I just put Daltons back on. It still has his smell to it.

I pick up my phone and he's texted me back. I can't really remember how I got his number but somehow I did.

Hey, I did to. Sorry about your clothes there in the washer now and should be good by in the morning.

I smile while reading his text and laugh to myself. He thinks that me getting wet while he threw me in the pool is his fault. Well it is kind but still I wouldn't of rather it any other way so.

You don't have to apologize it's fine. It was fun, but sometime this week I need to talk to you about something.

I wait for a reply and turn on the television.

Ok what about tomorrow afternoon after my football practice? Your house?

Yea ok sure, it's a done deal!!! 😊

Lol I gtg. I will talk to you in the morning. Goodnight 😘🌙!!!!!!

Goodnight 😘💤!!

I roll over and put my phone on charge and turn off the TV. I cut off the light and get under neath my covers of my bed. How did I go from being abused and hurt every day and stalking the most popular boy in the whole school to actually talking to the most popular boy in the whole school.

I smile to myself as I'm thinking of how this could change my future from what bI thought my future would be.

I roll over and fall into a deep sleep.


My alarm is cut off by someone sitting on the side of my bed. I turn my head to the figure I have not yet realized was someone I most likely never wanted to see a day in the rest of my life. I try to scream and I can't. There's something over my mouth.

I look at my alarm and it isn't reading he right time. I look out my window and it's still dark outside. I try to scream again and he puts his hard hand over my mouth telling me to hush. I want to but his hand but I can't. I can't do anything I am completely tied down. I'm helpless. I'm still in my bed but I can't move anything.

He smiles his crooked smile down at me and gets off my bed. "They kept your mother and let me go. She was my fuck buddy. And well since she is gone I guess you will have to do with your nasty ass." He slowly is takin off all of his clothes. He comes over to me. He has his penis looking at my face and he slowly takes his hand and starts to move it up and down. And he is slowly getting harder and harder and then he lets out and loan noise and rips off the tap and replaces his penis in my mouth. He gets onto of my body and starts to fuck my mouth and I feel very nasty. Then I feel a nasty liquid come out and go right down my throat.

I cough as he is pulling his dick out of my mouth and then puts the tap back on my mouth. Then he rips off the bed covers and I realize as I look up and down my body the only thing that I strapped down to the bed it my arms. He looks up and down my body with a kind of hungry look and then takes my pants in his ruff hands and yanks them down to where my feet are. Then he does the same with my panties. And the whole time I am trying to scream and I can't.

He looks up at me. "Don't worry I know I'm your first." Then he winks at me and I start to cry as I am so helpless. How could I let this happen to me. He puts his dick near my entrance and I start to cry and he takes his hand and slaps me so hard my whole face goes numb and I can't do anything anymore.

He pushes himself into me and I try to scream as the pain hurt so bad. I look down at him as he is just enjoying taking advantage to me. Then he try's to go deeper and he is as deep as he can go but that doesn't stop him he pushes and pushes until it feels like he is in my stomach and as he's is doing this his hands are roaming my body. Grabbing any and everything that he can. He found my boobs within the dark and started pinching and grabbing them and I try to push away and he goes further and grabs harder and then I feel it.

The same nasty moist liquid that came out in my mouth is now in my body. I squirm under neath him as he is laying on top of me. He looks down and he feels proud of himself. "That will be all for now. Don't worry my darling I will be back tomorrow night to and he next until I can't come no more be ready. If you fight against me it will be even worse and don't try to tell anyone either. Or your little friend Dalton will be here with me next time I come." He smiles and then goes and puts his clothes on and leaves.

I finally get my arms undone and get the tape off of me. I can't believe one of the best days of my life turned into me getting raped in my own bed.

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