You Too

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It's strange how life works sometimes. At least, Baekhyun thinks so.

Right as he was in the lowest points of his life, when he realized that he likes Chanyeol just as much, and that his family will be forever shattered, he just so happens to run into Sehun.

Which, off the bat, may not sound like much of a revelation, but it's the start of fixing his life.

Baekhyun was riding the bus, to no place in particular. At least, that's what he keeps telling himself.

He had a discreet mental debate on whether or not he should show up at Chanyeol's work.

He's come to the conclusion that avoiding Chanyeol until the end of days is not going to work and is, at this point, trivial.

Chanyeol's appearance had become seldom in Baekhyun's life and Baekhyun was on the verge of breaking.

He kept telling himself that these things he's feeling are just crude emotions like guilt and loneliness. Two things he knows can be fixed with the clarification of his relationship with Chanyeol.

"Hey... Sehun-hyung." Baekhyun called out, mentally hissing at himself for making himself known.

The taller male turned around. His eyes catching Baekhyun's.

"Oh, hey." Sehun greeted as he smiled softly at the smaller male before him. His hand let go of the bar he was holding onto so he could face Baekhyun properly.

"Why are you on the bus?" Baekhyun asks, actually wondering why Sehun is here instead of Chanyeol.

"Oh, that over-the-top roommate of mine started using his car in high demand suddenly, leaving me to ride the bus so I can get to class." Sehun rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.

Baekhyun felt his stomach turn. Chanyeol taking his car means he's probably avoiding the bus. Avoiding Baekhyun.

"I'm pretty sure he caught the love-bug and while I'm not someone who knows those types of things, he makes it kind of obvious." Sehun muttered out quickly.

Baekhyun's ear perked at the phrase Sehun had just said. 'Love-bug' had somehow irritated Baekhyun. Who gave Chanyeol the 'love-bug'?

Baekhyun then began to think of his birthday. The unfortunate day he rejected Chanyeol.

"Anyways, what are you doing on the bus? You've graduated, right?" Sehun asked, cocking his brows as he peered down at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun wasn't sure how to respond, "Uhh..." He was fighting internally. His mind wanted to lie while his body wanted to say something else.

Sehun gave Baekhyun a strange look, not quite sure if he broke the smaller, "Uh, it's not that important. You don't need to an-"

"I'm going to see Chanyeol!" Baekhyun blurted, cutting Sehun off and gaining unwanted attention from others on the bus.

Sehun blinked.

Baekhyun fell silent as he felt the heat rise from his toes to his hair.

"Um, okay. Cool. You uh, have fun with that." Sehun said, not quite sure what he did to Baekhyun, but he can tell the younger is acting strange.

The two fell silent and Baekhyun was mentally beating himself up. Why did he have to be such a social screw up? He always manages to make things awkward.

The rest of the ride, even Baekhyun admits, was hell. He couldn't tell if it was because of the heat he felt from embarrassment or the excruciating awkwardness.

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