Chapter six

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I just stopped in the middle of the hallway and sit down aside the lockers and just sit there and just think I don't pay attention to nothing until I hear the bell ring and I'm so far away from my class. I hear a door to a room open and then someone steps out in front of me.

It's Dalton, the only person here that is actually partly my friend until he realizes I'm not worth his popularity and leaves me. Just like everyone else.

"Alice what's wrong?" He crouches down in front of me and then grabs my hand to put into his hand. "Do you wanna go somewhere private to talk? I don't mind." He ask and I nod and he stands up to get ready to walk. I stand up and walk beside him.

We walk up a flight of stairs and into another empty room. I didn't even know about these rooms up here and in that room there was more rooms. We walked into one of those rooms and he locks the door behind him.

"For privacy nothing to worry about." He said I as was looking at the door knob. Like he would need to lock me into a room to get someone to fuck him. I mean he is like his schools fucking god. Which I mean every school has that one dude but...

"So now will you tell me what's wrong? I'm your friend you can tell me anything, that's how friendships work." He saids and I take a deep breath and tell him what all had happened.


After I finished he was pacing the room at a pretty fast walk and rubbing the back of his neck. "Why would she want to go after you?" He just stopped in front of me and placed his hands on my legs. I look at his hands and start to blush.

"I-I-I don't know." I stuttered with my words. "She should want me, not you. I'm the one she'll always want. Damn-it why the fuck did I even date that fake slut?" He questions himself and takes a seat beside me on the desk. It's been about 39 minutes since the bell rung and we still haven't went into our math class.

"Do you know what we're doing in math right now?" I ask him to try to take his mind off of Kenzie. "I'll just ask Austin, you know who he is right?" She saids and I just shake my head. I've heard of Austin but I've never thought about meeting him or paying attention to see exactly who he was. "Austin's another football player." He said and I laugh.

"What's so funny?" He saids and I shake my head. "I knew Austin was a football player silly, I just don't know which one he is." I tell him and he laughs to. I again just pay attention to his smile and laugh. He really is this schools like god.

We stop laughing and look at each other in the silence. "You want to go ahead and join the class again since we've done missed most of the day?" He ask and I nod my head and jump off the table.


We get to the class and walk in right behind each other...
....bad idea as we walk into the class the whole room goes quiet for a minute and then races with rumors and more ideas of who I was and what we were doing while not in class.

"I found her Mr. Robin." Dalton tells the teacher and I take a double look at the teacher and then back to Dalton. He cane after me for class. That's so sweet I swear.

I walk back to my seat an right before I sit down Dalton grabs my arm and pulls me to the back of the class to sit beside him and the teacher comes back to us with some sheets of paper.

"We are working on homework on page 178 numbers 1-45 due tomorrow. These are the notes, also you can work with a partner." He glances between me and Dalton and just smiles. Leans off the desk and pushes off of the table we are sitting at.

My leg starts to shake as I think of what  the teacher was thinking when he looked between us. Dalton sits his hand on my leg and stops it from shaking.


The class is very quiet and I feel something stab the side of my leg and I look down to see a note folded in Dalton's hand. I look down at the small piece of folded up paper and read it, it said:
What's wrong?? Your shaking...
He's actually caring about me. I was so shocked I almost never answered the note but I finally did with:
Nothing just teacher was acting funny min ago... do you know what it was about??
I gave the note back to him. He smiles. The teacher is nice but strict and doesn't allow talking in class but allows class partners which I find very strange.

Later I feel the note being poked to my leg again and was knowing what it was I reach down and grab it from his hands. I unfold it again and read the new part he left me on the note:
Would you like to come over to my house after my practice is over?? I would drive you home afterwards or whenever your ready to go home.

He's actually asking not trying to kidnap me. I quietly debated weather I should say yes or no. I want to but what if it leads to something more than just talking so I'm kinda worried. I slowly and hurriedly wrote down yes and slipped the note to him again.

I watched him out true corner of my eye and I saw his eyes perk up and a smile as big as ever form on his face. This could end in two ways:

Very very good at the end
Very very bad at the end

Either way we'll have to wait and see. I know I ain't ready for either way.

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