Chapter 23

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Silas took me through the house to a side of the estate I was previously not shown, after going through several corridors we entered a large foyer where a few people lingered and mingled. To the side were two large engraved double doors. Through the opened doors there was a large ballroom. Music played softly as guests laughed and socialized with drinks in hand. I searched the crowd for a familiar face and failed.

"I need to double check on some of the security protocols," Silas stated.

"But you said you would stay with me," I hated the whine in my voice. Silas gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Let's get you some food, you should be starving," he said as he led me to the left side of the ballroom where a long table was laid out with food. I was starting to think this was an evasion tactic with Silas, whenever I became upset with him he would feed me. As we approached I spotted Aerial and sighed with relief, returning the smile she gave me.

"Hey guys," she greeted us. "Doesn't Aisling look totally hot, Silas?" Aerial asked.

"That she does, I will see you two shortly," he said as he walked away.

I grabbed a plate and proceeded to pile food on top of it.

"Why did they only give us such small plates? Are we not supposed to be hungry, did I miss the dinner or something."

"I think it is to pick out the socially retarded amongst the crowd," Aerial said good-humoredly as she pointed out the several people were gawking at me as I pigged out.

I gave a shrug, "Fuck 'em. I'm hungry." After a few moments of eating, I paused, "Isn't there supposed to be dancing at a ball?"

"Yes. But everyone waits until the host arrives, speaking of--" Aerial trailed off as Roderick entered the ballroom.

A hush fell over the crowded room as he entered, Roderick looked amazing in his tux, which fit him impeccably and accented his well-built body. But my approval turned to irritation as I noticed an equally impeccable Rakel latched onto his arm, smiling one of the fakest smiles I had ever seen.

"What a fake bitch," I heard Aerial mummer under her breath. I was shocked and pleased to hear the girl's estimation of Rakel. I was about to comment but then Roderick's attention was on us as if he heard the Aerial. He first shot her a look of silent chastisement then his eyes fell on me. Roderick halted his progression into the crowd and just looked at me, his eyes covering me from top to bottom.

"Man if he keeps looking at you in the same way you were devouring that buffet Rakel is going to chop off his balls," Aerial said breaking the moment of our locked eye contact. Roderick once again gave a disapproving look at the girl but she just stuck out her tongue in response. We laughed as Roderick shook his head, however, Rakel's look of venom had us turning around to flee which led to us literally running into Declan. I couldn't feel his power signature which had me relieved but it sure made it easy for him to sneak up on us.

"Oh if it isn't my favorite fairy," Aerial squealed wrapping Declan in a fond embrace.

He looked equally fond of the girl wrapped around him as he returned her embrace. I must have been gawking because Declan separated himself from Aerial though she kept her arm wrapped in his.

"Does Aerial's endearment surprise you Aisling?" Declan asked, his smooth baritone caressing my ears.

"Yeah you didn't seem that gay when we spoke before," I said, smirking. The look of shock on his face was so priceless that when Aerial started to laugh loud and obnoxiously I couldn't help but join.

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