The Difference

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After Chanyeol had cleaned up Sehun's left over breakfast, he slipped on his shoes and made his way outside.

Chanyeol arrived at the bus stop just in time for the bus to get there. He pushed himself on, through the many people getting on as well.

As soon as he got on, he looked for someone in particular.

He searched for bright white hair, having to bounce a little to see over over a few people. He was tall though, so seeing over the sea of people wasn't too difficult.

Once he spotted the blonde, a smile crept it's way onto Chanyeol's lips. He felt his heart pick up speed as he approached the smaller male, but as he got closer, he noticed the distant look on the younger's face.

He stopped pushing through people as he observed the smaller. He'd never seen Baekhyun like this, in all the days he's watched him from afar. It was a new expression and it made Chanyeol's stomach twist.

At this point, Chanyeol was too caught up in staring at Baekhyun that he didn't know that he was staring. Baekhyun, on the other hand, felt the sense of being watched. The fact that he felt uncomfortable as he stood there, made him snap out of his daze and glance back.

As he made eye contact with Chanyeol, he felt a fuzzy feeling in his chest.

Chanyeol internally jumped when Baekhyun looked back at him. His eyes widened and he flinched back. Baekhyun had caught him staring and Chanyeol's face flushed.

Chanyeol almost choked as he sees Baekhyun make his way towards him. Chanyeol's hands get sweaty and his heart races. Chanyeol barely noticed the blank expression on Baekhyun's face, but at that moment he payed no mind to it.

Baekhyun was approaching him and he was freaking out.

His mind was racing and his stomach tightened. Chanyeol wasn't sure why he was reacting that way. Maybe he's coming down with some sort of cold or something. Maybe it's just too crowded in here. Maybe it's just-

"Hey." Chanyeol jumped back, looking down and seeing Baekhyun right in front of him. He didn't even notice how close the smaller had gotten.

Chanyeol stayed quiet, not exactly sure how to get any words out of his mouth.

"Do you wanna like, hang out, sometime?" The question was abrupt, yet simple. The two haven't talked at all since they met and yet Baekhyun is asking to hang out?

Chanyeol was shocked, but his body responded by nodding.

"Okay, cool." Baekhyun said as he reached out for Chanyeol's hand.

Currently, Chanyeol was too shocked to do anything, so he let the smaller do what he wanted. So, when he felt the latter's soft hand hold his, he felt his chest flutter.

He was too obsorbed in watching Baekhyun's face, that he didn't see the younger pull out a pen from the pocket of his grey jacket and scribble something on Chanyeol's hand.

Chanyeol's cheeks burned a bright red as Baekhyun caught his eyes when looking up at him.

"There. When you get the chance, text or call me. I'll save your number and we can plan a date." Baekhyun said, his hand lingering on Chanyeol's as he puts the pen back into his pocket.

Chanyeol's throat closed up at the word 'date'. He glanced at Baekhyun's face then at their hands and stared.

Chanyeol needed to calm down. He didn't know why he was reacting this way towards a seventeen year old student. Chanyeol was an adult with a job and a home. He can't get himself wrapped up with a highschool student.

He only meant to stop the bullies, but he instead got himself stuck in Baekhyun's problems. He can't get all giddy over a seventeen year old. It would be awkward if the two of them went around claiming to be friends when there was such a gap between them career wise.

Chanyeol had no problems with Baekhyun himself, but Baekhyun's social stature was the real issue. If Baekhyun was a businessman of Chanyeol's age, then Chanyeol wouldn't care. But, he had to think about his future and his reputation with his job.

"Hey, did you hear me?" Baekhyun asked, looking into Chanyeol's eyes, giving Chanyeol's hand a squeeze.

But dammit, it was hard to say no.

"...Yeah, uh, I'll text you you." Chanyeol barely whispered. Chanyeol looked into Baekhyun's eyes, a weight lifting as he now noticed the disappearance of the dark purple splotch that was around one of Baekhyun's eyes.

Instead, it was now a nasty yellow-green color. The color of healing, Chanyeol guessed.

After getting the response he wanted, Baekhyun released Chanyeol's hand and shoved both of his in the pockets of his hoodie.

After that, the two just sort of stood there. It was awkward and the bus was filled with quiet chattering, so their tense atmosphere was on the brink of engulfing them.

Damn, if Chanyeol had only come up with an excuse for why he shouldn't take Baekhyun's number, he wouldn't be choking on the air around him. And if Baekhyun wasn't so damn.... Baekhyun! Then maybe Chanyeol wouldn't even be on this bus!

Chanyeol began to boil with anger. Not because of Baekhyun. Of course not, but because of how stupid he is.

Chanyeol will admit he's not the smartest at times and getting himself tangled up with Baekhyun was one of those moments.

He lets out a mental sigh.

You know what, this may all be for the great or good.

The bus soon pulls to a hault, the bus jerking a bit, but everyone seemed more prepared for it this time than before.

Baekhyun, who was holding onto the bar (which Chanyeol didn't notice), let go and began to make his way off the bus.

Chanyeol only watched, not really knowing what to say.

And just like that, Baekhyun is gone.

And, just like that, there goes all of Chanyeol's plans for the day.

Yeah, that's right. His plans had to do with Baekhyun. And now that he's gone, he doesn't know what to do.

Technically, Chanyeol didn't execute the plans himself, he instead stood there, while Baekhyun did majority of the work.

But, Chanyeol didn't plan on being asked out. Well, to hang out, rather. What he had in mind was much more shallow.

He just wanted to talk to the blonde again, check up on him and ask about the bullies. But he didn't really achieve any of that. Though, he was relieved to see Baekhyun's black eye faded.

Chanyeol let's out a sigh and decides to let the bus take him as far as its route goes.

When it had become well into the night, Chanyeol waited at the bus stop that Baekhyun usually gets on, the stop after Chanyeol's.

It had become a routine that Jongdae was their evening driver, since Jongdae covered night shifts.

Usually the two weren't alone, but two or three other people didn't make much of a difference. Especially when Chanyeol would bore holes into Baekhyun when he stared.

Chanyeol flushed as he now realized how creepy he may have come off as, but he was sure Baekhyun didn't notice him.

The bus had arrived but Baekhyun was no where to be seen. Chanyeol would be lying if he said he wasn't the least bit worried.

He let out a sigh and tempted to board the bus, but got interupted.

"I wouldn't expect Baekhyunie to be on the bus for a while, if I were you." Chanyeol looked back, seeing the two who bully Baekhyun.

He hasn't seen the two since he confronted them.

"What do you mean?"

"Today, after all, is a special day for Baekhyun."

The Bruised Bus BoyWhere stories live. Discover now