Chapter 4 Part 1

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          Since I was feeling determined after my meeting with Hugo and Daniel I threw myself into finding out everything about Roderick and his routine. By the following evening I was getting ready to follow through with a plan that would most likely get me killed, but seeing as I have felt dead for years, it wasn't nearly as cautionary as it should have been.

          The black lightweight dress I wore was backless with a bow tied at my nape. The dress was modest but tight enough to accentuate my curves. Wearing my hair short tended to emphasize my angular jaw and long neck, so adding big curls helped soften my features. After watching a tutorial video online, I applied a soft palate of makeup that made my eyes look bigger and innocent. With everything put together, I shook my head at the image in the mirror.

          "This better be the right choice because I can't do sexy lingerie model," I told my reflection. The plan was hinging on the hope that a vampire might want to take a chomp or romp with naivety for a night. Taking a deep breath I walked out of the bathroom to grab the keys Hugo had delivered with my new vehicle. Taking my bike would not be helpful with the image I was trying to portray tonight.

          My apartment was a trendy new development on a street that had mostly older looking houses converted into apartments designed with local college students in mind. It was a nice two bedroom with a jacuzzi tub, hardwood floors, and a private deck. But I rented it for its open kitchen decked out in stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. It was a quiet complex, I assumed because it was too expensive for college students. Since I didn't make time to meet my neighbors it wasn't a surprise when they looked at me like a stranger in the hallway. A frigid looking woman gave me a polite nod and two young businessmen coming in as I was leaving gave me appreciative smiles. I started to think that I may have a chance, which put a proud smile on my face. The expression felt alien and probably looked a little crazy to others.

          Activating the new key fob when I hit the parking lot led me to the right vehicle Hugo had purchased and delivered with money from my retainer. If there was a chance I may not live to see the end of this job I was going to try to enjoy some of the money now. So with a deep set grin, I eyed the shiny silvery Mercedes SLK55 AMG Roadster. As my hands roamed over the opulent interior the tension in my body melted away. I set the GPS built into the dash of the car for one of Roderick's bars that I had read about. Apparently, this was one of his guaranteed stops when he makes appearances at his establishments.

          In the parking lot, I stayed in the car to inspect the bar, the exterior was unspectacular in every way. I couldn't even find a name or sign signifying it as a place of business. Chopper style bikes lined the wall facing the street, while the parking lot behind the building held various types of vehicles. Once out of the Roadster I expected to hear music or noise coming from the building, but it was ominously quiet. In addition, I couldn't feel any power signatures inside the building even though all of my information said that Roderick would be in there tonight. Doubting myself I tried looking into the dark tinted windows but not even neon beer signs hung to illuminate the place. The clacking of my heels echoed off the broken asphalt serving as a haunting reminder that the dive was on the outskirts of town on a rarely trafficked street. I was really hoping I didn't have to fight in a dress tonight.

          Unfortunately, when I opened the door the noise and power hit me all at once as if contained in some type of mystical Tupperware. The combined effect made me stumble a step back before I could compose myself, hoping no one noticed, I stepped inside. Thankfully the entryway was off in a dark corner of the bar allowing me to check out the dimly lit interior without being spotted by the occupants. There was a smoky haze throughout the bar and classic rock music thrummed from a jukebox to the side. But the power was thick in the air filling what felt like all the available space in the small area and not just vamp power either, there was shifter power here as well. It made the place pulsate with a wild, vivacious energy.

          My heart surged in response to the power, almost as one, every supernatural in the room turned their eyes to me. Averting my eyes, I saw the bartender behind a worn u-shaped bar to my left. With a nervous smile, I walked towards the imposing man behind the dingy bar. As soon as his eyes meet mine I knew he was a shifter and his bulk as human spoke of an even larger predator in animal form. His raised eyebrow was surely indicative of his curiosity. I was hoping it was my deliberate pace and demure appearance he was curious about and not how my flesh would taste in his animal form.

          "Can I help you with directions?" His tone held condescending laughter. I made my way to the bar, sitting down on a generic vinyl barstool that squelched when I put all my weight on it.

          "Well, that is awfully kind of you," I said turning on my long-suppressed southern accent. "But I am meeting someone here shortly."

          His laughter echoed off the barren walls as many of the customers returned to their drinks and conversation. Before everyone's attention had focused on my entrance I had spotted Roderick at a large table towards the pool tables at the back of the bar. He appeared to be seated with a few vampires, the blond lover Hugo spoke of, being one of them. Seeing her almost made me turn around and leave, logic stating that if he was here with a woman it would be harder to gain his attention. This place was patronized almost exclusively by males, something I had anticipated to use to my advantage.

          "Are you sure about that?" the bartender's question brings my attention back to him. "You're not the type to meet a man here."

          I give him my best meek smile eyeing the bar nervously.

          "I think you're probably right about that," I admitted. "But this is the address he gave me to meet, so I think I'll just wait here at the bar for him."

          Roderick had been watching me since my entrance to the bar. To make sure I didn't let my body language give me away I completely submerged myself into the character I was playing. So I cut off the ability to sense all of their power signatures, trying to be just a nervous human in a foreign place. The bartender was no longer looking at me suspiciously but more like a foolish girl.

          "Well, in that case, what can I get you to drink sweetheart?" he asked leaning into the bar with his arms crossed, which made the muscles in his tanned forearms bulge.

          "I'll take a cranberry and vodka," I told him with a beaming smile like he had just saved my day. It was the girliest drink I could think of that he might have the ingredients to make. A far cry from my regular scotch and soda.

          "You got it," he said with a smile. Walking away to make my drink he shook his head, probably with laughter, and I noticed his auburn hair fell around his ears in much need of a trim. Silently, I wondered if shifter's hair grew faster than humans. Being in this bar surrounded by so many supernatural creatures felt like I could fill the outside world with all the things I didn't know about them. Aside from killing them and at the end of the day, that's all that mattered in my world.

          Despite the dust and a few mysterious smears, there was still a good view of the rest of the room in the large mirror behind the bar. Fortunately for me, the myth about vamps not having a reflection was just that, a myth. In the mirror I was able to see that Roderick's attention was still mostly focused on me, much to his date's obvious annoyance, he had yet to return to the table's conversation. When I saw him trying to meet my gaze in the mirror I busied myself by putting my purse on the bar. The bartender arrived shortly after with my drink, giving me something else to do with my hands.

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