Chapter fourteen

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Still in Daltons POV

This piece of shit!

This piece of shit did something to her!

"What the hell did you do to her you piece of shit!"

I swung and swung and swung until all I saw was red. This piece of shit!

Then everything stopped nothing mattered for a moment.

Where did Alice go!?

I stand up from a crouched position looking at the -still mysterious- man. I run out to my car and she's not there. I get my phone.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Yes this is Dalton Riggs, there has been a break in at **** ** street. Come right away thank you!" I hung the phone up. Got into my car and drove over to my house.

I run inside and she isn't there.

I go back outside without answering my moms questions. I look up Amelia's phone number. I call her.

"Ugh what the hell! Who is this you better pay for a damn carpet cleaner to clean this wine up!" Is how she answers the phone.

"It's Dalton do you know where Alice is?" I yell over the phone taking a sharp turn out of the neighborhood. "What the fuck no!" She answers and I hang up. I try Alice's phone and then I realize her phone is beside me.

I smash on the breaks and grab her phone. It doesn't have a password, I go to her messages and there's an unknown number. I look into it and there's text messages of her naked body asleep... I have to find her now!

I rack my brain for anywhere she might be and then it hits me!


I run through the woods and come to it. I hear her crying still. And screaming. I walk up to her and she then jumps away from me. "Babe its ok it's just me." I say sitting down beside her.

"I found your phone and kind of beat the shit out of that guy and called the cops. But I hate to say there probably going to need to talk to you. Since you are the person that caught him in there."

She starts to cry more and I pull her to where she is almost on my lap and her head is on my chest. I start to rub her head and back.

"It's ok let it all out."  I tell her and she sits up. "I guess I do need to go to the cops." She said trying to calm herself down. I don't know how I just want to be there for her and I don't want to push her to do anything.

She slowly gets up and I jump to my feet to help her as well.

We get back to my car and I start to drive to the police station. While driving she lays her head over my cup holders, all her hair falls over it in all directions.

"Here watch out." I say to her when we stop at a red light and I move the cup holders upwards. So she can lay down flat. She moves up towards me and lays her head on my leg right by the steering wheel.

"Is this ok?" She ask in her small and shaking voice. I nodded and smiled looking down at her.


Once I pull into the police station she is asleep and I'll tell you she is so cute. I get a picture of her and put it as my lock screen. She is so pretty.

I slowly shake her awake and her eyes flutter open as she looks up at me. "We're here sweetie." I tell her and she sits up fixing her face. Which isn't needed.

"Baby girl you look beautiful!" I say to her and grab her jaw to turn her head towards me and kissed her lips. "Awe thx! And I'm sorry about the crazy day!" She said. I just look at her. "Everyday with you is great!" I tell her and kiss her once again.

We get out of the car and walk into the station. "What is it that I could help you with today?" Said the lady behind the desk. "I may have a little evidence about the man that Dalton Riggs called in today. And he is the same man that broke out of jail.

They nodded and told her to sit down. They would call her back in a moment.

We sat there for about 20 minutes and then they called her back. But when she got to the gate she turned around to look at me. They closed the door and she was gone.

In less than 10 minutes the door opened again and the cop called my name "Dalton Riggs?" I stood up, "Yea." "May we have a word while Alice is back?" They ask and I nod following the cop to the room.

"Please sit down and we would like to have a talk with you about Alice, what would you like to drink?" "Um Dr Pepper." I tell them and they leave.

The door opens and then the sheriff comes in with some papers in his hand. "Hello Dalton, I hear you are now with Alice am I right?" I look up at him with a confused look.

"Yea and how did you figure that out?" I ask him feeling insecure. "She was talking about you and it turns out that last night, this man, that is or was her step father came into her home and raped her. Was she acting weird?"

I feel like my heart is broken. I get up and pace the room. I punch the wall and the sheriff stands up. "Yes She was acting weird. She didn't let me pick her up from her house today, she started crying and ran away when she saw him, and-and there was a picture that was sent to me." I feel so fucking stupid!

"Ok well son we will need you to sit down for a minute and then we will be able to let you go." I sit down to listen to the man.

"How much and how long have you known Alice?" He asked me. "Not very long and not a lot why? What happened?" He puts his head in his hands.

"Your girlfriend needs some help and support because she has just told us that she has been abused ever since her mom got with this man. We would like for you to stay with her. 24/7 and not leave her side. Can you do that and take her to this doctor to have her checked? We will let her know that we have done talked with you."

I nod and look down. That's why she doesn't ever want to talk about her childhood or anything really about her. I feel so bad. I wish I could be there for her. "I can and I will. Can I- could I go and see her now?" I ask standing up to go to the door.

"Yes and thank you young man. You are going to be her hero!" He tells me while opening the door. We walk down the hallway just as she is walking out of the room and I walk as quick as I can to her and grab her. I kiss her forehead and pick her up and start to cry about what all she has been through.

"I'm so sorry! I know everything now and I am so sorry." I try to not touch my bloody knuckles on her hair and I pick her up. I sit her down and kiss her lips so many times I can't keep count.

We walk out of the police station knowing that both of us have each other's back.

"I'm staying at your place tonight, is that ok?" I ask her and grab her hand. She just nods and lays her head on my shoulder.

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