Chapter nine

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We sit on his bed and I can't stop shaking. He looks over at me in deep thought while studying my face. He opens his mouth to say something but he doesn't say anything.

I stood up and walked over in front of him and he looked up at me in confusion. "Look," I said sitting in the floor in front of him, "I know I just flipped you out, out there. But I promise you that when I'm ready to tell you what I meant I will." He nods. "Just give me some time." I tell him and he stands up as I am.

"You did but I understand why and where your coming from. I'll just let you tell me when your ready." He smiles his million dollar smile at me and I feel like I'm going to melt. Then he walked closer to me and hugged me putting his head on top of mine.

"Thank you for understanding me." I tell him and he laughs. "You to." And we both sit down on his bed laughing.

"Do you need any help?" He ask me and I shake my head. "Are you done? We can go do something else if you would like." He saids and I smile.

"You can choose. It's your house I'm just the guest." I nudge him with my elbow and he acts like I shot him with a buckshot bullet. He stands up rubbing his arm and turns around towards me.

"Your dead!!!! RUN!!!" He yells in a joking way and I laugh and get up to run down the stairs. His long legs catches up to me quickly and he picks me up over his shoulder still running.

He runs out of the door and into the backyard then... SPLASH!!!!!! My vision goes blurry and my ears are filled with water as he jumps into his underground pool.

I swim up to the break of the water for breathes and find him still under the water. I watch as he's about to service the water and I go behind him he starts to turn around and I push him under the water.

I swim as fast as I can to the side of the pool to get out but I was to late. As I am about to pick my body up onto the deck something grabs my ankle and pulls me under the water. I come up and I hear laughing and I look up.

There he is... standing on top of the deck laughing. He's soaked and... laughing about it. He reaches his hand down and I take it. He lifts me up with ease. And we head into the house to dry off.

"You don't have any clothes here. I'm so sorry. Your going to have to wear mine." He saids with a smirk on his face. We walk up the stairs back to his room and he goes to the closet. He comes out in nothing but under wear.

I want to turn around to show him some privacy but he looks so good up close. I can see every little marking on his body, his six pack, his sharp V-line, and his back muscles that just make you want to go fan girl crazy, it's literally like your looking at a god.

I'm snapped out of my thought when there's a knock on the door. He doesn't look to worried that he is in a room almost naked and in front of a girl. I would be flipping out.

He walks over to the door and opens it. His mom looks back and forth between me and him. "I'm not getting in the middle of anything. Am I?"

He looks back to me and then to his mom. "Nah I was going to get her some close and I am about to change." He saids and his mom just nods and leaves the door without saying another word.

He walks back over to his closet and throws out a pair of Nike sweet pants, a short sleeve Nike shirt to go with them. He turns around towards me. "Do you need any... um you know panties?" He said uncomfortably rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh no this will be fine. Thank you." I tell him and stand up. "Where is your bathroom?" I ask right before I walk out the door. "MY bathroom is over there." He points to a door on the other side of his bedroom and I smile thinking about how much I just humiliated myself thinking he didn't have his own bathroom.

I step into the bathroom and it's like a ray of reds and blacks. He had a beautiful black floor and red walls. His shower curtain is red at the top and fades into black. He had nice taste.

I sit my clothes on the sink and start to peel off my wet clothes. I get down to my panties and bra and there's a knock at the bathroom door. "Here's a bag if you want to put your wet close in. It's getting pretty late and I wouldn't want to keep you out to much longer." Dalton saids through the door. I smile to myself. "Thank you." 

I hurry and throw on his sweats and his shirt and open the door. He's sitting on his bed fully dressed, sadly, playing on his phone. I put my clothes in the bag and walk over to him.

"You ready to go?" He ask and I nod shyly. He sits up slips his shoes on and opens the bedroom door. His mom is in her room across the hall and she yells to you "Bye!!!" As your walking down the stairs and Dalton rolls his eyes.

"Do you want me to walk you home or would you rather me drive you home?" He ask and I think for a moment. "Walk." I tell him and he opens the front door and we're walking down the street.

"I hope you had fun today." He said as we're walking. I try to hold back a toothy smile but I can't help it. "Yes I had the best time ever. I haven't been able to hang out with people for, um, forever." We both start laughing at my 'fake studding' I did.

Finally we are in front of my house and he is walking me up to my house. Right before I get to the house he stops me. "Alice?" Dalton saids.

"Yea Dalton?" I say back a little curious. "I'm glad I decided to message you." He saids and before I can say absolutely anything else I'm wrapped into a big hug. I can feel the warmth coming off of his arms. I let myself take in all the warmth.

I laid my head down in his chest and just then. For just a little bitty moment. It felt as if this was were I was suppose to always be. And I just I felt complete.

We pulled apart and he smiled down at me. "I'll see you tomorrow ok?" I nod and watch as he leaves my front yard before I go inside.

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