Chapter eight

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He pulls off the main road onto a small dirt road and stops his car and turns it off. "We'll have to walk from here." He tells me and he gets out of the car and comes over to open my door and I step out of the car. We start to walk down the dirt road. I see why he said we have to walk from here. The dirt road gets very very small.

We walk for like a mile or two it feels like it. We left the dirt road like 10 minutes ago and I think I see where we are going.

I'm changing POV now!!!!

Dalton's POV

I am taking her here because I feel something between us. She may not feel it to but I want to show her how much she means to me enough to show her this beautiful place I have found.

We walk through the bus through path I have made over the last 3 years I have been coming here. We get through the entrance.

I turn around to see her face when she sees it. "I-I-it's so beau-beautiful." She stutters and I laugh she's cute whenever she is shocked and can't speak. It's the same way I feel around her some times.

"Do you like it?" I ask her and smile. She stairs at my smile like it's the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. "It's wonderful how did you find this place."

This is a little spot onto if the outskirts of town that you can see absolutely every house and street and then the sunset behind it all it jut all ties in together.

"I started coming here about 3 years ago when I first started football. It calm my heart down and gets me through ruff days like today with Kenzie and all that crazy stuff. You know?" I look over at her while she's looking at the sunset and her eyes are just sparkling and well she's the prettiest thing I've ever seen.

I'm glad I found her when I did. Something bad has been happening to her over there in that house beside me. I've got to find out what all has happened.

I walk her closer to the edge of the hill top and wrap my arm over her shoulders and let her lean into me. That's the best feeling a man can ever experience. I smile like I'm still a little kid in a high chair while his mom is feeding him.

"You like it? It kinda takes away all your worries." I say after a while in silence and she has closed her eyes and was taking in all the sun. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she looks up to me and smiles. "It's beautiful." She tells me.

I smile and copy her. It's almost twilight outside. "You ready to go so we can get those 45 problems done before it's to late?" I asked her and she nodded and we started walking back the way we came. "Thank you for bringing me here." She saids and I smile knowing it made her happy.

"Your welcome." I tell her and smile. She stops and turns towards me, she wraps her tiny little arms around my body and squeezes me as hard as she can and that's not that tight. I laugh and lower my body to be about even wrap my arms around her waist, hug and pick her up to squeeze her and she laughs and yells.

"Please!!! STOP!!!!!!!!" I dropped her on the ground and start laughing. "What was that for?" She ask and playfully hits my arm and I laugh. "You squeezed me first."

"C'mon you little girl and let's go get this math homework done."


We finally got to my house and I park the car in my driveway and go to her side and open the door. "Thank you, are your parents home?" She ask me and well I wish they weren't. "Yea..." I told her and she nods.

We walk up to the door and she's looking at the car in her driveway and I turn around to ask her why it was there but when I turned around she was hiding behind me. "What's wrong?" I ask her and she just keeps looking at the car with the scariest look on her face.

"Nothing can we please get in the house before they see me." I nodded and start to speed walk towards my house and open the door and she rushes into the house and I walk into the house.

She turns around with the saddest face on her and I can see in her eyes that she is upset and scared. I wrap my arms around her and she just drops to me weak and sad.

We pull apart and I start to less her upstairs to my room so we can start on our homework.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was that? Why did you get so upset?" I ask her after we get to my room. She looks at her feet and then back at me.

"That black car looks like the last one that snatched me up, I just... I don't want it to happen to me again." She saids kinda stuttering here and there.

What does she mean???

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