Chapter tweleve

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I get to class right before the bell rings out. Everybody's eyes are on me and... Kenzie. She was right behind me the whole time. Ugh it sucks to share first period with her.

I go sit down at my seat and start to take the notes. The teacher isn't in yet but as soon as the door makes a noise everyone silences.

"Goodmorning everyone!" He saids.
I am just waiting for 5th break to figure out what all these nasty soulless fools of high school are saying about me and Dalton behind our backs.

It's fifth period and I'm waiting outside. Finally I see her come out of the door. "Hey, so where are we gonna talk? We can go to my car so no 'nosy ears' here us." She was talking about Kenzie and I nod. She walks down the steps and towards the parking lot.

"Have you ever vaped? Oh and would it bother you if I did?" Amelia ask, turning around to look at me and wait for my answer. "No I've never vaped and well I wouldn't mind trying so no." I tell her and she smiles. She unlocks the car and motions for me to get in.

I slip into the car which smells like fruit berries. As soon as we get in the car she leans down under her seat and pulls out two stick like objects and hands one to me. She puts the other to her mouth, once she pulls it away she blows out the smoke and coughs.

"Oh shit, I forgot you haven't ever done this before." She laughs and I smile a little embarrassed. "Ok well, put it to your lips," I do so, "then press this button and stuck on it," I do so and as soon as I do, "now blow the smoke out." She said and I start to cough.

She laughs. "Ok since you now know how to do that, ima tell you about all these rumors." She saids doing the vape once again. I try as well and this time I cough a little less and I'm kind of proud of myself.

"Well I think it started from Kenzie herself but, there's a rumor that Kenzie caught Dalton outside your home getting ready to pay you for sex. And when she caught him he broke up with her. For you. And well so on y'all aren't together but he frequently pays you to go to your house and have sex or 'dirty hour' with you." Her phone dings. "Oh god and it's gotten worse!" She said with a shocked and scared look on her face.

"She just sent this picture to Dalton and her best friend!" She saids turning the phone around and shows me. It's a picture of someone sneaking into my home while I am upstairs getting dressed when I got out of the shower. It was taken LAST NIGHT!

"Omg She is such a fucking stalker!" She yells taking a long swig off the vape. I do the same multiple times. "Look I believe you girl, with whatever it is that your excuse is but I feel like someone is gonna want some explaining. It's not me but you know who. Which is coming now!" I turn around and Dalton is making his way to the car.

"Can I keep this?" I ask her about the vape. She nods and sticks the other under her seat where it was and gets out of the car. A cloud of smoke follows her.

I get out and look up to Dalton. "What the hell Alice?" Dalton looks down to me and I bust into tears. Amelia has suddenly disappeared and I'm just crying.

"I can explain!" I say over and over again. "I just won't-" I try to calm down and tell him but he stops me by pulling me into a hug and not letting go. "Alice it's ok, calm down you can explain to me today at your house. I know you have an explanation." He saids without letting me go.

I slowly calm down and dry the tears off of my face. Just the photo itself brings back the worst night of my life. I can't even explain how it felt. 

"Look I'm taking you home today, that's it. On the way home we will get food and then you can explain. Ok?" He said while we walk to the bleachers. We sit down and he pushes me to him when I sit with space between us.

"Are you happy about Friday?" He ask and that changes my whole mood and I freak. I don't even have anything to wear! "Yea but I don't have anything to wear! And I don't have no friends to help me either!" I said running my hands through my hair.

"Look," he stands up and pulls out his wallet, "take my card and go pick out anything you want and then before the end of today find Amelia and get her number and then y'all go out tomorrow or Wednesday. Deal?" He looks at means hands me his credit card. "No I can't take your money.

"Alice, your my girlfriend now. I'll do anything for you!" He said shoving his card in my hand and I blush. "Ok." I say and laugh putting it in my purse.

"Look go find Amelia now and tell her about your plans." He stands and holds out his hand for me to get up. He puts his hands on both sides of my face and kisses my forehead. "Now go!" He said pushing me to go down the bleachers and then he goes and gets on the field and I pull out my phone.

I have 15 minutes to find her and then get her number. I run to her car and I'm so happy she is sitting inside the car vaping. I knock on the window and she jumps and hits her head on her car window turning around. She rolls the window down.

"Ouch fuck! Oh Hey!" She said taking a hit from the vape. "Could I get your number and do you have anything to do Wednesday?" I ask going around her car and getting in and taking out the vape. "Give me your phone and nothing really. Maybe going swimming." I nodded as she tells me. Handing my phone to her.

"Could you come dress shopping? I need a second person to tell me on what to choose." She hands me my phone and her contact name is "Amy (B*TCH) 😎" and I laugh.

"Nice contact huh? And yea sure why not, whose your date?" She saids and I laugh doing the vape once. "You'll never guess who!" She looks at me and the bell rings notifying us that free period is over. "No fucking way! Your in deep shit girl, and I like it!" She high fives me and laughs.

We get out of the car and go into the building and say our goodbyes. I can't believe that's how it feels to get a friend!

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